Chapter 369  

Chapter 369   – A Cruel Father

Liu Xie’s faction within Tong’s forces got weaker each day . With the news about Du Shi and Cai Wenji’s pregnancy, Liu Xie’s status as a crown prince was not that sacred anymore .

Han loyalist supporters switched sides to Tong’s side, abandoning the sinking ship without hesitation . Only a few elders who loyal to Emperor Ling remained as Liu Xie’s backers .

Although Liu Xie realized his shortcoming, he did not mind it because he was too young to care about politics . Also, Liu Ye and Zhang Min were beside him all the time, so he was never bored .

With Liu Ye’s coaching, Liu Xie and Zhang Min understood a bit of the general trends about the country .



January, 190 A . D .

Changes occurred . A messenger from Cao Cao snuck into Ye City and passed a secret letter to Liu Xie .

The content was too confusing to the child . Cao Cao simply informed him about the other provinces and the difficulty that peasants were facing . He pledged Liu Xie to help these people from the hands of the crooked politicians in the southern lands .

The innocent 9-year-old could not understand politic . Liu Xie ran to Tong with the letter and showed it to him .

Tong read the letter with a frown . Cao Cao tried to use a low blow .

’It’s a shallow move for someone like Cao Cao . What is he doing, a distraction ploy? Liu Xie manipulation? Trying to move Liu Xie south? Bah, what is this nonsense?’


Even Tong could not understand the meaning behind this letter, so he returned it to Liu Xie . Tong wanted to burn it, but it might hurt his son’s heart as it was his first letter he received .

"What is this about, dad?"

"It’s nothing . Cao Cao is now working for me, so he is probably seeking an insider’s aid for his military campaign . "

Liu Xie was taken aback, "He is planning for another war?"

"He is going to fight against Yuan Shao soon . "

"Then, he is a bad buy?"

"I can’t say he’s a bad guy . He’s doing this to protect the peasants and civilians . "

"By waging war?"

"Domination war . It unites the governance as one since all nobles refused to submit under others . "

"Can’t we issue edicts and stop the war?"

"We can, but we will only delay the inevitable . Warlords will pretend to follow our order for a decade or so, but they will reveal their true color once they obtain enough power . It’s easier to fight enemies in warfare than fighting invisible enemies in political infighting . "

Liu Xie got more confused . However, Xun Yu and Liu Ye, who was escorting them, had a stiff smile as they detected hypocrisies in Tong’s words .

In reality, Tong promoted political infighting than direct warfare, but he was teaching his son to wage wars rather than a peaceful approach .

None of the advisors understood what Tong was doing .

"I see . So you are trying to weaken all hostile nobles in the wars?"

"Yup, that’s about it . Those who submit to us will prosper, but those that resist will face doom . "

"What about the peasants and civilians?"

"Aren’t they migrating to our territories?"

"Right! They can simply move to us by themselves, right?"

"Yup . "

"Thanks, dad!"

"Haha, sure . "

Liu Xie ran back to his courtyard, so he could play with Zhang Min .

On the other hand, Liu Ye and Xun Yu glared at Tong, "You’re being evil just now, your majesty . "

"He’s not ready to handle the country if he comes to me every time he has a problem . "

"But why using this method, your majesty?"

"It was a trail for his future . "

"A trial?"

"If he’s capable and smart, he will understand that I was a hypocrite, and he will confront me about it in the future . If he’s too honest, he will hate me and think of me as an evil emperor, which I will celebrate if this happens . If he’s inept, our status quo will remain as it is, and he will lose in the next election in 11 years . "

"What’s the point of this trail, your majesty? Didn’t you want him to grow as a good successor? Why didn’t you teach him the righteous path?"

"Righteous path? No emperor or king is righteous . We all soaked our hands with blood . It’s a matter of times when Liu Xie will get his first baptism . Until his world vision turns grey, I’m not going to teach him the right path . As long as he still sees this world as a colorful place, he can’t be an emperor!"

Tong patted Liu Ye’s trembling shoulders . It seemed he was scared of Tong .

"If he wants to be an emperor, he must earn his qualification . If he can’t even bare fangs against an obvious evil relative, he is disqualified . How can I entrust my throne to him if he can’t discern right and wrong? At least, he should have the ability to judge people’s characters and question everyone’s hidden motives . What will happen if a random eunuch plant a false believe into him as I did just now? What will happen to our civilians if this scenario becomes a reality? Well, for now, he fails . "

Tong gave Liu Ye an apological smile, "Please guide my child, Ziyang . Don’t be afraid to teach him the hard way . Let him face with difficulties and obstacles, or he won’t grow . "

Liu Ye bowed and left in a panic . In his mind, he was astonished of how harsh Tong treated his son .

From Tong’s words just now, he hinted that Liu Xie might not be the only successor to the throne anymore . Adding the recent news about the concubines’ pregnancy, Liu Ye confirmed the reason why many officials left their faction .

’A strong leader must possess a natural charisma, and that charisma has to be earned, not inherit!’

Liu Ye also learned something from Tong . He rushed toward Liu Xie, planning to explain everything to him .

Xun Yu, however, agreed with Tong’s words . As someone who was raised to evaluate warlords and governors, he understood how important the discerning skill was . Without it, he could have been fooled by any random passerby .

Still, Cao Cao’s letter was an issue .

"Your majesty, about Cao Cao’s letter . I think it’s a mind game . He probably wants to sow discord between you and Liu Xie . "

"A discord? That letter?"

"Yes . Since your expansion goal is Ji and Xiangping Commanderies, you will mobilize north . However, Cao Cao wants Liu Xie to head south, so it will conflict with your interest . "

"Ah, I get it . "

Tong closed his eyes as he simulated scenarios if he and Liu Xie were at odd against each other . Once it happened, Cao Cao would have room to infiltrate into Liu Xie’s supporter faction, which he might be able to rein the group under his hands . When the plan completed, Cao Cao would be able to influence his officers from the inside, and the political infighting would be more intense than the last year .

"He really wants to weaken me, doesn’t he?"

"I believe so as well, your majesty . Also, Cai Yong reported that he hasn’t received Cao Cao’s order since last month . He wishes to know if we should feed Cao Cao more intel . "

When Cai Wenji became Tong’s consort, Cai Yong and she ratted out Cao Cao, who planted them here as deep moles . As they became Tong’s relative, they did not want to sell out their family .

Tong was shocked by the revelation . He was also relieved that he was lucky to take in this Cai family under his wings . Had he not taken Cai Wenji as his wife, Cai Yong might have caused some damages to his foundation .

As Cao Cao and Pu Jing had suspected, Tong countered Cao Mengde by making Cai Yong his double agent, feeding Cao Cao with mixed true and false info .

Unfortunately, the plan showed a bad omen . If Cao Cao stopped sending exchange letters, something might have gone wrong along the line .

Continue thinking for a while, Tong revealed a cold smile .

"Do we still have any official that is on a good term with Yuan Shao?"

Xun Yu’s eyes sparkled, "We do! I get it . We ally with Yuan Shao, right?"

"Indeed . Let’s make things a bit more difficult for them . Also, we should tell the Silver Axe to attack Xiangping this year . "

"Of course, your majesty . I’ll handle these at once!"


February, 190 A . D .

Three letters arrived at Qiao City . One from Guo Jia, one from Cai Yong, and one from Liu Xie .

Cao Cao read all message scrolls in glee, feeling excited about the news .

Guo Jia’s messages were as usual . He had recruited Mi Zhu and other former officers under Tao Qian, and they agreed to join Cao Cao once he attacked Xu Province . All enlisted men had private troops inside all major cities, which they promised to open the doors for him .

Cai Yong’s letter informed Cao Cao about Tong’s plan to mobilize north this year . The Silver Axe would march from Beiping to Xiangping, while Sima Fang’s police forces from Zhongshan will probe the Ji City of Budugen . Also, the Red Hare Legion of Lu Bu would launch a full-scale attack into Xiongnu’s territories .

As for Liu Xie’s letter, he thanked Cao Cao for informing him about the people’s crisis . Unfortunately, he did not have enough power in the court, so he could not do much to help . Liu Xie also asked what he should do to help Cao Cao in the future .

Finished reading all reports, Cao Cao laughed as he smacked his knees .

"Liu Xie, you innocent fool . "

Cao Cao typed into the clan chat, informing all contents of the letters to his relatives and Cheng Yu .

Cao Cao: "What do you think?"

Cheng Yu: "Cai Yong’s info might be true this time . Since it involves a grand scale mobilization, he won’t be able to lie about this . "

Cao Cao: "I meant, what do you think of Liu Xie?"

Xiahou Dun: "A foolish prince . "

Xiahou Yuan: "He’s just 9! What do you expect?"

Cheng Yu: "Liu Xie can be used . Please get on his good side and support his faction . He will help us in the future . "

Cao Cao continued grinning, but Pu Jing foiled his mood again .

Pu Jing: "It’s too early to conclude Liu Xie’s cooperation . Unless we can talk to him face-to-face, this info is useless . He just thanked us as a courtesy, and there’s nothing else to interpret in this letter . "

Cao Cao rolled his eyes and shut the clan chat window . He did not like this former premier anymore .

Pu Jing’s plans hampered his growth, and they had failed many times . Also, his status as an immortal was a threat to his absolute rules .

’I wish I have a similar power to him . If we can obtain lifespans and guardian spirits as he does, I won’t have to be afraid of him . ’

As Cao Cao was fantasizing how he had superpowers, he heard an archaic voice from behind him .

"Do you want power?"

Cao Cao turned around in a hurry . Upon seeing an old man with a white robe, he drew a sword from his belt .

"Who are you? How did you get here?"

"My name is Zou Ci . I’m in charge of managing this world . Say, child . Did you say you want an immortal power?"