Chapter 114   - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-I can wait.There was a milk tea shop near Lu Xiuhe’s school, but he actually didn’t really like sweets, so he completely didn’t know whether the milk tea was good or not. He had blurted out that sentence just now in a hurry.

However, seeing the long line in front of the milk tea shop, probably the milk tea couldn’t be that bad.

Lu Xiuhe said, “Can you see the menu up there? What do you want to drink, I’ll get it in line to buy it. ”

Zuo Zhen was wearing a mask. His voice was originally relatively low and deep, and now it was even heavier. “Line up together.”

Maybe his voice was too recognizable, so several female students who were discussing what to drink suddenly stopped talking and turned around all together.

Lu Xiuhe hurriedly moved forward, turning around to block in front of Zuo Zhen, leaving them only a figure to see.

“You’re wearing such an obvious disguise that I’m afraid you’ll be recognized,” he said.


Zuo Zhen replied, “I won’t, I’ve never been recognized while wearing this before.”

Lu Xiuhe didn’t really believe him. “But your hair is showing.”

The capacity of the cap itself wasn’t much. Zuo Zhen felt along the edge of the cap, and felt the twist of hair that he had specifically left outside the cap.

“Possibly didn’t wear it right.” Zuo Zhen turned around very naturally, “You can help me to stuff it back in.”

Lu Xiuh was just too lazy to bother to take care of his hair, so he just did a buzzcut. He had lived for 20 years without really having to touch a comb, relying on just his two hands.

“I’m not very good at that… What if it gets messed up? ”


Zuo Zhen replied, “If it does get messed up, no one will see.”

So Lu Xiuhe had to use his hands to stuff it back in.

Although Zuo Zhen’s hair looked as though it had been straightened, bleached, and dyed many times, it felt soft to the touch. He used his fingertips to press it down and carefully stuffed it into his hat. In the process, he brushed against Zuo Zhen’s neck several times.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Zuo Zhen’s fever really had subsided; his temperature at his touch was no longer that scary.

After finishing, the line had just moved forward. Lu Xiuhe quickly took back his hand, turned back around, and said, “Okay done. With that much hair, isn’t it a lot of trouble to take care of it normally?”

“It is a lot of trouble.” Zuo Zhen said, “But there is a special person to take care of it.”

“Yes, no wonder it’s so soft…”

In the middle of saying that, Lu Xiuhe stopped.

He felt a sudden warmth covering his head – Zuo Zhen had raised his hand and neither lightly nor heavily rubbed his little buzzcut twice.

He didn’t have much hair and could clearly feel the warmth of the other party’s palm.

“But I prefer hair like yours,” said Zuo Zhen. Lu Xiuhe’s hair pricked a bit at his hand, but it didn’t hurt; it felt inexplicably nice.

“……” Lu Xiuhe in this moment fell to stuttering, “Then-then you can get it cut like that . Anyway, no matter how you cut it, you won’t be ugly. ”

He had his back to him, so he couldn’t see how Zuo Zhen’s eyes darkened with his words.

“Okay.” Zuo Zhen said, “When I have a chance, I’ll go cut it.”

Feeling the weight off his head, Lu Xiuhe hurriedly followed with a sigh of relief.

Fuck, if his heartbeat could be felt from his scalp, he could have just directly beat against Zuo Zhen’s palm like a drum. magic

“Zhenzhen still hasn’t made a Weibo post yet… I’m really worried ya. ”

This sentence came from the several girls in front of him, which gave Lu Xiuhe a scare.

Zuo Zhen though was calm, not even turning his gaze from the menu above.

“It’s fine. Although Zhenzhen didn’t make a post, didn’t Peerless, that silly company, also not send out any urgent notice.”

“It’s putting out nothing that’s really scary. Look at the legal notices Peerless sent out before, they were all about small trivial matters. Also those legal notices were worth shit all, even Laoniang using both her hands to type is more awesome.”

These Meizi spoke so strongly .

Lu Xiuhe saying in his Weibo comment that his school had a Zuo Zhen’s fan group wasn’t complete nonsense. Their school really did have one, and Lao Da’s ex girlfriend was in that fan group. It was just that one look was worth a thousand words, and today, he actually ran into them.

Since there were fans, he really couldn’t let them recognize Zuo Zhen. So Lu Xiuhe pretty much for the entire time they spent in line didn’t dare to talk, but also desperately followed Zuo Zhen. When Zuo Zhen asked something, he could just give a faltering answer

Finally it was their turn. He stood aside and said, “Have you decided yet, what do you want to drink?”

“Same as you,” said Zuo Zhen.

Lu Xiuhe froze. “I’m not drinking.”

“Hello, it’s the first time for both of you to visit our store .” The cashier smiled and said, “Our store’s Oreo cake milk tea is very delicious; it’s a new product. Would you two like to try it?”

Feeling Zuo Zhen’s eyes on him, Lu Xiuhe could only randomly nod, “Then… Two cups, thank you. ”

The seats in the shop were already so full they were about to burst, so after buying the milk tea, the two of them had to go outside.

This time, Lu Xiuhe was afraid that Zuo Zhen was really going to go. He stared at the bag in his hand and licked his lips, “Um, your snail rice noodles must be all dried out now . If I knew there would be so many people in the milk tea shop, I wouldn’t have recommended it to you.”

Zuo Zhen’s face remained unchanged as he asked him, “Did you really recommend it to me because it was tasty?”

“……” Lu Xiuhe inwardly said no but outwardly said, “Of course.”

“Then why aren’t you drinking yours?”

Lu Xiuhe immediately tried to cover up by taking a deep sip on the straw.

Shit, it was really fucking sweet. He felt like he had a week’s worth of sugar.

“This one is a little sweet.” He said, “Your company should want you to manage your body ? Don’t drink too much, or else losing weight will be tiring ”

“I don’t need to lose weight,” Zuo Zhen said

Back when he had just entered the business, because he had seen too many negative comments on his appearance, he had developed some psychological problems and had even nearly collapsed. Let alone losing weight, and he had had to even gain weight in order to build his image. Fortunately, he had adjusted quickly, and now, he wasn’t even startled when facing a whole wave of anti-fans.

He didn’t know if it had been a habit developed since back then, but he hadn’t grown fat since then.

He was already used to his weight and knew what number he should be at. He didn’t need to worry about it at all.

Lu Xiuhe didn’t dare drink any more. He put down the milk tea and pointed to the snail rice noodles in Zuo Zhen’s hand. “It must be cold now, how about I buy you another one.”

“No need,” Zuo Zhen refused

Lu Xiuhe could let out a small “oh” then say, “Then…. Is someone coming to pick you up? Do you want me to call you a car? ”

Zuo Zhen stared at him and said, “I’m not leaving yet.”

“By the time I get back there, the rice noodles will have dried out. Find a place nearby and eat it first .”

Lu Xiuhe chose one of the worst restaurants near the school. There were few guests, and they sat in the corner, where almost no one would notice them.

Zuo Zhen pulled down his mask and took two mouthfuls of rice noodles very naturally.He didn’t expect that he would actually hear this word in their farewell.

“I’m sorry to have left you with bad memories.” Zuo Zhen said.

Lu Xiuhe’s nose had gone completely sour. “No… It’s me who wasn’t good, I was the one who left you with bad memories.”

He couldn’t say exactly what wasn’t good about him, but anyway, he hadn’t been good.

“No.” Zuo Zhen said, “You told me before that the scenery in the school was very beautiful. Although I didn’t go in, I also saw it from the outside. It is very beautiful.”

“You are also exactly what I like. I have no bad memories.”

Lu Xiuhe this time really felt that he was about to cry.

He hadn’t even shed tears last night when he was punched in the eye by Lao San, but now his eyes felt very hot.

Afraid that Zuo Zhen would find out, he quickly lowered his head.

His phone rang again, but Zuo Zhen didn’t answer it. He said, “My assistant is urging me. I’m going now.”

Lu Xiuhe gasped and nodded.

Zuo Zhen raised his hand and touched his little buzzcut again. He sighed nearly soundlessly, “Goodbye.”

Zuo Zhen turned around and walked towards the end of the alley. Lu Xiuhe only then discovered that the other party was wearing almost the same type of shoes as him.

It was couple-wear.

His was the male style, and Zuo Zhen’s was the women’s style.

The biggest size of this shoe’s women’s style was 43. As a former moderator of the Zuo Zhen support group, Lu Xiuhe was very clear that Zuo Zhen’s shoe size was 45.

Him wearing it like that was obviously too small for him, and he didn’t know how Zuo Zhen had stuffed his feet into them.

This was a very ceremonial farewell.

Would those shoes be thrown into the corner by Zuo Zhen to gather dust after he headed back?

After all, they didn’t fit well .

Lu Xiuhe’s vision was completely blurred by his tears. He could only hear the footsteps of Zuo Zhen as he walked along the road and the ringing of his phone.

When the phone stopped ringing, Lu Xiuhe only had one thought in his mind.

He didn’t want Zuo Zhen to go.

He suddenly raised his head and ran uncontrollably forward at an astonishing speed. The sound of his running was echoed throughout the alley.

Before Zuo Zhen could even turn his head, he was embraced by him.

Such a big man running into him, the collision couldn’t be underestimated, but Zuo Zhen just stepped back a few steps and then stood firm.

“Zuo Zhen.” In fact, Lu Xiuhe hadn’t wanted to embrace him, he had just wanted to catch him and hold him still. He tightly held Zuo Zhen’s coat with his hands, the plastic bag having long ago been left aside by him. He said in a hoarse voice, “I also have no bad memories, really.”

Zuo Zhen became out of sorts for half an instant, but then very soon recovered as usual.

He patted the back of Lu Xiuhe’s hand, then very gently pulled his hand away, “Is that right? Then that’s good. ”

Seeing Zuo Zhen take another step, Lu Xiuhe this time frantically directly grabbed his hand.

Zuo Zhen looked back, raised his eyebrows, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Zuo Zhen, I don’t like that girl, and I also don’t like gentle, rational, and steady girls,” he said.

Zuo Zhen fell silent for a bit, “You don’t have to tell me the type of girl you like.”

Lu Xiuhe shook his head. “I just like the kind like you,” he said

He raised his shoulders, quickly wiped away his tears, and met Zuo Zhen’s gaze. “…there’s no girl I like, and there’s also no type I like, I just like you. ”

The embers at the bottom of Zuo Zhen’s eyes lit up faintly, but very soon went out again. He laughed, his tone slightly self mocking, “That’s a pity then, I’m not a girl.”

“It has nothing to do with if you’re a man or woman—”

“But you said before, you don’t like men.”

“I did say that…”

“So what are you doing right now?” Zuo Zhen’s face had no smiles left. He looked at Lu Xiuhe, and his voice grew colder. “Saying that you like me, making me keep staying here, making me keep stupidly waiting, waiting until the day you like men?”

Lu Xiuhe hurriedly said, “It’s not like that…”

“—I can wait.”

Lu Xiuhe was stunned.

Zuo Zhen looked at him, his expression becoming pitiful and sad.

He said, “Lu Xiuhe, as long as you keep me, I’m willing to wait.”

Lu Xiuhe’s heart seemed to be clenched in his hand; it hurt badly.

The man who on the stage was adored and chased after by millions of people, in front of him lowered his head and put himself in the most humble place.

Fucking hell….

What did he count as? Lu Xiuhe thought, what was good about him, that was worth Zuo Zhen acting like this towards him?

Zuo Zhen’s face was pained, and he said, “I don’t want to go, I don’t want to give up, and I’m not willing to just go.”

“As long as you give me a word, give me a little hope to keep going on, okay?”

Hearing this, Lu Xiuhe was so distressed.

It shouldn’t be like this.

The Zuo Zhen that he liked, he should have held him in the palm of his hand and loved him dearly. He should use a fluorescent stick to trace out a flower road for him.

When Zuo Zhen saw that he was slow to respond, his newly raised heart fell heavily back down again.

“Sorry, I forgot myself.” He wanted to put away his feelings and laugh, but even that laugh was bitter. “So that hug just now, it was a farewell hug?”

“No.” Lu Xiuhe said, “That hug, and now this, are not for saying farewell to you.”

Zuo Zhen asked, “Then…”

Without waiting for him to finish talking, Lu Xiuhe raised his hand and hooked it around Zuo Zhen’s neck.

He pulled down Zuo Zhen’s mask and kissed him clumsily and eagerly.

Juurensha: !!! Good job LXH for finally going for it! Also, this is like my third time reading this chapter, and I’m still unsure of what ZZ’s exact game plan here was. I feel like maybe it was a giant gamble, a go big or go home measure. Either he’d finally get through to LXH and get that crumb of hope to keep on going, or he really would leave, maybe. (Also, Noks is feeling better, but her power is now out, so again, hope this reads okay!)

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