Chapter 34   - He is very sweet

Yu Yan didn’t know what it meant either, but based on his intuition, it couldn’t mean anything good.

He blinked constantly as he nervously asked, “Then, has the cat been good today?”

“Yanyan?” Yi Chen withdrew his gaze from the screen and looked at the cat sleeping at his feet. “He’s very well-behaved.”


[What?? Who’s well-behaved???]

[It’d be such a pity if this anchor went to play professionally. With his skills and face value, he would’ve had no problem becoming a money-making divine artifact.]


[Of course this anchor wouldn’t dare to play professionally. After all, he can’t run his aimbot during competitions .]

[What kind of deliberate shade are you trying to throw over there? Do you not see the notice that’s hanging up there? Are you blind?]

[What can that notice count for? StarTV has only ever put up one notice, and it was his. I still say that he bribed an administrator to get the notice up through the back door.]

[You don’t believe the platform’s notice or PUBG’s in-game cheat detection. Are you the most awesome and clear-headed person in the world ?]

[Trembling Heart has been banned for three days by Administrator 03.]

Most of the barrage was still buzzing about the exciting offer from the QM team members. The more chaotic and lively it became, the more the stream mods couldn’t keep up with banning people, so even Administrator 03 came out to start banning people. Seeing Administrator 03 come out made the conspiracy theorist antis even more excited.


Yu Yan always thought that it was pretty strange. From that QQ group he had recently joined, he could see that Administrator 03 didn’t only manage his livestream, but also influenced a bunch of other livestream categories. How could he hang around his livestream every day?

[Tuantuan: Are there still places on the carry bus? Can you take us two pitiful souls?]

Recently, Lu Xiuhe had been occupied with studying so he was stuck at his desk every day. He had much less time to go online, so for these past few days, Yu Yan had either been playing solos or drawing in stream followers to play squad matches.

“Yes.” Yu Yan, as if he had seen his savior, immediately invited them to the team.

“Isn’t it dinner time?” Yi Chen asked.

“It’s fine.” Yu Yan queued the match. When they arrived at Manner’s Plaza, he walked around and stopped in front of Yi Chen’s character. “Takeout hasn’t arrived yet… It’s okay to eat it later.”

As soon as Lulu loaded in, she asked, “Boss, I noticed that you only come on at night. Did you just get off work?”


“An office worker . Then, you can’t watch the livestream during the daytime?”

“I can.”

Tuantuan then asked, “I didn’t see you enter the stream. Did you go watch other anchors? Don’t ya, if you’re tired of watching Xiao Yanyan’s livestream, you can come to see Lulu and me.”

The more Yu Yan listened, the more he felt what was being said wasn’t right. “You guys are… are you trying to seduce 1 away from me?”

“No, no, no, we are firm 1YanTang defenders.” Tuantuan continued, “But shouldn’t benefits always be kept for one’s own people ma?”

Yi Chen laughed and answered, “Didn’t go to watch others, just used a side account… What exactly is 1YanTang?”

[Used a side account!?]

[I even have to secretly log into a side account at work to watch your livestream! 1YanTang is rio!!]

[Why are you queueing the match for Erangel? Want to see Sanhok. Playing on Erangel with three pieces of baggage feels like a waste of time.]

“1YanTang is the name given to you two by the stream followers ! 1, Yan, Tang! It used to be the Tang character for fluff, but it got simplified to the Tang character for store for easier typing.”

They even came up with a name?!

Yu Yan was stunned and hurriedly equivocated, “What fluff, what name&#k2026; Where should we jump to?”

“Gave us a name?” Yi Chen raised his eyebrows. “Why Tang?”

Lulu blurted out, “Because you guys are sweet!”

After listening to her explanation, Yi Chen finally understood a bit more.“Running into the poison circle now.”

He opened the map and glanced at it. The two female anchors had already driven far away.

The little anchor was waiting outside his house with a motorcycle, not rushing him at all.

Seeing him come out, Yu Yan asked, “Have you finished searching?”

“Answered the phone so I didn’t search much.” Yi Chen said, “Let’s go .”

Yu Yan looked at the medicine in his inventory; it wasn’t enough for two people, but it also didn’t warrant the need to search for more. He simply nodded and said, “It’s okay, I’ll kill two people in a bit, and then we’ll have stuff.”

When they entered the safe area within the circle, they found a small house in the fields and crouched there.

Lulu went into a random room and crouched down. She opened her mic to cry out, “Let’s divide things up bei.”

When players were searching for items and came across things they already had, they would usually pick up another one to help their teammates, and then just divide the supplies later on.

Yu Yan was the last one to enter the room. He thought for a bit, ran to 1’s side and then crouched down beside him.

“Why are you trying to squeeze in here when there’s such a big empty space over there?” Lulu had finished saying this but then had a sudden realization. “… Sorry, I’m the one trespassing. I’ll immediately scram.”

After she said that, she let out a giggle as she ran to the other end to be with Tuantuan.

Yu Yan said, “It’s not that…”

Yi Chen asked, “Afraid I won’t be able to grab anything?”

“…” Yu Yan didn’t reply. When the other two weren’t paying attention, he scooted closer to 1 and then dropped something on the ground while saying, “Extended mag, 4x scope, cheek pad.”

“About to be crammed back by all the stuff you brought.” Yi Chen laughed and threw his extended quickdraw mag on the ground. “You use this, I’ll take the extended mag.” magic


The four people remained crouched in the house with no intentions of leaving. They were in the middle of the circle while in a field. They wouldn’t need to run to the poison circle until the next one appeared.

Yu Yan was just scouting around to see if there were any enemies when he noticed that the barrage popout in the upper left corner was moving much faster.

[Fuck! Guys, quickly look at the viewers list. Why is this boss here again…]

[Is he here to start a catfight? Rubs hands.]

[Maybe he made up with the anchor in private?]

[No way!! Look at this viewer profile! Number one on his star gifted list is actually laoshu… He’s even a guardian rank over there.]

[This person had just spammed over 20,000 yuan of gifts in laoshu’s stream. He’s a really big boss.]

Even up until the end of the match, the barrage still hadn’t let up.

Yu Yan was a bit regretful that they didn’t get to eat chicken. He minimized PUBG and then immediately saw the reason why the barrage had been spammed so fiercely.

The words “Will Never Eat Chicken” were lit up in his stream’s star rankings list.

It was the boss whose gift he had returned last time.

Zhou Yan came in for no other reason except to just annoy Yu Yan. He had received the returned star coins from before, but he didn’t care about that 2000 yuan.

It was his first time meeting such an anchor who refused to give him face. After he returned home, he stewed in anger by himself. Using the opportunity the anchor competition presented, he wanted to let the anchor know that he had missed out on such a generous boss.

After Yu Yan tabbed out of the game, he glanced at the stars ranking list and stared at it for several seconds.

Zhou Yan let out a snort, thinking that Yu Yan’s eyes must be full of regret and loss. He then looked at the praise in the barrage and his heart felt very comfortable.

Unexpectedly, a message popped up in the next second.

[Will Never Eat Chicken has been changed from stream moderator to ordinary user by yanxyan]

Zhou Yan was stunned and involuntarily sat up straight—this person actually removed his yellow vest?!!

After the change, Yu Yan switched back to the game and said in a casual tone, “Sorry Boss. I have returned the 2000 yuan gift that you had sent before, so I have to naturally take away your stream moderator status. Please understand.”

Juurensha: Ahahaha, Yanyan dying with all the shiptease Boss Yi is providing. (Idk if Boss Yi knows what he’s doing at all.)

Divi: GET BURNED Zhou Yan! Seriously, you got refunded and think you deserve the vest?! Also Boss Yi is unintentionally doing it because he’s dense as a rock… Rip Yanyan.

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