Chapter 118   - Extra: Sexy boss is livestreaming

When Yu Yan had sent out his notice saying that he was going to stop livestreaming on a regular basis, many of his stream followers expressed that they couldn’t accept it. Only after quarreling about this issue on Weibo for several days did Yu Yan relent and promise his fans that he would livestream to chat with them whenever he was free.

In fact, he didn’t really want to retire. He was just worried that his academic courses would be too heavy to take into account the length of livestreaming time required by the platform.

When he went abroad, he was able to broadcast his livestream once a week, and the viewers were satisfied with just this as well. Every time on that day, they would smash gifts at him until he attained a rank on the popularity lists.

However, recently, he hadn’t livestreamed in nearly a month already.

It had gotten to the point that when Yu Yan agreed to his friend’s mutual invitation and opened his Weibo to do something, he came across as many as 999+ private unread messages in his account.

[Why haven’t you done a livestream in a month? Are you okay?]


[5555 you talk , the public security in foreign countries is too bad, Mama is so worried QAQ]

[Has your Weibo been hacked?]

[Ahhhh you’d better let us know that you’re safe and sound !!]

Several fans had been sending him private messages almost every day, with every word dripping with concern, and their messages made them seem like an old mother who was broken-hearted over her son’s absence.

The old mothers kept on asking again and again, until finally, one day, they saw a new post on yanxyan’s Weibo.

[yanxyan: I’ll see you guys in the livestream room at 8:00 tonight.]


Under that post was a comment from a fan who asked: [Will you turn on the video camera?]

Yu Yan was chewing bread at that time. He thought about it for a moment, and then answered casually: [En.]

Thus, his fan group chatted noisily throughout the entirety of his dinnertime, and by 7:50, his livestream’s popularity points had already been pushed to 20,000, and quite a few fans had started sending gifts as well.

The livestream started on time at 8 p.m.

It was just that the anchor didn’t make a sound, only the mouse could be seen swimming slowly across the screen.

[Yanyan turn on the video camera! Turn on the video camera! The video camera!]

[Today, I want to order a movie called ]

[Why aren’t you talking? Is my cell phone broken?]

The barrage screen was full of questions, and the fans were very warm and considerate.

The anchor’s mouse glided across the screen and finally reached the “video settings” on the sidebar of the live broadcast platform.

When the video was turned on, there appeared a cold-looking man on the screen, who was currently frowning and wearing a loose gray sweater while looking impatiently at the computer screen.

Before everyone could react, the man opened up PUBG and logged into his account.

A character with the ID Yii11c appeared on the screen of the game.


[Why is it you? What about Yanyan?! Where’s my husband?!]

[Has Boss 1 come to inspect the house?]

[Why are you at his house again? Why do I feel like you’re at his house every three days a week? Is StarTV about to collapse?]

[1YanTang is open for business today too ahhhhh!!!]

[Fuck, this mood, this look, lets me have the kind of feeling of being caught slacking off at work by the boss.]

Yi Chen didn’t bother with the barrage and was about to enter the game directly when his cellphone suddenly vibrated gently.

[Yanyan: You have to talk, or the administrators will report you…]

“He suddenly has a paper to submit soon, so I’ll stream for a bit,” replied Yi Chen, then let out an “en” as he blinked and continued, “I just like to come to his house as a guest, nothing has collapsed….He’s not your husband, don’t wildly call him that—even if you send gifts, you’re not allowed to call him that.”

During normal times, whenever Yu Yan was livestreaming, everyone was very fond of Yi Chen’s occasional entrance into the view of the camera. But if it was just him livestreaming….

Watching yanxyan livestream was learning skills.

Watching yanxyan and Boss 1 livestream together was eating fluff.

Watch Boss 1 livestream was…watching sky-diving?

[The boss of the livestream platform is helping the anchor livestream by appearing in person? StarTV’s own son is bringing down the hammer!]

[Melon seeds and coke are all ready. Please start your skydiving performance.]

[I usually watch the anchor as he turns the rookie concentration camp into a bloodbath. Today, I changed my perspective to see the rookie being slaughtered.]

“There is no son,” After Yi Chen finished saying that, he felt that he had said enough to satisfy the requirement of speaking, and headed straight into a solo match in the game.

Because it was the first match of the day, he chose to land in a wild area with few people, wanting to practice for a bit and get a feel for the game in his hands.

No more than half a minute after landing, he was shot with a pistol.

After watching the replay of his death, he pursed his lips for a long time, then reported the player who had killed him before starting the next match.

In this one, as soon as he managed to extricate himself from his parachute, a player who had managed to snatch a car chased him around a big tree for about 10 circles before he finally fell under its wheel.

Yi Chen didn’t even bother to watch the replay of his death, and directly reported the player.

In less than 10 minutes, the viewers had gotten to enjoy two perfect skydives.

The viewers remained silent for a long time.

[Welcome, everyone, to the Desperate Survival in a Hopeless Place channel.]

[How many people do you have to report in order to be so familiar with that function…]

[Boss 1, how about we crowdfund to buy you a bot , giving you our courtesy and affection.]

[If you run a bot, the stream will be suspended, so I’m suggesting that your company should purchase the Blue Hole company directly.]

[Watching other anchors is like watching a general fight on a battlefield, but watching you is like watching a student learn to type at school.]

[“Take This and Buy a Bot ” has sent out a little star]

[“Buying a Plugin Is Also Okay” has sent out a little star]

[“Take this and Find a Female Accompanying Player” has sent out a little star]

It may be that these words in the barrage triggered an automatic reminder being sent to the moderators, and so the moderators sent over a private message. Yi Chen was unprepared and opened it.

[Moderator 081: To use the Accompanying player platform, please clic.k this link: com….]

Yi Chen closed the message and just wanted to tell the viewers that there was no need to send gifts when the cellphone in front of him rang.The livestream had been playing on Yu Yan’s cellphone this entire time, and with earphones in his ear, he had seen the whole situation from just now.

In the barrage, which was floating above the livestream, wasn’t a single serious sentence.

[It’s only right for good men to learn to refuse all temptations!!!] magic

[Keep yourself as pure as jade, Boss 1!!]

[Yanyan is sitting next to him and having fun!! You guys quickly come look!!!]

[1: I’m not having fun…]


[Boss 1 is using your account for the livestream, and you’re using his account to reply with?]

[I’m full on eating fluff, thank you, thank you!]

During this match, Yi Chen had managed to get a good feel for the game, and coupled with the fact that his team-mates were really strong, his team easily managed to win and eat chicken.

After having gotten into the feel of the game, Yi Chen felt that the tips of his fingers had become hot. He took off his earphones and finally noticed that there was a person sitting beside him.

Yu Yan smiled and was just about to say something when Yi Chen suddenly leaned into his face.

He was too familiar with this posture—whenever Yi Chen managed to win a game and eat chicken in solo mode, he would always draw closer and give him a kiss.

He was too scared to move, his mind completely occupied by the video camera that was on and broadcasting nearby.

When their lips were about to touch, Yi Chen suddenly froze, apparently coming to the realization of what was going on.

They looked at each other for a few seconds.

Yi Chen paused, and then said, “I…want to drink some coffee.”

Yu Yan let out an “oh” then quickly raised his cup and let him take him a sip.


[Don’t you have hands? (I have a lot of accounts, so see if you can ban me!]

[I’ll cross the screen just to dunk Boss 1’s head down!!! Go ahead and kiss for Laozi!!!]

When Yi Chen was done drinking the coffee, he lightly used his fingers to turn the game off. “You come livestream . They’re tired of watching me.”


Yi Chen stood up and had just taken half a step away from the computer when his sleeve was suddenly pulled by the person next to him.

He instinctively turned around and saw Yu Yan raise his head and very lightly touch his lips.

“Troubled you,” Yu Yan said.

Yi Chen raised his eyebrow and stretched out his leg to block Yu Yan’s way as he prepared to shift into the chair.

After waiting for a long time, all that the viewers could see were two figures standing close to each other in the camera.

Then a big hand appeared in front of the screen, and with a clack sound, turned off the microphone.

Countless question marks floated in the livestream, and only after a full three minutes did Yu Yan reappear in the lens of the camera.

He curled his lips tightly, his face was completely red, but then forced himself to put on a calm appearance before logging into his own Steam account.

“Sorry, I came late…Not blushing, it’s just hot.”

“We were discussing some very important matters just now, that’s why we turned off the mic.”

“My mouth isn’t red.” Week after week, the stream followers’ eyes were growing sharper, and Yu Yan felt as if he was about to be suffocated. He remained silent for a long time before squeezing out the words, “I just drank a sip of coffee.”

[Wasn’t the coffee Boss 1’s?]

Yu Yan: “….”

And at this moment, Yi Chen appeared in the view of the camera from behind him, holding a cup of coffee.

He leaned against the door and asked, “Which folder did you put that essay in?”

Yu Yan replied, “It’s on the computer table.”

Yi Chen let out an “en” and then said, “It’s also a lot of work to check your essays for you.”

Yu Yan: “….”

Yi Chen said, “Going to collect a fee.”

Yu Yan’s mouse shook terribly, and he replied, “I know, I’ll give it.”

Yi Chen nodded, turned around, and got ready to leave the room. But just as he stepped across the door, he seemed to have thought something again as he said, “Come to me after the livestream is done. I have something. More. Important. To. Talk. To you about.”

[This manner of speaking, this tone, it’s as terrible as my boss telling me to go to his office.]

[Yanyan is so miserable, he not only has to entertain the boss, but also to bring water and arrange tea for the boss…what’s the difference between this and having no weekends!!!]

[A little curious, what important matters do the two of you have? Haven’t you even stopped livestreaming recently?]

Only when he heard the sound of the door closing from behind him did Yu Yan finally relax, raise his hand to cover his whole face, and then feel the heat radiating from his face on his palm.

From the beginning of this conversation to now, his heart had never stopped racing.

With great effort, he finally eased up and calmed down, then opened up a match in the game, when suddenly, the cellphone in front of him rang.

Yu Yan took the time to drop his eyes and read the WeChat message—

: When you come over here, put on the condom in the drawer.

: We’ve used up all the ones over here.

Completely frozen now, Yu Yan stared at his cellphone for a long time, not realizing that all 30 of the bullets in his magazine were getting shot into the wall in front of him in the game.

Juurensha: Well that’s it guys! I was hoping based on the title of this extra that it would be maybe some long distance snusnu between Yanyan and Yi Chen, but this was kind of cute too hahaha. All those viewers roasting Yi Chen…and it’s nice to see that Yanyan seems to be doing well at school! So this was only in the traditional version, so I apologize if there’s any mistakes made in this translation. Well guys, it’s been fun! This is the first whole novel I translated myself, and special thanks to my very long-suffering editors, Divi of the extremely awesome footnotes, Noks who put up with all our craziness, and xiin who stepped in for a bit when Divi broke her arm! I really enjoyed this novel and sharing it with all of you, and I hope you guys all enjoyed it too! If you would like to check out my other translation projects, there’s one on CG also about streamers and a PUBG style game called You Use a Gun, I Use a Bow, and if you’re feeling more like something like the LXH/ZZ extras, I’m also translating an entertainment novel with enemies-to-lovers and fake dating idols called Fanservice Paradox, which is on a different site. Check them both out!

And here’s a link again to my smut fic for Yanyan and Boss Yi now that there are no more spoilers!

Noks: Wahhh!!!! It’s done! I really enjoyed working on this novel, and following Yanyan x Boss Yi’s relationship! I’m so glad I volunteered for editing this novel on that random day Juurensha posted that message on discord! It made those Covid-19 lockdown days so much more bearable. I’m sad to say goodbye to these guys, but there are more couples to read about in the future! I’ll be seeing you guys in BOW and FP as well, so don’t miss them if you like novels like this one!

Please check out and support the raws if you can!

And you guys can buy the published version here! Shipping was both cheap and fast!

And there’s an audio drama for PUBG that came out! It’s more condensed than the novel, but it’s fun!

And check out our fanart/fanfic page!

It has also come to my attention that apparently there is a ReadNovelFull link reposting part of my translation without my permission. I have reported them, and left a review telling them so, but if you would please also help me report them here.