[What does it mean when your crush calls you unworthy after holding your hand?]

His eyes turned wide before a chuckle escaped his lips. As his gaze traveled down to her username, he almost burst out in laughter.

'miss_angel? I guess it was supposed to Miss devil here,' He smiled before taking out his phone to click a picture of her profile.

Who could have imagined that this ever so arrogant woman would have this side of hers? She was somewhat….cute!

If the man had seen his smiling face in the mirror and grasped the direction of his thoughts then maybe it wouldn't have been late for him to realize that his heart was leaning towards a certain someone.

Inside the bedroom:

Ying Yue lifelessly laid on the queen bed as she looked at the ceiling. The picture of Mo Zihan hugging a woman flashed in her mind.


It was the day when Mo Jia fought with Grandma Mo and to lift her mood, Mo Zihan had brought her to Ash Corporation. Coincidentally, Ying Yue also happened to be there. From the point she was standing, she could only see Mo Zihan's side face as he laughed and hugged the woman. As for Mo Jia, only her back was visible to her. If she would have been able to see her face, there would be not such misunderstanding since Mo Jia and Mo Zihan are twins.

Although normally she was not insensitive. But somehow, when the matter includes one's crush, people tend to overthink.magic

"Wait... What the heck is he doing here? How did he get my address?" She sprang up from the bed as the gears in her mind started running at full speed.

It was not like that she was living in an apartment that he entered her flat by mistake when he wanted to go to another flat. Since this is a private villa, then he must have known that who lives here.

There is no security here because no one knows that this property belongs to her. As for her safety, there is an automatic security system installed in the villa which will be activated the moment she wanted it to.

So, it was quite easy for Mo Zihan to enter her place. Since she knew it was him, she didn't activate the security network. That means, he came with full preparation. What exactly did he want?


What bothered her the most was why exactly did he come to her place?

She quickly put on her overcoat before opening the door as she walked out of the room.

As she stood before the couch, her gaze landed on the sleeping beauty who has taken back his role as soon as he heard the sound of the door opening.

She picked up her phone from the coffee table before dialing a number.

"Come to my place right now!" Ying Yue ordered coldly before hanging up.

Mo Zihan: "_" Why is she angry? And who is she talking to?

After twenty minutes, the doorbell started ringing. As she opened the door, two strong and bulky men, dressed in bodyguard's uniform came to the view.

"Come inside."As they walked towards the couch, the two men froze all of a sudden. The man sleeping on the couch...wasn't he...?

As one of the most eligible bachelors across the globe, how could one not recognize the man? Other than being the Second Prince of Mo Family, he was the Vice President of the multinational company, Ash Corporation. Since the CEO was mysterious, Mo Zihan was the face of Ash Corps.

"Miss Ying, isn't he the Second Young Master of Mo Family?" One of them couldn't control his curiosity as he blurted out.

"Yes, and your task is to get him out of my place."

"W... What?" Both the men were horrified by what they heard "G.. Get him out? How could we offend the Mo Family?"

Who in the world didn't know the power and influence of the Mo Family?

Ying Yue wanted to smack some sense in their heads. Isn't your boss, Tang Yichen, influential too?

She sighed "I'm not telling you to throw him out literally. Just lift him, and drop him at Ash Corporations. Inform the security that you found their Vice President in the middle of the street in this condition. You recognized him so you decided to drop him off at his office because you didn't know his address."

Both the bodyguards were speechless at the speed in which their gentle and beautiful Supermodel Ying was scheming such a foolproof plan. Moreover, did she want them to offend all the big shots at once? First Mo Family, Ash Corporations, then what will come next?

"What? Do it efficiently or else I'll ask Brother Yichen to fire both of you, humph!"


As they walked out of the villa, the bodyguard who was holding Mo Zihan in a princess carry spoke up timidly, "Brother, why do I feel like holding a hot potato in my arms? And what relationship do you think they have?"

The other bodyguard coughed "Brother, we have to deal with it. We are working under Miss Ying. Moreover, the President treats her like his sister. As for their relationship..."

"You can let me go now," A voice interrupted their conversation and they stopped in their tracks, completely horrified.