Chapter 376  

Chapter 376   – Kebineng VS Tian Yu

July 17th .

Kebineng and his 12,000 riders reached East Linyu Fort . They stopped to check the fortification that Xu Huang had built for Tian Yu .

Horse traps, spike walls, trenches, and two-meter tall walls stopped Kebineng from having a silly idea . These setups aimed to disable any cavalry attack and force all invaders to use infantries .

Kebineng learned from his past mistakes . He did not want to siege a city by dismounting their best weaponry, the horses .

’Should I go for Linyu County?’


Kebineng hesitated . He wanted to go for the county, but they would be up against 10-meter-tall mud walls instead of 2-meter-wooden walls .

The answer was clear . Kebineng had to deal with this fort to steal supplies, or else, they would not have enough food to return home .

Kebineng made his mind .

"Fire attack . Get torches and any flammable material . We’ll burn this fortress, so we can draw the garrison soldiers outside . We’ll fight them in the open . "

His aide disagreed, "Shouldn’t we attack Linyu County? At least, we can rob Han’s people and plunder from the town folks . "

"I agree with you, but we don’t have a choice . Our force is only good on open field battles, but we won’t have a chance against the Hans if we fight in siege warfare . These cunning people always cower behind the wall . "


"Then, I shall relay the order . "

The riders returned to rest and gathered materials from a nearest hill and forest .


July 18th .

Kebineng’s 12,000 soldiers each had a torch in their hand . All riders charged at the nearest wooden structure, traps, and barricades to burn them .

The flame ignited, and all spike traps, horse traps, and small fences were burnt . A few riders attempted to throw their torch at the wooden wall, but they fell short .

All of them rallied back and watched the traps on fire .

Half a day later, the defenders did not move out from their fortification . However, Kebineng could see their movements on top of the wall .

Several soldiers were arranging weird carts and lined them toward their horsemen . At a glance, it looked like ballistae, but they lacked bowstrings .

PM .

The flame died down, and all traps were clear from Kebineng’s path .

A battalion of a thousand soldiers brought planks to cover trenches while another force pushed a battering ram forward .

The battering ram was a decoy to get the defender force’s attention . His real attack was still a fire attack .

Once the preparation was completed . Two sacrificial battalions rushed forward with their planks and battering ram . As Kebineng expected, the garrison archers unleashed their arrows at them .

"Charge! Throw the torches at the wall! Burn it down!"

The remaining 10,000 riders rushed forward with another wave of the torch run .

Once they got to the range of 300 meters before the wall, strange sounds and white smoke came out from the top of the wall .




Long arrows came out from the weird carts in succession . Within five seconds, one of them fired over a hundred arrows at the horsemen .

On top of the walls, there were over 30 carts, which rained over a thousand arrows in an instant . Combined with the defender archers, which numbered about 5,000 on the wall, the arrow wall terrified Kebineng and the Xianbei light cavalries .

Ten thousand arrows rained onto the horsemen . Even though they had anti-arrow leather armor and silk cover, they could not escape this many arrows at once .

Before they could reach a hundred meters in front of the wall, 3,000 chargers fell down in one volley!


,000 Riders threw their torches at the wall and retreated from the wall . During their withdraw process, the archers on the wall did not stop shooting at them . As a result, another five hundred riders fell .

The battering ram reached the gate, and the survivors of the battalion began hitting the wooden gate with it .


A jar of lamp oil hit the wooden log . Afterward, a defender returned the favor by throwing a torch of their own .

The battering ram caught fire, and the 500 survivors of the battalion retreated along with the riders . As for the plank squads, they had completed their jobs and fell back to regroup with Kebineng .

,000 Soldiers remained after the attempt to take down the wall, which they had half-succeeded . Flame spread on the short walls, and the defenders were busy trying to extinguish the fire .

Kebineng squinted his eyes to observe the garrison forces’ reaction . The weird carts had been carried down away, and all soldiers seemed to have abandoned the wall .

Realizing that the enemy had abandoned their defensive walls, Kebineng had a high hope in this raid .

PM .

The sun almost set, but Kebineng had not finished yet . He was waiting for the wall to collapse .

"All units, get on your horse and get ready . We’ll charge into the fort once their wall is no more!"

As Kebineng had predicted, the two-meter-wall collapsed in the next five minutes .


All 8,000 soldiers rushed into the fort, hoping to fight the defenders on the ground, which they had the advantage . All of them brought out their spears, blade, and their heirloom to this battle .

Half a minute later, the first battalion breached through the collapsed wall section and got inside the fort . As soon as the troops entered, the thousand-man commander of the force shouted in panic .


Inside the fort, there was another layer of fences, trenches, and horse traps . Behind the defensive structures, watchtowers, siege towers, and over 5,000 archers stood ready .

Rain of arrows showered on them in an instant, which wiped out the spearhead team .

The second battalion could not stop the charge on-time . Another group of horsemen entered the fort and got slaughtered as well .

The third and the later battalions managed to stop after they heard the loud commotion and the anomaly . Kebineng ordered a full-retreat this time .

"This won’t do! Come back! Regroup and fall back, now!"




Tian Yu watched the invaders retreat with a sigh . He did not like his performance today .

He used the hwachas very late because he did not understand their usage . By the time he could use it, the enemies already burned all of the outer barricades .

Tian Yu also could not bring all hwachas to use on-time . He only used 30 of them instead of all 50, which he was disappointed .

Then, he planned to trap Kebineng Army in his fort maze and wipe them out so that the threat would be eliminated for good .

Unfortunately, the execution was too hasty . Tian Yu could have drawn more troops inside the second layer block before he signaled the arrow shower . Also, their reaction was fast enough to avoid the maze inside .

Within the East Linyu Fort that Xu Huang had constructed, there were five layers of the wall . Each layer served as a decoy and a disguise for another layer inside .

On the first layer, it was arranged as a standard trap field to defend against a raid from horsemen . Since they were up against barbarians, which excelled in horsemanship, they would be a food had they not prepared to fight against cavalries .

The second layer was a wither-maze . Another line of palisades hid the third layer, but arrow towers behind the walls were the second layer’s weapons . Archers boarded the towers, and they withered down the invaders .

Between the first and the second line of walls, they limited a pathway into blocks and sections . Each area was a 100x100 meter block area, which surrounded by both walls and horse traps . There were small paths for garrison soldiers, but they could be covered with a little adjustment with the barricade spikes .

The third trap was the killer, but Tian Yu could not use it today .

"I didn’t think that they would give up just like that . "

In Tian Yu’s evaluation, had Kebineng continued using the fire tactic to burn them or used fire arrows, he would have had a headache .

Tian Yu did not know that Kebineng lacked supplies because of Xu Huang . The Xianbei did not have enough arrows to use in combat anymore .

"Men, repair the walls, and replace the traps! Tell half of our men to rest now . Have the rested guy change shift when it’s midnight . Keep watch and prepare for a possible night raid!"


Kebineng was in a bad mood .

,000 Men were with him this morning, but 5,000 came back alive .

Secondly, had he had more arrows than the current stock, he would have used fire arrows instead of torch throwing . With the lack of supplies, it hurt him in this battle .

Kebineng was angry, but he was sane enough to know when to quit .

"Tell everyone, we’ll head home . "

"We’re not raiding them again, my liege?"

"No need . We lost enough men while we haven’t been able to kill theirs . The result is obvious now . "

"... Yes, my liege . "


July 20th .

With Kebineng’s absence of activities, Tian Yu and Zhao Yun began searching for this Xianbei’s traces .

They found their trace, which a group of 3,000 to 5,000 horsemen had already moved toward the north a few days ago .

After both of them reported this matter to Tong in the clan chat, a new order came .

Tong: "Xu Huang’s Silver Axe will remain in Xiangping for now . You will keep watch on Xianbei tribes to the north . Do not invade the east or the north on your own . I don’t want to cause a war with the Koreans . "

Tong: "Zhao Yun, you will form a new legion in Beiping! Gather all former white riders of Gongsun Zan under your wings and stand by for orders . Until you managed to get 10,000 men from former Gongsun Zan’s men, I won’t allow you to be a legion commander yet . "

Tong: "Tian Yu, you will station in Ji City as the garrison commander . You will protect Ji City for now . "

Tong: "Zhen Yi will return to Zhongshan, and Wang Yun will go back to Nanpi . As for governor of Ji Beiping, and Xiangping, I’ll arrange personals to handle it later! For now, the three commanders will handle the task as a deputy governor until further notice . "




The matter about Gongsun Du and the northern tribesmen had been solved . However, the issues about Xiongnu was still present .

At the end of July, Tong mobilized his forces again . This time, Lu Bu led 50,000 men into the western territories, crossing mountains into Xiongnu’s lands .

Ding Yuan remained in Jinyang to guard the headquarter of their legion . Ju Shou and Gao Shun followed after Lu Bu to finish this enmity .

It was a counter-attack for the Han Dynasty against the Xiongnu Empire!

Tong gave Lu Bu another order . Until the Xiongnu Empire collapsed, he could not return to the Han Dynasty . All tribes under Khan’s rule had to either perish or surrender to them .