Chapter 302  

Chapter 302   – Khan’s Previous Life

April 20th, 185 A . D .

Xiongnu Army continued to expand into Han’s territory . They captured the former city of Han Sui, Jincheng, and Wudou County, the city south of Tianshui .

Also, Li Ru and Hua Xiong brought the head of Dong Zhuo to pledge allegiance to Khan . They met him at the west of Anding County while Khan and his men were marching east, aiming to conquer the rest of western China .

Li Ru and Hua Xiong were shocked when they found out that Khan was as young as Tong . Furthermore, he was also an immortal .

Unfortunately, they passed the point of no return . They had killed their lord, and everyone wanted to join the Xiongnu . Thus, Li Ru and Hua Xiong went through with the plan even though they hesitated .


When Khan found Dong Zhuo’s head, he laughed like a maniac for a whole 10 minutes .

"Ah, this is so rewarding coming back here again . I’ve never dreamt that it will be you two that kill him . Well, I welcome you to my league . For your reward, you shall retain your military position, and you can govern your legion as you were . "

Hearing the kind words of Khan, Li Ru and Hua Xiong bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"However, your laws and your domestic culture don’t work very well with us . I’m abolishing noble systems and your right to possess lands and people until I give you permission! As for your militias and your slaves, I’ll transfer them to my territory so they will learn our way before I send them back home again!"

Li Ru and Hua Xiong’s face changed . Although they expected some alteration in the government culture, they did not expect a drastic change .

The right to possess lands and wealth was their motivation in life . Without it, they did not know what reason they should work hard for their lord .


’He’s the same as Zhang Tong, a naïve dictator! Centralize your force and properties, then you will soon destroy your foundation . You can obtain territories, but you can’t manage it! Oh well, that’s not something I can say it to this young King . Dong Zhuo was worse than this . ’

Planning to reap as many profits before Khan’s kingdom crumbling down, Li Ru pretended to be a loyalist .

"As you wish, Your Majesty . "

Hua Xiong glanced back and forth between Khan and Li Ru . He read Li Ru’s motive and followed suit .

"We understand, Your Majesty . "


May 30th .

Khan and his Xiongnu soldiers reached Chang’An . He gazed at the city wall and clicked his tongue, feeling nostalgia .

"In my previous life, I tried so hard to occupy this city for myself, yet I failed . Now, I’ve occupied it as a Xiongnu when my other me is still a naïve fool in this world . How ironic . "

Khan closed his eyes, trying to recall the old memories .

Unlike the other reincarnators, he was not a person from the 21st-century . Instead, he was a person who had been born in this Late Han Dynasty .

The other him, who was a native, was also living here in this country as well . Unfortunately, Khan had not met this old him yet .

He was looking forward to crushing his past self .

To Khan, this was not a game, but a time traveling to his past .

"What’s wrong, Your Majesty?"

Turning to Li Ru, Khan grinned, "Nothing . For now, help me sort the people in Chang’An . I want to get rid of all Dong Zhuo’s royalists . "

After arranging all of his subordinated, Khan stared into a distance .

’Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, all of you backstabbing scums will pay for what you did to me! Well, Zhang Tong . I know you aren’t part of this world, but I’ll still kill you to end this stupid game!’

Khan’s eyes glittered as he calculated how he should do things from now on .


Liu Yang, the former eight-wing goddess, stared at the back of Khan with a bright smile . Although she had lost all of her power and her adult form, Liu Yang secured a path to survive in this world .

In Xiapi, a group of slave traders captured her and sold her to the Xiongnu spies . They transported her all the way north to Mongol, so they could tribute her to their tribal leaders to get achievements and promotions .

When she reached Xiongnu’s territory, a young man had already united all tribes under his rules . Surprisingly, he was also a reincarnator .

Using her identity as the former goddess and her knowledge, she received Khan’s favor and was promoted into the [Princess] of the tribe .

She had taught him about the divine power and the way to awaken wings, which Khan proceeded to bribe Lilim enough for her to activate the bloodline .

At this moment, Khan possessed four angelic wings!

Unlike Hua Shi or Jiang Man who patiently cultivated their virtue to 100% to ensure the guaranteed awakening, Khan was a gambler . He took his chances when each of his virtue reached higher than 50% .

From eight initial virtues that he had, he succeeded four . However, he permanently lost the other four virtues and would never get more wings in the future .

But that did not make Khan dejected .

With Khan’s previous life experiences and his former identity, he was confident that no one could match him in a 1-on-1 duel .


July 20th, 185 A . D .

Khan disregarded the domestic stability in his empire and continued expanding east . The mobilization order was issued, which caused Li Ru to sweat as it was too hasty .

"Your Majesty, it’s too early to expand east! We heard that every warlord is fighting each other to obtain land . We should let them fight to the death, and we should head to Yi Province instead . If we conquer Yi, we’ll obtain the natural defense from the mountains . We’ll also get into contact with our allies, Nanman Tribes, and Shanyue Tribes . "

Khan grinned, "Sooner or later, it’s the same . If we lose our soldiers, I can replenish them in a few months . Besides, we will never short on supplies . Why should you be worrying?"

The Xiongnu subordinates of Khan laughed . These people knew about Khan’s supernatural power .

"Your Majesty . Unfortunately, I’m still new, and I don’t know the inside information about your power . At least, could you please reveal it to us, so a humble scholar like me can put it in our strategies?"

Khan harrumph and peered at this old fox . He laughed in his mind and turned to Liu Yang, who was by his side .

"Goddess . Explain to him . I’m busy taking my men to Hongnong . I want both Hongnong and Luo Yang before the end of September!"

"Kuku, sure . Go do your things, Mr . God of War . "

Li Ru frowned at Khan’s overconfident attitude . It was different from the first impression when Dong Zhuo Army fought them as he thought that Khan was a military genius .

Liu Yang chuckled, "Don’t overthink, Mr . Poisoner . Our King is actually more competence than you actually thought . He’s been in this era once already . "


Just like what Khan had planned, his army routed Yuan Shu in Hongnong in August, which forced this Yuan Shao’s young brother back toward Wan Commandery . They proceeded eastward and drove Cao Cao forces out of Luo Yang in the next month with their overwhelming forces .

August 26th, 185 A . D .

Khan stood on the top of Hulao Gate after his army chased away all Cao Cao’s men in his new territory .

His forces suffered severe damages from Cao Cao’s new weapons, but Khan did not flinch . He traded his men without caring about the casualties, which forced Cao Cao into retreat .

In Khan’s head, he planned to continue marching out of Hulao Gate and pursue Cao Cao to Xuchang .

However, he had to rest until next year . Khan had to stop and cultivate more lifespans to continue using his power to multiplying his soldiers and his provisions .

From his calculation, he could rapidly expand again after two or three years of lifespan cultivation .

His eyes flickered and wavered, thinking about his past life .

His army retreated from this gate during the year 190 as his army lost to Sun Jian from the coalition army . He and Hua Xiong fought side by side, yet Sun Jian outsmarted them in the troops maneuvering, and they lost their camps .

However, they had brought enough times for Dong Zhuo to raze Luo Yang and retreated to Chang’An .

Khan looked back toward the direction of Luo Yang, where he made the gravest mistake in his previous life .

"I shouldn’t have killed you, father . I was a fool . "

He reminisced the old days .

In his previous life, he was born in this Late Han Era . He became Ding Yuan’s foster son and fought against Xiongnu tirelessly at the borders before he committed the mistakes .

He was invited to Luo Yang along with Ding Yuan . Then, he was enticed by Dong Zhuo into killing his foster father, the greatest mistake he had done .

From that point of no return, his life continued to sink into the abyss .

He ran from Chang’An after he failed to suppress Dong Zhuo’s remnants .

He sought help from Yuan Shu, but he left him to Zhang Yang .

He betrayed Zhang Yang and joined Yuan Shao .

Yuan Shao wanted to kill him, so he ran back to join Zhang Yang again .

Then he backstabbed Zhang Yang one more time and joined forces with Chen Gong, who used him as a weapon .

He stole Pu Yang from Cao Cao but lost them back afterward .

He sought help from Liu Bei, but he stole Xiapi when he had a chance .

He wanted to surrender to Cao Cao, but Chen Gong manipulated him into fighting instead .

Then he lost to Cao Cao . On the verge of becoming Cao Cao’s subordinate, Liu Bei influenced Cao Cao to kill him instead .

His life journey ended there .

Through countless years of suffering in Hell, Khan regretted what he had done in that life .

Standing alone of the top of Hulao Gate, Khan shed tears .

"Father, will you forgive me if I were to see you again? Will I be able to call you "Father" again?"

Khan’s previous life name was ...

Lu Bu .