"No, no, it's not easy for your mother to live, so I won't get involved."

He cunfang quickly shook his head, thought about it and said, "well, if you really want to do it, I have a watch brother-in-law who happens to work in the meat joint factory. I'll ask if I can get some meat at the internal price every day."

Gu qiaoyue nodded: "thank you first."

"Thank you. They are all a family. My sister has a good life. I can rest assured with housheng and my parents."

Wu Honglian said, "yes, although speculation is not good, but your situation is special. It's also good to make a living. Besides, you don't pay attention to speculation in the past two years."

Wu Honglian can follow Zhang Jingqi. She used to be a good family. She has studied and is a woman who resolutely follows the party.

In the past, it was shameless to speculate, but now, unlike in the past, my daughter divorced and two granddaughters have to go to school. There must be someone to earn money.


Her daughter has a strong temperament, which she also knows. It's OK to rely on her mother's family for help less times. If the times pass, her daughter must have a barrier in her heart.

The whole family supported it, and Zhang Peipei agreed without much thought.

Gu qiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief. It's good to be busy. Being able to make money can also distract Zhang peipeipei. He no longer thinks about Gu Dayong and his old family.

The next day, Gu Dayong left, and no one in the old Gu family dared to make trouble here.

He cunfang went to her sister's house. When he came back, he said he could help contact his workmates and find a way to get five kilograms of meat every day, which was a dime cheaper than the market.

He cunfang said clearly: "on the market, the internal price of their employees is one yuan and seventy-five cents. They said they would give you one yuan and eight cents. If you can succeed, you can discuss with your co-workers about more in the future."


Gu qiaoyue thinks the price is appropriate. At the beginning, five kilograms of meat a day should be almost enough.

Pancakes Zhang Peipei would have been able to. There's no need to teach this. Liangpi Wu Honglian would often eat them when she was young, so she taught them.

Although Gu qiaoyue will, she learned all of them after Zhang Peipei's death, and they were taught by Wu Honglian, so they didn't show up.

Two days later, I got up at two or three o'clock in the morning and was busy. I baked a hundred cakes, prepared about 30 cold skins, and went out with fried shredded potatoes, pepper, radish, cabbage and marinated meat.

On the first day, Wu Honglian was worried and asked Zhang housheng to follow.

Zhang housheng pushed the bike. He carried everything he could carry, and put all the things he couldn't carry on the bike.

Just after dawn, it was almost more than 10 a.m. when we arrived in the county city. We were busy cleaning up and setting up stalls.

magic When Gu qiaoyue's family was busy, the stall on the side asked curiously, "girl, what are you selling?"

Gu qiaoyue did not set up less stalls in his previous life. He was familiar with this. He opened his mouth and said, "when the cold skin meat bun and vegetable bun are sold out, uncle, come and eat a bowl of cold skin, and it's delicious with steamed bread."

"How much is it?"

"It's not expensive. The cold skin is fifty cents a bowl, the vegetable bun is thirty cents, and the rougamo is sixty cents. Our family's rougamo with wax sauce is authentic."

The people who asked shook their heads and walked away.

They came to sell their eggs and vegetables. They earned a few yuan a day and went down for several cents a meal. They were reluctant to give up.

Gu qiaoyue was not in a hurry. He arranged his things, mixed a bowl of cold skin, put a rougamo, and began to shout.

"Cold skin meat bun and vegetable bun!"

Zhang housheng looked at it and smiled. He took Zhang Peipei and said, "sister, yue'er is a wonderful girl. She yelled."

Gu Qiaowan looked at Qiao Yue and wanted to shout two voices, but he felt ashamed when he stood in front. He couldn't say a word, and hurried to the back.

Now I have to admit that Gu qiaoyue is really powerful.

At this moment, residents in the county and city also came to buy vegetables, some with children.

When the child reached Gu qiaoyue's stall, he couldn't move. He pointed to rougamo and insisted on eating it.

The adult had no choice but to ask, "how do you sell rougamo?"

"Aunt, on our first day of business, roujiamo and Liangpi are fifty cents and caijiamo is thirty cents. If we buy all three, we'll give you an extra caijiamo."

The man hesitated for a moment and wanted to buy a vegetable steamed bun, but in these days, whether rural people or urban people, they don't have much oil and water in their stomach.

The child was greedy for meat, and the adult couldn't help it, so he bought a rougamo.

Gu qiaoyue received fifty cents.

After opening a business, people came to buy it one after another. No matter who came, Gu qiaoyue was the same.

But I bought all three, but I didn't.

The person who came to ask hesitated and came back.

"Girl, do you really want to buy all three kinds of steamed buns?"

"Uncle, yes, uncle, why don't you make it 30 cents cheaper."

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile that sending a steamed bun with vegetables is not 30 cents cheaper.

At this time, there are all kinds of people, but in the countryside, most of the food is miscellaneous noodles. Now there are ready-made white noodles, and the smell of wax juice and meat runs straight into the nose. The cold skin is red and makes people drool when they look at it.

These people close to them can't help buying things and making money.

The man thought for a moment, bit his teeth and said, "wait a minute. I'll see who wants to buy it. Let's buy it together."

Gu qiaoyue smiled and nodded. That's what she called attention.

It's impossible for a family to buy all three, but these people who come to sell things in the countryside are different. They earn money and hold it in their hands. They want to eat and don't want to spend.

But if there is a bargain, it's not necessarily.

The man consulted with several people in the neighborhood, collected the money and came over.

"Girl, sell all three. Add more meat, more dishes, and more cold pepper. Lao Chen is waiting for steamed bread."


Gu qiaoyue answered, and Zhang Peipei was busy mixing cold skins. Gu Qiaowan made steamed vegetables, and Gu qiaoyue chopped bacon and sandwiched steamed meat.

"Uncle, one yuan and thirty cents."

Uncle readily paid the money and took it to share it with several partners.

The smell of bacon and the bright red color of cold skin make others drool. The miscellaneous flour steamed bread in their hands is more and more difficult to swallow.

Soon, several batches came one after another. They were all bought together. Soon, Gu qiaoyue's stall was surrounded.

The booth is not far from the entrance of the canteen. Many people who eat in the canteen can see the outside scene and wonder what it is that can surround these people.

After dinner, Gu qiaoyue brought it and sold it almost.

Some technicians in agricultural machinery factories have to work overtime. After working overtime, the food in the canteen will be cold. They don't want to eat after two bites.

These skilled workers were different from ordinary people. At that time, they had a very foreign word called iron rice bowl, and these skilled workers were iron rice bowl among iron rice bowls.

When ordinary workers earn 50 or 60 yuan, they can reach more than 100 or even 200 yuan.

On that day, Lao Liang, a technician, had a cold meal and cold dishes in the canteen. He was tired for half a morning and couldn't eat well. He was in a bad mood. When he went out, he saw the bowl of red cold skin mixed on the stall not far from the door, and his appetite came up at once.