Song Tianyu frowned. At a critical moment like this, if he leaves for abroad, what about Tang Li? Her life is practically in danger. His eyes turned stern as he became resolute. He should personally arrange for her safety, moreover, Tang Yichen, Old Master Tang, and Mo Yuhan would not let anyone touch her single hair.

His gaze deepened as he suddenly thought of someone. That person will protect her at all costs.


Tang Yichen leaned back on the couch as if not noticing the tense atmosphere. Humph, let this jerk learn a lesson. Did he think it would be that simple after marrying his sister?

"What about the information, big brother?"

Mo Yuhan frowned, what information are they talking about? About Tang Family, he has already sealed all the data so that before he could conclude, it wouldn't endanger her life.

Tang Yichen chuckled "Little Princess, our dear mother was involved with the underworld."


Mo Yuhan: "_"

He should've known that this man will never let him have some peace. He had intentionally kept this matter a secret but who could've thought that his investigation ran so deep.

Since he had already kept the information locked, even Tang Li failed to acquire it. So, it simply meant that Tang Yichen had obtained it much before.

Indeed, just as Mo Yuhan guessed, the hacker that Tang Yichen has hired had already obtained it. The man was just confirming it before he finally sent it to him, which delayed this matter to a few days.

Tang Li was stunned before she smiled wryly "Anything else?""The Song Family had another son who seems to have died years ago. As for the younger generation, I thought there was no one. But recently, I have found out that they have an heiress. It seems she is Song Tianyu's daughter."

"They have hidden her well," Tang Li raised her brows "Who exactly was she involved with?"


Tang Yichen didn't need to guess who the 'she' was "Kingsman Faction, it's development in recent years have been quite terrific."

Mo Yuhan massaged his aching forehead as he coldly glanced at Tang Yichen who in turn provokingly raised an eyebrow.

Did this man think his sister is a weakling? Anything she wants, he will have it for her, let alone a puny information. And even if she is a weakling, he will protect her.

Mo Yuhan glared at the man. He just wanted to keep her away from this mess until he gets to the bottom of this matter. After that, he would pass all the data to her.

"So, when exactly Tang Meili met our dad?" She didn't want to acknowledge that woman as her mother. As for her father, she would let him be her 'dad' for now. It's never too late to change her decision later. She could just see to what extent does this man deserves to be their father.

Her question immediately hooked the attention of two certain men who almost were slaying each other with their eyes.


Space Valley Nightclub:

The nightclub was oozing with party vibes as the disco lights shone here and there dazzling the people and the loud music was livening the atmosphere.

"Zihan Zihan Zihan....!! Woah! Man, you can do it... Go for it," A group of men shouted and cheered as loudly as possible.

Mo Zihan frowned "Guys, I'm not interested in them. Why don't you go?""Not interested? Since when did our Second Young Master Mo become a gentleman?"

"I have always been one, when have you ever seen me chasing after women?" It was the truth though. Being the Vice President of Ash Corps was already busy yet fulfilling for him. Why would he waste his time getting the attention of woman?!

His friends snorted "Will you kiss her or not? You can choose anyone else too! This is a dare, man up bro!"

Mo Zihan shrugged before drinking three shots of the vodka at once.

"Ehh..." The other people were speechless.

At this point, their attention snapped towards the entrance where people were gathered in crowds as they shouted and cheered.

"What is going on there?"

"Oh my god!! She is the most popular and hottest supermodel as of now.... She is currently trending!"

The tall man chuckled "Are you chasing after idols now?"

"What idols? Ying Yue is my goddess... I like her a lot.."

"The young master of Qin Family is bewitched by a woman in the entertainment industry. Won't this make breaking news, what say guys?"magic

"Ofcourse, it will... Haha..."

Mo Zihan, who was previously playing with his phone had his attention set on the name 'Ying Yue' only.

That pervert... he didn't see her after she crashed her car right into his baby Ferrari. After a few days, he even wondered if she was alright or not. Sometimes, he even had the impulse to find more about her, like where is, what is she doing etc.

But then again, he will shrug it off thinking what has gotten into him.

Little did he know, she did come to Ash Corps after that. But the scene that greeted him was that of Mo Zihan hugging a woman. The woman was certainly Mo Jia but Ying Yue was unaware of it. Who would like to see her crush with another woman? So, she just left that place.