Chapter 116   - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-Ahhh, my husband is so handsome! I am willing! awsl!

After finals were over, it was time to prepare for the winter vacation.

“Let’s pick a time and go out for a hot pot meal together . How about the third day after New Year’s, is everyone free then?” Lao Da asked as he was packing up.

“You should ask He Zi, he’s probably the only one who’s free in the whole dormitory.” Lao San picked up his luggage and said, “My girlfriend is coming to my hometown on the third day after New Year’s. Your guys’ wives should also be pestering you guys for dates ? He’s the only one who’s single.”

Lao San patted him on the shoulder. “Keep fighting , magician.”

“Magician my ass, I’m definitely not free.” Lu Xiuhe put on his backpack.

“You’re not free? Are you going to pay New Year’s visits?”


“No,” the corners of Lu Xiuhe’s mouth sprang upward as he announced, “I’m going to go see my partner on the second day after New Year’s.”

As soon as these words were uttered, the dorm went quiet for a moment.

After that, there was no one who was in a hurry to toss their luggage around any longer, and instead, they all gathered around Lu Xiuhe.

“Wtf, your partner? When did you get a partner?”

“You’re not single anymore? I see, it must be that girl who gave you the scarf last time—”

“Wait, how do you know someone gave me a scarf?” Lu Xiuhe was dumbfounded.


The girl who had given him a scarf that last time had later confessed to him again. He had politely refused and returned the scarf. Afraid that that girl would be gossipped about, he hadn’t said anything about it to anyone.

Lao Da let out a “hehe” and said, “What secrets are there with the girls over there , my girlfriend told me like 800 years ago.”

“Yo, and knitting a scarf for you? When do you ever need a scarf in Manyang ?” Lao San said, “Still, it does count as a thoughtful gift, but He Zi, why didn’t you agree?”

“It’s not that I didn’t agree, it was that that girl looked at my exam results and regretted it, so she asked me to send the scarf back that night itself.” Lu Xiuhe made up some excuse casually.

“Come on . Okay, we won’t talk about that anymore, but who is your partner?”

“They’re…” Lu Xiuhe raised his eyes. “What do you care about who my partner is?”

Lao Da stared at him. “Can’t even ask?”

“No, you guys can’t.” Lu Xiuhe waved his hand as he said, “My partner is so good that I can’t tell other people about them. I’m afraid you’ll ridiculously covet them.”


“Bad conduct.” Everyone else had been energized by anger at this statement. “Might as well not talk.”

Lao San said cheerfully, “It’s a big happy event , in order to celebrate He Zi finally having a sex life, we should, no matter what, partake in some barbeque tonight ?”

Lu Xiuhe paused in his motions. “What?”

“Barbecue , not throwing you into another pit, just the one at the intersection in front of the school, it’s cheap.” Lao San said, “It can’t be that you’re not even willing to spend that much ?”

Lu Xiuhe replied, “…Willing! Of course I’m willing!”

After the end of the party, when he went home with his luggage, he felt that he had wasted a lot of money.

No sex life and no money.

He was very miserable.

They had kissed for a long time in the hotel room previously. In those two days, he had pretty much stayed in the hotel room with Zuo Zhen and had… compared abs.

En, and compared other things.

Comparing sizes wasn’t something that he hadn’t done before, but he had never done it… in such a fashion that burned with ardor.

But they didn’t go all the way. Zuo Zhen didn’t bring it up, so he couldn’t keep going either.

Back home, after listening to his parents’ nagging, Lu Xiuhe went and buried himself in his room.

Like a thief, he locked the door, and even turned off the lights before putting his laptop at the head of the bed, and drawing his bedding all the way over his head.

Then he entered, word by word, into Baidu search——

“How do men doi with men”

All the search results turned out to be a bunch of useless things, and only then did he realize that Baidu mighty not know the meaning of doi, so he changed that word, and Baidued it again.

For a moment, after reading the explanation on the screen, his heart was filled with sincere exclamations, and even his emotions experienced an upheaval with those words.

What the fuck.

What the fuck??

…… what the fuck!!!

Zuo Zhen, who had been practicing dancing for the entire day, finally took advantage of the break time to sit in a corner of the dance practice room and call his boyfriend.

His boyfriend took a long time to pick up the call. He was in a dark environment, and Zuo Zhen couldn’t see anything except a face.

Just as he was about to say something, the person on the camera suddenly drew up close to the screen.

“Baby,” Lu Xiuhe said in a breathy voice, “Let me ask you a question…”

Zuo Zhen laughed and lazily let out an “en.”

“First of all, I’ll just ask.” Lu Xiuhe coughed gently and said, “Would you prefer being a bit tired, or in a bit of pain ?”


Lu Xiuhe added, “Um, I’m just asking casually.”

Lu Xiuhe’s face was so shy that it was obvious that he was talking about something serious. Zuo Zhen just had to think about it for a bit before he figured out what he was saying.

“I just like…” Having said those words, Zuo Zhen suddenly picked up the cellphone, put it close to his mouth, and in a hoarse voice, he copied the other person’s breathy tone to state, “Making you feel good.”


On the second day of the new year, Lu Xiuhe rushed out of the house with his luggage even as his parents cursed at him.

It was impossible for him to go pay New Year’s visits; how could New Year’s visits be more important than meeting his partner?

It had snowed heavily in Jincheng, and so the flight was delayed. Lu Xiuhe sat in his seat, chatting with Big Fan.

[Big Fan: How come when I checked your flight there, it still hasn’t taken off ?]

[Yeah, it’s snowing over there, and they keep stopping us from flying, so I’m trapped on the plane.]

[Big Fan: Then will you still be able to catch the airport meetup in time ? Zhenzhen’s flight is about to take off!]Before he could finish his sentence, Zuo Zhen bit his lip.

“I missed you so much.”

Lu Xiuhe froze and quickly looked inside the car.

There were only three people in the car—Himself, Zuo Zhen, and a driver who looked to be Zuo Zhen’s assistant.

He quickly said, “Bros don’t need to be so emotional, I-I missed you too .” He kept winking at Zuo Zhen.

“If you call me bro again, I will be angry.” Zuo Zhen frowned, discontented.

“Someone’s here!” Lu Xiuhe said.

“It’s okay. He won’t say anything.”

The assistant seemed to sense something and quickly pulled up the shield between the front and back seats specially installed in their car.

Lu Xiuhe let out a breath, while Zuo Zhen was still kissing him. One kiss followed another, and he was like a cat that continually kept pestering people.

“Alright, don’t kiss anymore.” Lu Xiuhe said while laughing, “You wait for me to put my bags away.”

Zuo Zhen listened to him and sat aside. He was wearing no make-up today. There were some dark circles under his eyes, but he still looked a lot more energetic than he had in the video-call before.

Lu Xiuhe casually put his bag on the ground and took out a red envelope from it.

Zuo Zhen was startled, and before he could react, Lu Xiuhe handed over the red envelope to him while greeting, “Happy new year , wife.”

“……” Zuo Zhen’s eyelashes quivered. “What did you call me?”

“Wife ,” Lu Xiuhe scratched his head and asked, “Then what should I call you? Won’t call you husband, it sounds too girly.”

Zuo Zhen’s throat bobbed. “It’s fine if you’re happy.”

He took the red envelope, which had a thick wad of money inside. One look and he knew that Lu Xiuhe had put all his savings for food, drink, housing and other things into it.

“What to do?” Zuo Zhen raised his eyes and said in a deep voice, “I didn’t prepare a red envelope for you.”

Lu Xiuhe froze and hurried to say, “It’s okay, I don’t care about that…”

“I care.” Zuo Zhen said, “I’ll have to repay you.”

Lu Xiuhe said, “Alright , don’t put in too much. If it’s too much, I won’t accept it.”

Zuo Zhen said, “Not giving a red envelope.”

Lu Xiuhe was surprised. “Ah? Then you…”

He stopped mid-sentence.

Zuo Zhen took his hand, put it to his lips, and kissed his finger.

Lu Xiuhe thought Zuo Zhen was like a spider demon from the Cave of the Silken Webs, with the only difference being his gender.

Zuo Zhen smiled and said, “How can a red envelope be enough? I’ll give you something better.”

Zuo Zhen was a demon, but Lu Xiuhe wasn’t Monk Xuanzeng.

After they got to the hotel and did all the things they had done before, Lu Xiuhe lay comfortably on his back on the bed. As soon as he wanted to take a break, he saw Zuo Zhen open the cabinet, take out a condom, and tear open the wrapper with his teeth.


Seeing that Zuo Zhen didn’t have any intentions of lying down, and that he was pulling his legs apart again, Lu Xiuhe thought that Zuo Zhen was afraid of pain.

After doing it halfway, when he was in a bit of pain but also feeling good, he didn’t forget to check in with his wife. “Baby…. You-you still have a wound on your waist, are you okay ?”

He pulled Zuo Zhen’s arm, turned over, and shyly sat on his leg. “How about I give it a go?”

Because it was his first time, or because it was such a wild position, Lu Xiuhe dilly-dallied for a long time, not moving. Zuo Zhen was rubbed by him until his head was on fire, and simply pressed him back down into their original position.

He bowed his head and bit Lu Xiuhe’s chin. “Don’t worry… you’ve taken enough care of the fucking.”


It was midnight by the time they finished. Zuo Zhen took a bath and was ready to go to sleep. As soon as he started to doze off, he found that the person he was embracing had suddenly moved.

He quietly opened his eyes and saw that Lu Xiuhe had his cellphone in hand. He was tearing into people on Weibo.

[Zuo Zhen’s little sweetheart: It’s not even in the picture. you [horse head]. Zhenzhen has no girlfriend, thank you 🙂 ! Making no moves to help reinforce your own boss, and only thinking every day about forming a CP and getting to the top— That kind of material for traffic, I think your group of fans are also very interesting [bares teeth]. Here, attach the CP list you’ve come up with for XX, and we can match it with the BGM of “Those years, the male stars we pasted ourselves to together”.]

Zuo Zhen: “….”

After sending this sentence, Lu Xiuhe switched back to QQ and saw that the fan support group had just posted the pictures from Zuo Zhen’s airport meeting today.

[Zuo Family Army_Your Great Lord Lu: Ahhh, my husband is so handsome!!]

[Zuo Family Army_Your Great Lord Lu: I am willing!!!]

[Zuo Family Army_Your Great Lord Lu: awsl!!!]

Zuo Zhen: “….”

Lu Xiuhe was chatting when suddenly, he felt the hands on his waist tighten. The man behind him asked, “Little sweetheart, are you having a good chat?”

Lu Xiuhe froze, and flusteredly put away the cellphone as he stuttered, “Al-alright … Not particularly good… Don’t peep …”

“You’re picturing me in dirty situations and then not allowing me to look?” Zuo Zhen asked in his ear, “You’re willing? How willing are you? Show me?”

[Support group member No.1: [Since Jiejie is willing, then Meimei is also willing.JPG]]

[Group member No. 2: Lolololol, Lulu it’s the middle of the night, don’t be so flirty.]

[Group member No. 3: Where’s Lulu? That person replied to you again!! Come on! Flame them!!]magic

[Group member No. 3: Lulu? Anyone there?]

[Group member No.3: @Zuo Family Army_Your Great Lord Lu]

[Zuo Family Army_Your Great Lord Lu: My husband is on top of me wefsdsioeshsuiengsiefansewaddr]

——Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe, end——

Juurensha: And that’s their story! They were cute, even if ZZ is a bit possessive. (Also what is with this author and making all the first times hurt, guys, take some more time. The original raws didn’t have some of the details, but I got this out of the traditional version!) The poor assistant though.

Noks: Ahhh, the second CP is all wrapped up now… But so glad that there’s still a little bit of Boss Yi x Yanyan left for us!

Please check out and support the raws if you can!

And you guys can buy the published version here! Shipping was both cheap and fast!

And there’s an audio drama for PUBG that came out! It’s more condensed than the novel, but it’s fun!

And check out our fanart/fanfic page!