When Si Moyan came in, he saw Gu qiaoyue bury her head in the quilt. He reluctantly walked over to open her quilt and spoiled her voice: "OK, don't bury your head."

Gu qiaoyue was pulled out of the quilt and stared at him with a red face: "it's all you -"

The whole hot spring and water bed are so soft that you can't even ride a horse.

"I said I would go riding with them."

Gu qiaoyue muttered that it was not how much she really wanted to ride a horse, but that they hadn't been together for a long time. After this time, she had a lot of things to get busy. It was estimated that she didn't have time to get together in half a year. It didn't work again.

Si Moyan picked his eyebrows and looked at Gu Qiao yuechong's drowning eyes with a smile: "do you want to ride a horse?"

Gu qiaoyue wanted to nod, but he felt that Si Moyan was wrong.


Sure enough, he saw him close up and said in her ear in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "I let you ride."

Gu qiaoyue was stunned. At the next moment, his face turned red and his hand slapped on his chest: "you... You... You..."

Si Moyan grabbed her hand, cut it gently on her lips, and said with a gentle smile, "but wait until the evening. You were tired last night. First eat something and then have a good sleep."

Sima Yan put a pillow at the head of the bed, sat her up and brought porridge to her.

Gu qiaoyue hurried to pick it up: "I'll do it myself."

Si Moyan obeyed her and handed her the porridge: "OK, come on yourself. Be careful. It's still hot."


Gu qiaoyue sat in the room drinking porridge. Si Moyan went out for a while. When he came back, he took several documents, sat on the table in the room and looked at them. From time to time, he signed his name below, and then looked back at her.

Finally, after he had read several documents, Si Moyan also finished his porridge. He came and took the bowl, and then helped her down again.

Gu qiaoyue was helpless: "you make me feel like a patient."

"Don't talk nonsense. Have a rest. I'll wait for you to ride in the evening."

Gu qiaoyue: "

What gentle doting, this is a devil!

"Well, I'm kidding you. Go to sleep."

Si Moyan smiled and rubbed her head. He got up and went out to deliver the bowl. After a while, he came back and continued to sit at the desk in the room to deal with things.

Although she slept late last night and tossed hard, she was really tired, but she couldn't sleep right now after eating. She was fascinated by the back of Si Moyan's work.

It is said that men who work hard are the most attractive, and Si Moyan, who works hard, is indeed full of abstinence.

Gu qiaoyue suddenly thought that this guy also slept at about the same time as her last night. Why can his spirit be so good? He got up early to get breakfast. Now he still has spiritual work.

"Si Moyan, aren't you tired?" Gu qiaoyue suddenly opened her mouth.

Sima Yan looked back at her, smiled and shook his head: "go to sleep."

Seeing Si Moyan still staring at him, he said, "do you want me to accompany you?"


Gu qiaoyue's conditioned refusal: "I'm asleep, you continue to work."

She quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

How dare she let this guy accompany her? According to his abundant experience now, it is estimated that she will be accompanied, that is, she will not be left with residue.

She doesn't want to stay here tonight.

I don't know when I fell asleep. It was afternoon when I woke up again.

The aching strength on his body has disappeared completely after this sleep, but his stomach screamed desperately. After Gu qiaoyue opened his eyes for such a short time, he has screamed for several times.

There was no Si Moyan in the room.

Gu qiaoyue got up and went out to find something to eat, but as soon as she got dressed, Si Moyan came in.

Seeing her get up, Si Moyan said with a smile, "is it better?"

Gu qiaoyue can't be mentioned. She blushes when she is mentioned.

She nodded with a red face.

Sima Yan said, "then pack up and let's go down the mountain for dinner."

As soon as Sima Yan said this, Gu qiaoyue's stomach shouted again.

Si Moyan spoiled and smiled. He went to get her clean clothes and said with a smile, "don't worry. You can eat down the mountain. It's ready."

They packed up and went down the mountain together. It took only a few minutes.

It's still the place where we had dinner yesterday, but it's not the same box. This box is much smaller than the box where a large group of people gathered yesterday, and the dishes served by the waiter are relatively light.

Si Moyan said, "you haven't eaten for a day. Just eat some. I'll take you to eat good food in the evening."

Gu qiaoyue didn't pay attention to what he ate. In addition, he was really hungry and ate directly.

The restaurant food of zhanye club is absolutely top-level. Even these light porridge dishes have a unique flavor.

Sima Yan looked at her and saw that her lips were stained with milk. He smiled and wiped her with a handkerchief.

Gu qiaoyue was stunned and let her move.

I don't know when she started. When she was in front of him, she always became a little child. When they were together, they didn't look like an old husband and wife. It seemed that they were falling in love every day.

Si Moyan said softly, "eat slowly."

Gu qiaoyue's face turned red again and lowered her head to eat slowly.

"What about them?" Gu qiaoyue asked after dinner.

At the same time, he took out his mobile phone, but found several missed calls on his mobile phone.


Gu qiaoyue looked suspiciously at Si Moyan. When was her mobile phone muted.

After turning over the phone, they didn't answer the calls. They were all calls from Si Liu to Yurou and others.

Si Moyan hurriedly said, "you're sleeping. I've called back. Si Liu's company went back early in the morning. He told Yurou that they were going to climb the Great Wall. They left in the middle of the morning. Others also went with them. It's estimated that they can stay in Kyoto for two days. You can make an appointment to go out tomorrow."

After listening to Si Moyan, Gu qiaoyue was more comfortable.

She called one by one and learned that they were still climbing the Great Wall. She won't come back tonight. She will come back tomorrow to go shopping with her.

When she hung up, Si Liu suddenly lowered his voice and asked her, "I heard that zhanye has newly developed a hot spring?"

Gu qiaoyue's face turned red for a moment, but he still nodded: "well, the newly developed one hasn't been put into use."

"I heard there was a water bed in it?"


Gu qiaoyue looked at Si Moyan and wondered how the news came out.

Listen to the phone, Si Liu over there said, "landlady, can you be accommodating and let us go in advance to enjoy it."