The familiar voice was like a tranquilizer comforting her. Michelle slowly turned around, and she saw a familiar. It was as if she had found a life-saving straw when she was helpless. She threw herself into the arms of Leon and called "brother" with tears in her eyes.

Leon stayed squatting, held the petite girl in his arms, touched her head and said softly, "I'm here. It's okay."

"Brother, hug me." Michelle kept rubbing into his arms and tried to be more close to him. She longed for the familiar breath to wrap her up, so as to dispel the shadow that Tim forced her.

Hug could always transmit a gentle power. Sometimes a hug was better than any words.

"I'll hold you for the rest of my life." Leon held her in his arms until her breath gradually stabilized. She looked up and her hair was a little messy.

He gently combed Michelle's hair with his fingers, revealing her fair face, and then kissed her gently on the hair on her forehead.

"Are you hungry? I'll take you downstairs for some food. " Leon stood up and held her in his arms.


Michelle obediently leaned in his arms, rolled her beautiful

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ing at her red neck, Leon couldn't help but remember that someone had told him that girls usually used very hot bathing water.

'But her skin is so delicate. Won't she be scalded with such hot water?'

"What's wrong, brother?" Noticing that he was staring at her neck, Michelle raised her hand and touched it. Water drops from the tip of her hair fell on the back of her hand.

Leon pulled her out of the bathroom, "Why don't you dry your hair with a dry towel?"


"I forgot." Michelle really forgot.

Leon pulled her to sit on the edge of the bed. "Sit down. I'll get a dry towel."

With a dry towel over her head, Leon gently rubbed her hair and asked, "Why did you take a shower for so long? Did your left hand get wet? "

"No. I just don't want the wound to get wet, so it took me a long time to bath."

The white dry towel covered Michelle's eyes. She raised her head slightly, and Leon could only see her watery lips, like a beautiful flower waiting for him to pick up.

Leon lowered his head and kissed her.

He had wanted kissed her when he dried her hair for the first time three years ago.