Chapter 2   - Oh, men.

Yu Yan was one of only five anchors who had been recruited by StarTV’s anchor sponsorship program.

Although there were only five people, all of them were very strong. Basically, all of the top players in the Asian server, besides the existing anchors and professional players, had all been recruited by StarTV.

After all, StarTV was the best live streaming platform for development at the moment. It had a large audience, good traffic, and most of the great gaming gods. The platform was very generous towards those who became a part of this sponsorship. The contract stated that there was a very high base salary after they obtained tenure, and it was hard for a person not to be excited by such an offer.

The only disadvantage of this sponsorship was that the position on the recommendation list of the platform wouldn’t be the same for all five of the recruited players.

StarTV had limited recommendation list space, and normally, it wasn’t even enough for the other popular tenured anchors. Hence the stipulation—an observation period of one month for the five new anchors. After one month, the most popular anchor would get the best spot on the recommendation list, and so on. The lower their popularity, the worse the spot on the recommendation list they would get.

It sounded cruel, but it was also a normal system. The law of the jungle: only the strong would survive. No one who had agreed to participate in the program had any problems with it.


Yu Yan naturally had no objections.

In the first match of his solos, he took second place. He took a deep breath and then quickly opened up his livestream to take a look.

Looking at his viewer count, he felt as if he was opening up a gift.


… It was like opening up a much anticipated gift to find just a snowglobe, which when shaken a few times, would have a few fake looking snowflakes show up.

But fortunately, he was always optimistic. Checking the time, he realized he still had 20 minutes to go before his livestream would hit its first hour.


When he had joined, he had asked a lot of questions about StarTV’s rules. When a livestream first started, it wouldn’t appear on the “latest livestreams” list immediately, but would briefly appear on the list only after the livestream had streamed for an hour.

As for how long it would stay on the list, that was uncertain. If it was the peak time for streaming, it would be pushed down by other streams very quickly.

Yu Yan had to cherish this short period of time.

He moved his mouse to the bottom left corner of the game screen and set the game mode to squads.

“Playing a game of four, saving the lives of some common people,” he said with a smile.

Even if no one acknowledged him in the stream’s barrage, he didn’t care. After getting matched, in less than ten seconds, he entered Manners Plaza, and the 60 second countdown began.

With a slight cough, he opened his mic and asked, “Bros, are you there?”

In PUBG’s duos or squad mode, you had to depend on your teammates. No matter how strong you were individually, it was very difficult to play one against four here. Moreover, you couldn’t type messages in-game, so communication between teammates depended solely on voice. Some people would even immediately quit the game if they found out their teammates couldn’t speak.

No. 2 responded, “Here .”

No. 3 asked, “Where do we jump to? Play passively or directly attack?”

No. 2 replied, “Of course it’s directly attack , directly drop to the Military Base, I’ll drop to the C area.”

“Wait.” Yu Yan was No. 1, and he quickly interrupted, “Bros, why don’t we drop to North Georgopol and be passive for a bit?”

No. 2 spoke with some kind of an accent, “Why passive? Aren’t you a man ?”

“I’m a man , but men have to be flexible, Ge,” Yu Yan replied, “If we’re a bit more staid in this game, I promise to carry you all to eat chicken.”

“Ha ha, I can also say something like that . What if we end up not eating it?”

“If we don’t eat…” Yu Yan lowered his voice a little, copied No. 2’s accent, and pretended to be bashful as he said, “You can do whatever you want, Ge.”

No. 2 was shocked. “Holy shit, holy shit, bro, you can jump wherever you want to jump to, don’t be gay at me! Get away, get away!”

[Hahahahahahaha amazing!]

Upon harvesting his first line in the barrage, Yu Yan completely cheered up, and happily marked a landing point in North Georgopol.

After jumping off, he observed the situation.

“One team on the left and two teams on the right. The two teams on the right have jumped very close to us. We’ll probably have to fight them, so you guys should be careful when landing,” said Yu Yan as he maneuvered towards the right mid-air with his parachute.

No. 3 asked, “Didn’t you say to be careful when jumping down? Why did you jump to the right by yourself?”

Although he wanted to enter the final circle, he also had to take into account the 11 spectators who were viewing his gameplay. This game was a shooting game, not an item-collection game.

“It’s okay, I won’t fight them,” Yu Yan answered. “I’ll see if I can pick out any weaknesses.”

No. 2 asked again, “How can you pick out a weakness?”

Yu Yan smiled and didn’t speak. He jumped to the top of one of the tall buildings. Fortunately, there was actually an M416 up there.

He quickly picked it up and loaded it, then… crouched down at the corner of the roof.

[What is the anchor doing, pick up the first aid kit next to you ! ]

Yu Yan didn’t respond and continued to just crouch there. Immediately, there was a burst of gunfire around him— the two teams that had jumped to the right had begun fighting.

Soon, the counter on the upper right hand corner of the screen began to drop as the sound of guns reverberated and the kill count increased. Although it couldn’t be confirmed that it was due to the players of the two teams downstairs, the sound of gunfire could be used as a reference to figure out the kind of guns they were carrying, which when compared to the kill count, could also count as gathering information.

Finally, the sound of gunfire stopped, and after calculating for a bit in his head, he said, “It’s over, there are only two people left.”

[Four people , their teammates will definitely come and help pull them up again.] [The takedown of the car is pretty good, why are there so few viewers in this stream?]

[Looks like a new anchor]

The speed of the barrage suddenly grew faster for the naked eye. Yu Yan immediately realized that he was on the “latest livestream” list.

No. 2 said, “Awesome bro, what happened, you’re so powerful ! Bro, could you be an immortal?”

The people who used cheating software to play the game were usually called “immortals”.

“How could that be?” Yu Yan replied. “I’m an honest man, Ge.”

“No.” No. 2 said, “If you bring me to eat chicken, I’ll call you Ge.”

Before the start of the livestream, Yu Yan had played solos for an hour and confirmed that he had warmed up before he had officially launched the stream.

Upon seeing so many people in the audience, he became more focused, and fought back very accurately and powerfully. Bringing his three teammates along, he fought all the way to reach the final circle.magic

There were eight people left in the finals. Yu Yan considered things for a bit. Including them, there were three teams present in total, and the other two teams had two people each. Their team still had all their members, and they had a high win rate.

He could definitely eat this chicken!

With victory in mind, his 8x scope just happened to catch sight of a level two helmet.


[yanxyan knocked down 77flzz with an M24 headshot]

On the other hand, No. 3 had also found that man’s teammate. He had shot at him, and after hanging onto a sliver of health, managed to kill him.

There was only one enemy team left.

Everyone felt very nervous, even No. 2 didn’t speak. Yu Yan was the only one who was very relaxed.

The circle shrank further and further, and the last two people exposed their position as they ran into the circle.

“I see that both of them are behind the stone in the NE direction.” Yu Yan opened his inventory, saw his empty bag, and asked, “Does anyone have a grenade? If we don’t, then all four of us can just directly attack them.”

No. 2 replied, “I don’t!”

“Neither do I.” No. 3 said, “Just attack directly .”

Yu Yan responded, “Okay…”


A slight noise reached his ears. He frowned slightly and thought he had heard it wrong. He asked the stream viewers, “Did you guys hear anything?”

[No, what sound?]

[I think I heard it too?]

[Is it the sound of a grenade?]

Yu Yan had wanted to add something when suddenly, a loud noise resounded in his ear.


He stared as his in-game avatar exploded and was killed by a grenade. He just died kneeling on the ground.

Just then, that had actually been the sound of No. 4 pulling out the pin from the grenade!

“No. 4, what did you do?!” He asked, completely befuddled.

No. 4, who had also been exploded and killed. “… Didn’t you want me to use the grenade?”

His voice was very childish. So, he was just a kid; he sounded like he couldn’t be older than 15.

“… Then you still need to throw it over there ! ”

“How can I throw it without pulling the pin?” The kid felt very aggrieved; he had specifically Baidu-ed how to pull the pin!

Yu Yan: “….”

When the people on the opposite side heard all this, they immediately wanted to take advantage of the chaos.

No. 2 and No. 3 aimed carefully, and with some burst fire, successfully killed the other two players. Yu Yan hadn’t even finished his words when the game interface suddenly darkened.

At the top left of the screen was a line of words: “Big Fortune and Great Delight, you’re eating chicken tonight!!”

[Paying attention to the tragic anchor.]

[Congratulations on the success of “kneeling to eat chicken”!]

[Is this No. 4 coming in to clown around hahahaha.]

[The anchor has a good temper, he didn’t even curse him out.]

Yu Yan returned to his senses, after which he returned to the game’s main screen.

Forget it, even with this No. 4, the livestream went very well, and he didn’t really like to curse his teammates anyway.

He was just about to start the next match, when a friend request popped up on the game interface at the bottom right, and it was from the No. 2 of the previous game.

Just when the viewers thought he would accept it, he moved his mouse and clicked x directly.

“Yelled in the beginning to run away and now after eating the chicken, wants me to come back.” Yu Yan sneered, “Oh, men.”

Juurensha: I will admit, I thought No. 4 was Boss Yi for a little bit.

Divi: I feel for you Yanyan, I really do. I have no trust for my teammates after these experiences.