Chapter 20   - I went through all the trouble to let you take advantage of him

Yu Yan now understood why the new boss changed his ID to 2.

His heart leaped, and he was caught rapt by the words “little anchor”. He subconsciously raised his hand and turned up the volume on the headset. “Jump, jumping…”

“Jumping to Military Base!”

Under the pretext of “convenient communication”, Yi Ran had successfully relocated to Yi Chen’s study, and smoothly connected to the home Wifi network.

When he had first started playing this game, he had often gone on apps to find accompanying players. He was also a frequent guest in livestreams. Spending money made him essentially get treated as a god, so he was already used to being the team’s commander.

Yu Yan let out an “oh” and asked, “1, where do you want to jump?”


Yi Chen responded, “Wherever you like.”

“Then, Military Base.” Yu Yan marked a point on the map. “Jump to the C-area .”

Lu Xiuhe asked, “Which building?”

“First building.”

Yi Ran landed on the ground and couldn’t help but gasp in admiration, “Ge, you know how to parachute now!”

Yi Chen’s eyelids twitched. “Turn off your open mic.”


Unfortunately, it was already too late. The conversation between the two had been clearly transmitted to the stream through Yi Ran’s earphone mic.

[The two bosses are actually bros!!]

[Hahahaha, looks like Boss 1 really is a novice.]

[This tells us that money isn’t everything. No matter how rich you are, you still have to start by learning how to use the parachute.]

[Wait for the Bosses to just lie down and eat chicken, and then you’ll know if money is everything.]

Yu Yan managed to refocus and quickly turned towards the window to flip into the first building.

“Xiao Yan, do you have any guns over there?” Lu Xiuhe asked. “Fuck me. My building’s roof has only a row of sickles and pans. Were these put here so that I could go to the countryside to farm and plant fields?”

Yi Ran laughed, “Hahahaha, plant fields… You’re pretty interesting, Ge.”

“Of course, Boss. You’ll find that I can be more interesting once you get to know me better.”

“There’s a gun here, the M16.” Yu Yan picked up the gun, looked at the map, and unhesitatingly went upstairs.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a 98K quietly lying on the ground.

He didn’t rush to pick it up, but instead went to the window and knocked down an enemy who was running away with a few shots.

“Come to the next room, 1. I have a 98K here.”

Yi Chen looked at the map and discovered that the little anchor had at some point already entered the room beside him.

He picked up the SMG on the ground and said, “You take it.”

“Come over and take it.” Yu Yan said, “… You’re a better sniper than me.”


[Nowadays, anchors can really say anything for money…]

[For this wave of bullshit, I’ll give it a score of 10.]

Yi Ran chimed in, “Hey Ge, if you don’t want it, I want it. I’ll come over and get it right away!”

Yi Chen walked over to Yu Yan’s location and picked up the 98K. “Scram.”

Yi Ran, who had just run into the room, clicked his tongue and had just started to say something when he heard the sound of footsteps around them.

“Ge, someone’s here! Quickly run away!”

As Yi Ran finished his sentence, Yu Yan, who had silently been standing beside them the entire time, suddenly turned away and jumped out the window.

Ten seconds later, fierce gunfire rang out. Before Yi Ran could go downstairs to investigate the situation, everything became silent——

“The people who landed at this building are dead now.” Yu Yan looted everyone and reloaded. “There are still a few things in the boxes, you can loot them after you finish searching the building. I’m going to move to the second building. Be careful, there’s someone on the opposite roof.”

“I’ll go with you!” Lu Xiuhe said.

Yi Ran went silent as he switched from open mic to push-to-talk voice chat, and then asked the person sitting opposite him. “Ge, did you see this anchor playing so 6… He’s not running a cheat software is he ?”

Yi Chen seemed to think of something and suddenly laughed.

“The last time someone accused him of running a cheat software, that person was knocked down and shot 40 times. His head basically exploded out of existence.”


“If you had something to say, couldn’t you have been more proper? Why must you say it in such a bloody fashion…”

Yi Chen, who had just recalled something, raised his eyes as he asked, “How did you know I watched his livestream?”

Yi Ran quickly explained, “It was truly an accident. A push notification popped up on your cellphone, and I happened to see it.”By the time the other two arrived, only the damaged level 2 armor that Yu Yan had changed out of was left.

“No way, why is this anchor so unprofessional ? Good things should be given to the boss. Does he not know the rules?” Yi Ran grumbled and complained, but still closely followed after Yu Yan. “Ge, don’t you think he’s gone too far… Huh?”

“Why are you wearing a level 3 helmet???”

Yi Chen looked at the black helmet on his game avatar, and his mouth quirked up ever so slightly.

The little anchor who normally never tried to curry favor would always inexplicably give him benefits. “He gave it to me.”


Yi Ran became angry at this unfair treatment. He angrily opened his inventory and wanted to loot the level 2 helmet that Yi Chen had just changed out of.

Who knew that Lu Xiuhe was faster than him. He rushed up to his side and picked it up first. With a thump, the level 2 helmet on the ground changed into a level 1 helmet.

Looking at Lu Xiuhe’s back as he was leaving, Yi Ran was even more aggrieved. “What, are bosses divided into different ranks?”

“So, because I’ve thrown fewer gifts than you, I can only use this glossy green level 1 helmet, while you can use the level 3 helmet, right?”

“Yes,” said Yi Chen.


Yu Yan, unaware of the conversation that had taken place between the two bosses, went back to the house he had chosen before.

Lu Xiuhe said, “Xiao Yan, check if there’s a level 2 helmet in the house. My level 2 helmet is badly damaged.”

It was time!

Yi Ran seized the opportunity and said into the voice channel, “Aren’t you fine? I’m over here wearing a level 1 helmet, a green one at that.”

“Is that so?” Yu Yan paused and said, “Boss, why don’t you come over here to me .”

That was more like it.

Yi Ran hurriedly ran over with a gun in his hand. “Coming, coming.”

When he arrived at the house, Yu Yan had simply pointed his gun towards the helmet on the ground, and said, “Here’s a grey level 1 helmet.”


Did I actually run all the way here just to change helmet colors???


Yi Ran stooped to pick up the grey helmet on the ground. “… Alright , thank you.”

When the match ended, Yu Yan had gotten 11 kills and had only eaten some chicken butt.

While trying to carry a noob, it was already considered good to even get to eat the chicken butt.

“Didn’t pick up enough smoke grenades, or else we should’ve been able to eat chicken.” Yu Yan said. “Keep playing?””

Yi Chen responded, “No, have some things. Shouldn’t you also be ending your stream?”

“Ah… Right.” Yu Yan paused and asked, “Then, play next time?”

“En.” Yi Chen said, “Don’t quit the game yet.”

Yu Yan was stunned. “What’s the matter?”



He waited long enough that all the viewers had sent out question marks, and only then did the opposite side finally make a noise.

Yi Ran coughed, “Sigh. I made a bet with my Ge, and lost a red scarf. Give me your account info, I’ll go into the shop and buy you one.”


“No need, I don’t really care about those kinds of things.”

Yi Chen told him, “Give it to him. Don’t worry, he won’t dare to steal your account.”magic

Yu Yan hurriedly said, “No, I’m not worried about that…”

“Talk in a private chat with him.” The man’s tone was lax, and his voice was unhurried. “Go on. I went through all the trouble to let you take advantage of him.”

Let him take advantage?

Why was 1 helping him take advantage of anyone?

Yu Yan became so perplexed by this sentence that he reflexively sent his account info to Yi Ran in a private chat.

Five minutes later, Yu Yan put on the red scarf over his default game outfit.

“I’m going offline too, Xiao Yan.” Yi Ran had learned from Lu Xiuhe and called him that. “Let’s add each other on WeChat? It’ll be more convenient when I want to jump the queue and get carried later.”

“Okay.” After Yu Yan responded, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and instinctively opened his mouth again. “Ah, 1, do you also want to add me on WeChat? That way, you can tell me in advance when you want to play the game in the future… I’ll save you a spot.”

Juurensha: Hahahaha, Yanyan just angling for that WeChat.

Divi: Smooth Yanyan, just getting the boss’ private digits! Blatant favouritism is okay when one boss gave you more!!! Yi Ran you’re such a gremlin.