As the doll was caught, there were only some unimportant roles left in organization X.

After the threat was lifted, Gu qiaoyue began to run three times a day in the company, school and home.

However, no matter how busy you are every day, the time after dinner is reserved for Xiao jiu'er.

She and Si Moyan will accompany Xiao jiu'er to read some picture books, or play some games, or just play in the yard. Whatever they play, they can make their family happy.

In late June, the school began a series of examinations.

She had previously made an agreement with the headmaster that the exam would be taken together with all the courses that need to be tested in her sophomore and junior year, so she had to take many more exams than other students, but it was much easier than students looking for internships everywhere.

In mid July, all the exams to be taken were completed.


Although she didn't stay in school for a long time during the whole university period, her examination results were not poor. She was among the best in every class and easily got her professional certificate and graduation certificate.

Gu qiaoyue had no idea about the postgraduate entrance examination.

Her biggest regret in her last life was that she couldn't go to high school. Now, she graduated from college and achieved excellent results in all subjects. She has fulfilled her wish in her last life.

Because she has completed the course and internship, and because of her special status, the school has given her a certain flexible space, so she graduated with Si Liu.

After taking graduation photos together, the whole college career is over.

On this day, Si Moyan took the time to take Xiao jiuer to Kyoto University and watched Gu qiaoyue take photos with her classmates in her bachelor's clothes and cap. The smile on her lips couldn't stop.


Even Xiao jiu'er couldn't help clapping his hands and wanted to take care of Qiao Yue's Bachelor's hat.

Gu qiaoyue took off her bachelor's hat and put it on Xiao jiuer's head.

Xiao jiu'er happily stretched out his hand to touch it.

Si Liu, Cai Mengyao and Wu Xue, who have found an internship unit and come back from their respective posts to attend the graduation ceremony, hold up their cameras and shout to them: "Gu qiaoyue, stand up, and we'll take a picture of your family of three."

Gu qiaoyue quickly stepped back and stood beside Si Moyan for them to take photos.

Just before the camera shutter was pressed, Gu qiaoyue suddenly stood on tiptoe and printed a kiss on Si Moyan's side face.

At the same time, Xiao jiu'er also found her movement, reached out and hooked Si Moyan's neck, and kissed Si Moyan on the other side of his face.


The three men of Si Liu quickly pressed the shutter to record this moment and hissed at the same time.

Sima Yan looked at Gu qiaoyue with deep eyes.

The next moment, he pushed Xiao jiu'er's face to one side, hugged Gu qiaoyue with one hand, held her waist and forced her to stand on tiptoe so that he could kiss her easily.


There was another exaggerated exclamation, and many students looked over here.

Si Liu pressed the shutter excitedly.

When Xiao jiu'er heard the sound, he turned and looked over. Si Moyan had let go of Gu qiaoyue.

"Kiss one, kiss another."

"Kiss one..."

There was a roar all around.

Gu qiaoyue blushed and looked at Si Moyan with dissatisfaction. He took him to stand and said angrily, "stand well. This is my graduation photo."

Then he greeted Si Liu and said, "take it again. Take it seriously."

Cai Mengyao coaxed on the side: "why weren't you serious just now? You two are husband and wife. What are you afraid of?"

"Yes, another kiss." Wu Xue also laughed and coaxed.

"Kiss one!"

"Kiss one!"


Against the roar of so many people, Gu qiaoyueleng stood upright and asked Si Liu to take a group photo of the three of their family.

During the University, Gu qiaoyue was once a man of the moment, but she didn't stay in the school for a long time. At one time, the students only heard her name but didn't see her. Even so, the students of their current generation haven't heard of Gu qiaoyue.

Often speaking of her, she can talk with relish about Xiangyue, her entrepreneurial history, and how she transformed from a rural girl to the current boss of Xiangyue.

Especially in the first half of the year when they went out for internship, they realized the difficulty of starting a business and admired Gu qiaoyue. They could proudly stand up and say that they were the same students as boss Xiangyue.

In their hearts, she is a legend.

After graduation, other students left one after another, but one of the girls stood in front of Gu qiaoyue.

"Gu qiaoyue, can I interview you?"

Gu qiaoyue didn't stay in school long. During school, in addition to being familiar with Si Liu, they were familiar with Jiang Hao who came from Daqing.

She didn't have any impression of the girl in front of her, and she wasn't there when she took pictures just now.

"Who are you?" Gu qiaoyue asked politely.

The girl was a little embarrassed and quickly said with a smile: "I'm Xiao Xiaonan, a student of your first term, but I majored in journalism. After graduation, I practiced in Kyoto financial daily. Today, I came back to attend the graduation ceremony. I took the liberty to disturb. I wanted to ask Gu if I could accept an interview with our financial daily?"

The girl looked forward to Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue just hesitated, smiled and nodded: "now? It may not be convenient, but if it is a month later, I can cooperate."

Xiao Xiaonan didn't expect Gu qiaoyue to promise so readily. He was so happy that he almost screamed.

As an intern in the financial daily, she knows more about Gu qiaoyue than other students and adores her.

It's just that Gu qiaoyue has always been a dragon without a head. Caijing daily wanted to interview her many times, but she was rejected.

When she came back to attend the graduation ceremony this time, she specially went to Gu qiaoyue's major to see if she could meet Gu qiaoyue by chance.

But when I met her by chance, I was more eager to interview her, so I summoned up the courage to ask, and even planned to be rejected.

But unexpectedly, she agreed!

After the excitement, Xiao Xiaonan nodded hurriedly, and even the call became a respectful Name:

"Well, the time is up to you. You can interview whenever you are free. You can contact me in advance or I can contact you."

She excitedly handed out her business card, and her eyes were full of joy.

Gu qiaoyue took the card, smiled and nodded, "OK, I'll contact you then."

The girl nodded again and again, pulled her clothes excitedly, and said crampedly:

"Then I won't bother you. I'll go first."

The girl then ran away. After running for a while, she suddenly stopped, looked at Qiao Yue, and ran back with a red face.

She took off her bachelor's uniform, took a signature pen and handed it to Gu qiaoyue. With a red face, she said:

"Can you... Sign for me?"