Chapter 9   - I will be online at 8:00 pm the day after tomorrow.

Yu Yan was stunned for what seemed like forever. He only snapped out of it when the special effect disappeared and the screen displayed the moving barrage again.

[Boss is so generous!]

[Boss, you please go first.]

had sent a “meteor shower” gift worth a whole 2000 yuan. Due to the high price, the “meteor shower” would not only give Yu Yan benefits, but also carried another bonus buff— for the entire stream, the anchor who received the gift would also have 50 star boxes raining down in their livestream.

The star boxes contained experience points and free gifts, and lucky people could also win money worth up to 50 yuan. It was one of the best tricks to attract an audience.

Soon, a lot of viewers came in, and the whole screen was filled with “Boss is so generous”.


[What is the anchor doing, quickly dress the boss!]

Yu Yan let out a soft “ah” sound, “Doing it now…”

As a result of the gift, 1’s account name had appeared on the livestream’s list of “star emissaries”. It was at the top of the list, which saved Yu Yan from having to look for him among the thousands of viewer names.

Beside 1’s username was the initial default small star badge set by the system.

He right-clicked on 1’s avatar picture, but there wasn’t an option to give his account the stream moderator status. He clicked open the account information, but there still wasn’t an option there either. He then consulted his stream moderator, but the moderator simply didn’t reply.

After being nagged and pressured for a long time by the barrage about 1, Yu Yan was influenced and felt an unexplainable irritation stem from the bottom of his heart. In a very low voice, he said, “Wait a moment, it’s my first time doing this, I’ll go ask…”


[1: Don’t worry, take your time.]

Yu Yan was a little relieved. He had wanted to say something else when the built-in livestream chat-box lit up.

The stream moderator had come in late and had finally replied.

“Sorry, I just went to the bathroom… To appoint moderators, you need to go to your broadcasting settings. Click open the livestream settings and there you’ll find a section for stream moderators. You can then enter the account ID to appoint them as a moderator.”

“By the way, your anchor level isn’t that high right now, so you can only add 10 moderators. When you get to level 15, you can increase the cap.”

yanxyan: Okay, no problem. Ten is enough, I can’t even fill all of those.

Stream Moderator 012: Hahaha, don’t belittle yourself, I believe in you oh~

[Holy shit, why do I feel like even this anchor’s stream moderator is a girl?]

[Isn’t it a normal thing for girls to be stream moderators? In other little anchors’ livestreams, they use their stream moderators for flirting.]

[Yes, yes, yes, I’ve even seen a lot of anchors who pull their stream moderators onto the mic to act cute!]

[Stream Mod little Jiejie, are you there? Add me on WeChat. Are you there? Show some photos. Stream Mod little Jiejie, chat a bit , are you there?]

“Stop talking nonsense, everyone .” Yu Yan opened the broadcasting settings and inputted 1’s ID. “Don’t take liberties with my stream moderator.”

The stream mod little Jiejie at the other end immediately blushed.

She was a new stream moderator, and yanxyan was the first anchor that she was in charge of. She had thought that she would have a pretty relaxed job, but unexpectedly, this new anchor was very strong. Just two days after the start of the stream, the viewer count had broken five figures. She was so scared that she only dared to silence, ban, and kick people out of the stream, and didn’t dare to speak publicly.

Moreover, this anchor’s livestream was actually really fun to watch, and his voice was very gentle and pleasant. She often watched it and had become enthralled by it.

Yu Yan didn’t think too much about it. As soon as the moderator position was assigned, 1’s badge immediately turned yellow.

“All done.” Yu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and switched back to the game interface. Lu Xiuhe had changed his avatar’s outfit while Yu Yan was doing the moderator stuff.

“Everything’s good now?” Lu Xiuhe asked, “Start , if you still don’t start, I won’t be able to resist buying two more outfits.”

“That’s alright, you’ll stop when you don’t have any more money.” Yu Yan paused for a bit, “1… Is Boss coming with us to eat chicken?”

He had already asked this question several times previously, but the other side had refused every time. Later, Lu Xiuhe privately told him that this boss was probably a cloud player, someone who didn’t actually play the game but only enjoyed watching livestreams.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of a keyboard tapping away.

Then, a line appeared in the barrage positioned at the top of the screen. Since he was a moderator, there was a small yellow outfit behind his name, which was very eye-catching.

[1: En.]

Since he thought that Lu Xiuhe hadn’t turned off his mic properly, Yu Yan didn’t really pay attention. He immediately said, “Okay, send me your ID.”

[Boss, please send your ID on the public screen immediately.]

[Turned on the ‘add friends’ button.]

[If Boss lets me be a friend. I’m willing to bear all hardships without complaint, I can blow and lick anything!]


After adding him as a friend, Yu Yan quickly sent out a team invite to him. Then, the man with the yellow mod badge appeared by his side in the game, wearing the initial default outfit.

[Boss, this outfit doesn’t match your temperament .] Yu Yan added, “On the plus side, there shouldn’t be any immortals in this match.”

Lu Xiuhe responded, “… Alright .”

Within ten seconds of this conversation, there was a sudden burst of gunfire. Before he knew it, Yi Chen had been shot twice, and his health bar turned red.

Yu Yan reacted faster than him, shooting and yelling out, “Voldemort at 75!”

Yi Chen quickly recovered and reflexively shot at the grass at 75 degrees——

[You knocked down Bespin with a SCAR-L]

When this line of small characters appeared at the bottom of the screen, Yi Chen’s face showed a rare dazed expression.

This was the first time he had successfully struck down an enemy in the game.

Although he had been assisted by his teammate, and the duration of the fight didn’t even exceed ten seconds, he still felt excited.

He went up, opened the enemy’s inventory and looted all the accessories, replacing the SCAR-L he was holding with a fully-loaded M416. He also replaced his secondary gun with a 98K.

Under Yu Yan’s leadership, the four of them fought all the way to the final circle.

The four of them were all lying prone on the ground. The number of survivors showed that only a lone wolf was left.

Lu Xiuhe said, “I’m afraid he’s wearing a Ghillie Suit, or else, why haven’t we found him after so long?”

As he finished saying that, a phone’s ringtone sounded in their headsets.

Yi Chen glanced at the caller ID and immediately hung the call up without even thinking about it.

Yu Yan said, “Lu Xiuhe, don’t just freely turn on your mic.”

Lu Xiuhe paused. “I didn’t…”magic

“Shh.” Afraid of not hearing other sounds, Yu Yan interrupted him, “Don’t talk.”

Lu Xiuhe: “…”

After scrutinizing the grass for so long, Yi Chen felt that his eyes were aching. He just went and found a tree to hide behind and rest. Then, he remembered that he hadn’t used the 8x scope that he had picked up before, so he simply attached it to the 98K and opened the scope——

A big man suddenly appeared in his scope, with his head positioned just there, undisguised. The man’s cheek was covered with green grass, and he was indeed wearing the Ghillie suit.

Yi Chen paused, instinctively pressed the mouse, and then a heavy and beautiful gunshot sounded out, its echo lasting for a long time.

[You killed 113selss with a 98K]

After a few seconds, the screen turned gray.

[Big Fortune and Great Delight, you’re eating chicken tonight!]

Lu Xiuhe exclaimed, “Holy shit! Boss is mighty! Boss is awesome!”

Yi Chen looked at the gray interface and it was only after a long time that he could tear his sight away from it.

The cellphone next to him rang again. Since he had previously muted it, it was just vibrating. The caller ID showed that it was an old executive of the company calling.

“I’m ashamed. The boss gave me money and still took me to eat chicken.” The little anchor said in his headset, “Continuing on , going to draw another follower. Is Boss still playing?”

Yu Yan finished talking, and after a while, the sound of typing on the keyboard began again.

[1: Play.]

[1 has sent a meteor shower to yanxyan’s livestream, and 50 star boxes will be dropped randomly in the stream!]

Yu Yan froze.


[What the hell?? Sent again???]

[Boss is so generous!]

Yu Yan said, “No… 1, sending it once is enough to become a moderator, you can jump the lottery line at any time in the future.”

However, before he could react further, the chat-box located in the lower right corner of the screen suddenly lit up.

It was a private chat.

[1 whispered to you: I will be online at 8:00 pm the day after tomorrow.]

[You whispered to 1: ….?]

[Sending failed, the opposite party is offline.]

Yu Yan: “…”

Juurensha: Awwww, Boss Yi managed to get his first kill!

Divi: Wow, Boss Yi killed 2 people after playing with Yanyan, good job! His cousin is going to never live it down.

Noks: Man, the thrill you get reading about the two kills!!! Especially after he spent quite a few rounds just parachuting and acting as a lootbox… xD