Chapter 36   - Pay out the six kills bet

Yu Yan endured his shame, clicked the ‘follow’ button, and then clicked to explore 1’s homepage without hesitation.

This Weibo account page was even cleaner than 1’s WeChat Moments. There wasn’t a single post and it felt more like a side account than a main account.

He didn’t think much about it and closed Weibo. Before launching PUBG, he discovered that Lu Xiuhe’s QQ was online.

Yu Yan: Play?

Your Great Lord Lu: Ah, you play. I’m playing LoL right now hehe.

Yu Yan instantly remembered that, a year ago, Lu Xiuhe had ten consecutive matches where he had been trolled in a lane. The fact he couldn’t win even a single game had pissed him off. He had thrown his keyboard and declared, “If Laozi ever plays a single match of LoL again, he’s a fool!”


Yu Yan: Not afraid of losing?

Your Great Lord Lu: I’m afraid, but it’s different now…

Yu Yan: What’s different, did they update something?

Your Great Lord Lu: [picture] hehehehehe!

Yu Yan opened the picture and saw a healer, one with a beautiful Star Guardian skin,

and the name above her head was “Little Fairy Wants A Hug QAQ”.


Before he understood what was going on, Lu Xiuhe sent another picture of a male character with the name “Okay okay okay hugging you” above his name.

Your Great Lord Lu: That’s me [laughing]

Yu Yan: Happy online dating.

[Does the anchor play League of Legends??]

[I can find five girls with this kind of name in a second.]

[Online dating has risks. Please be careful when engaging in it.]

“What young male Internet addict hasn’t played LoL?” Yu Yan asked. “After playing for a while though, I found that I still preferred shooter games more.”

Having just finished speaking, a private message popped up. It was the stream moderator.

Stream Moderator 012: Xiao Yan, I’ll remind you that you have already reached level 14, and the quiz game function has been enabled~

The quiz game function was also a way to attract more viewers. A lot of viewers, even if they didn’t watch the livestream, would hang around in the stream to play the quiz game.

Yu Yan replied with an “okay” and then asked, “Does anyone want to play the quiz game? If so, I’ll start one.”

[No shit!! I’ve been squatting here for so long just to play a quiz game!]

[Hurry up, already prepared to show my hand!]

Yu Yan’s opened the quiz game for the first time and set up two quiz boards.

“Eat chicken” vs. “Won’t eat chicken”, along with “Can get six kills” vs. “Can’t get six kills”.

He had originally wanted to open the board for just five kills, but he always played fiercer than others. Out of ten matches, he could probably kill at least five people in five of the matches. He simply decided to increase the difficulty so he added another kill.

Just as the board was open for guesses, the side of “Can get six kills” immediately had hundreds of thousands of beans bet on it.

Yu Yan was shocked. “Everyone, guess rationally…”

[In this stream, six kills = free beans. Bros, follow me in guessing correctly!!]

As soon as this line appeared in the barrage, more beans immediately poured in on the side of “Can get six kills”.

Yu Yan chuckled and didn’t try to persuade them anymore. Beans were obtained by signing in and giving gifts. They couldn’t be cashed out, so they were used just for fun.

He queued into a random squad match. When Yu Yan had just gotten into the game, he heard one of his teammates, No. 1, ask, “Anyone there?”

Yu Yan turned on his microphone. “Yes.”

No.1 paused. “No. 3, your voice sounds familiar .”

“Does it?” Yu Yan said, “A lot of people say that. I have a popular voice.”

No. 1: “…”

No. 2 asked, “Where are we jumping?”

After a discussion, the four of them decided to jump to Georgopol.

His teammates in this match were quite active, and there were no novices. As soon as they landed on the ground, the voice channel was full of his teammates’ voices telling each other where they landed.

Yu Yan didn’t see a gun even after entering several houses, and the sound of gunshots sprang up all around on the outside.

No. 4 asked, “My team, is anyone coming?”

No. 2 replied, “Coming.”

Yu Yan was nearby. He said, “I don’t have a gun here. When I find one, I’ll come over to support you.”

“It’s okay. No. 3, you come here, I’ll give you a submachine gun.” No. 2 added, “I can also give you dozens of bullets; enough for you to use and deal with enemies.”

Yu Yan didn’t try to act polite and refuse. He turned and ran to No. 2. “Okay, coming.”

Unexpectedly, before he ran over to No. 2, the enemy had already taken the lead to open fire, and one of his teammates fell to the ground.

No. 4 shouted, “Fuck me, I knocked down one! No. 2, you come and finish them off! The opposite building’s window, come destroy their game experience!”

While No. 4 was talking, No. 2 had already finished off the person, and then he immediately shrank back. “Can’t beat them , I’ll go use a first aid kit first.”

Yu Yan ran over to No. 4’s lootbox, looted the AKM as fast as he could, and then hid on the second floor amid the enemy’s gunfire.

No. 2 cried out, “They attacked the building… Fuck! I knocked one down… But I’m done for.”

The sound of footsteps kept coming from below. Yu Yan lay on the floor and asked, “There are still two people left?”

No. 4, who was watching the battle, nodded, “Yes, how about you vault out the window ?”

“I already took your gun so there’s no reason to just run away. Are they looting stuff?” As he said that, Yu Yan adjusted the voice channel setting to all.

“No, they know how to play. Dude, how about you run away? My AKM has 30 bullets … They’re coming up, they’re coming up——”“…”

starlight beans, you could get that by logging in for two days.

Your pleasure is too casual.

Yu Yan moved his fingers, calculating all the previous gifts, and directly transferred 10,000 yuan to the other party, who returned it almost instantaneously.

: Are you trying to rank up here?

Yu Yan, who was stunned and didn’t understand: What do you mean…

: This gift gives you 10,000 popularity points in the anchor competition. If you transfer another 10,000 yuan to me, aren’t you spending money to buy popularity points?

Yu Yan: ….

: Alright. I’m in a meeting, we’ll talk again at night.

After that, Yu Yan never got a reply to the messages he sent.

He sighed and put his cellphone back on the table.

After an afternoon of livestreaming, the number of people in Yu Yan’s stream soared from 50,000 to 120,000.

Within the new viewers, some of them were attracted by the Sea of Stars, while the rest of them were specifically there for the quiz game.

Six matches in a row, each with more than five kills. What was the difference between playing this quiz game and just receiving free beans?

Only when his takeout dinner was delivered did Yu Yan stop temporarily and put on a variety show as he went to get the takeout.

When he came back, he saw a QQ message on his cellphone.

QM_Qixian: Are you there? When do you have time to talk?

Yu Yan: Have time now, what’s up?

QM_Qixian: En. It’s about what my friend mentioned that PUBG match about joining the team. He wasn’t joking, but there were too many viewers at that time. We were afraid you’d feel awkward, so we just said that it was a joke.

Yu Yan’s complexion changed: “…”

QM_Qixian: After playing so many matches together, I won’t be around the bush with you. Our team is recruiting starters. Of course, you’ll need to play as a substitute for a period of time before entering the team, but at the beginning of next year, some of our starters will retire. As long as there are no accidents, you’ll be able to transfer to the official team by then.

Seeing the words “substitute” and “official team”, Yu Yan felt a lump in his throat and didn’t even want to eat.

He pursed his lips, endured the discomfort crawling up from the bottom of his heart, and quickly replied: I’m sorry, I don’t play professionally.

The other party didn’t expect that he would refuse. After a long time in a stupor, he replied: Why? Worried about not making money? Although it’s not convenient to talk about it in detail now, our team is well paid.

Yu Yan: Really not about that.

Qixian didn’t plan to give up. In fact, their coach had been watching yanxyan’s livestream VoDs for several days. This time, he was issuing the invitation in accordance with the coach’s orders.

Qixian: If you’re not sure, you can come to our gaming house and take a look. Let’s have an interview. Where are you from? Our gaming house is in Jincheng, and there are people training there every day. You can come by at any time, and the air fare can be reimbursed.

Yu Yan: I don’t know how to play professionally. You don’t have to waste your time with me.

Qixian: Why ? Aren’t you… not going to school? Since you can livestream, there should be no familial pressure. Otherwise, why don’t you tell me the reason, and I’ll see what I can do about it?

The words from this message deeply jabbed at his heart. Yu Yan tried to take a deep breath, but he somehow felt that he couldn’t breath at all.

After a long time, he resisted the impulse of blacklisting the other party and closed the chat box with stiff fingers.

He opened the takeout. It was freshly cooked rice with meat and vegetables, with steam still billowing out from it. It was his favorite golden chicken stew.

He buried his head, took two bites in a hurry, and then threw the whole thing into the garbage can.

Back in the livestream, he opened the quiz game again, and the side of “Can get six kills” was once again filled to the brim with bets.

[The anchor ate so fast?]

[Guess he hurried back to send us beans , a conscientious anchor hahaha]

[Come on ba, the beans that I have saved for ten years are finally useful today!]

The stream moderator was completely in charge of the quiz game operations, so Yu Yan didn’t say a word more and directly entered the match.

In the first match, the anchor jumped to Military Base and turned into a lootbox upon landing.

In the second match, he jumped to North Georgopol, where he searched alone for a long time before he was headshotted with one shot.

In the sixth match, the anchor died while running away from the poison circle.

[Died of running in the poison circle?! Is that reasonable ??]

[What’s the matter with the anchor, has he lost his soul after eating dinner??]

[This is the StarTV platform coming to trick me out of my beans …]

[I could tell from the third match that he was in a bad state. Everyone betting on the opposite side of the board, those past losers have almost won back their losses.]

[The anchor’s face doesn’t look good, does he not feel well ?]

As he watched his game character collapse outside of the safe area, Yu Yan raised his hand and impatiently rubbed his eyes.

Half a minute later, he put his hand down and directly turned off the game. “Sorry, I’m not in good shape today, so I won’t keep streaming this trashy game content here. Taking some time off today , and I’ll start tomorrow as usual.”

Then he ended his stream just as a series of question marks appeared in the barrage.

After the computer screen blacked out, Yu Yan leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, staying that way for a long time.

He didn’t move until the drowsiness in his eyes was relieved a bit.

He stood up, picked up his coat, turned around, and went out of the door. He closed the door with a force that wasn’t well-controlled, and it echoed down the corridor.

Juurensha: Poor Yanyan, don’t know why he doesn’t play professionally….

Divi: Yanyan probably got screwed around by someone back then, saying that they wanted him to join a professional team as a substitute, but then they kicked him out afterwards… And then he couldn’t go to school anymore…

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