Beans 'n Cream Cafe:

"Well, one cold coffee for me," Han Feng said to the waiter before turning around to look at Mo Jia "What would you prefer?"

"One black coffee."

"Too bitter, too dark!" Han Feng scrunched of his nose in a joking manner before passing the orders to the waiter.

A giggle escaped her lips at the funny faces the man was making. Who could have thought that a renowned psychologist had this side to him too?

Han Feng laughed along with her "Hey, what exactly was the matter you wanted my consultation for?"magic

Mo Jia's face turned serious at the thought of the matter as she started describing everything to the man "So, it's like this, I think my friend has mild depression. Well, he is afraid of living alone and not only this, he was so attached with his previous house that after it was sold, he didn't even change places due to it. He then came asking me to let him stay in my place and he would do anything in return. I just couldn't watch him getting so desperate so I decided to ask you for help."


"So, does he take any medications or has he seen doctors?"

She shook her head helplessly "No, he hates them."

Whenever she mentioned it to him, he would just avoid that particular topic or change it. Though she didn't say it, she marked it pretty well.

"Actually, we shouldn't come to a conclusion without seeing the patient but as per the symptoms you have mentioned, I can give a rough medical diagnosis."

She nodded her head waiting for him to continue."According to all the signs, the matter is not as simple as it seems. Mild depression? No, the symptoms are pointing towards Major depression. The person you just mentioned, does he faces extreme mood swings, like sometimes he is angry, sometimes happy, sometimes anxious or stays irritated too?"

Mo Jia nodded again. That man, sometimes he is so tender and gentle to her while after a while, he will become rude and domineering. He becomes grumpy for no reason too.


"Small things can affect their emotions. They consider themselves as normal and that's why they hate it when someone asks them to go to hospital. Moreover, they tend to get attached to things or people over time. Since the person you mentioned didn't like living alone, and you are the person he first came to, he trusts you to a certain degree and his attachment comes from the weakness of his depressed mind."

She was speechless. That poor man was suffering the whole time, yet she was rude to him at his place. A part of her felt a disappointment that she couldn't comprehend.

Disappointment at the knowledge that he is attached to her just because of his health issues but she failed to pinpoint the feeling.

"So, what should I do now?"

Han Feng shook his head "You can just convince him to come to hospital. Without personally checking his conditions, I can's prescribe medications."

"Alright, I'll try my best."

"Hey, you really don't remember me? You once left some of your notes in the classroom and I found it eventually. I had to face a whole heap of troubles as I tried to find your contact info."

Mo Jia's eyes brightened as she recalled that particular incident "Ah...Yeah, I remember now."

"You even helped me with an equation I couldn't solve no matter how much I tried. You did it in seconds and I was like..." He made shocked faces to show the particular expression on his face back then.

Mo Jia giggled....

"Mr. X, I have kept the money right above the red chair which is vacant, you should do a more thorough research about the Songs. I want as much information as you can find."

The man on the other side was silent for a moment before speaking "Alright, keep the rest of the amount ready."

Tang Yichen hung up as a cold light flashed in his eyes "Hackers sure are complicated people."

As he turned around to leave the place, he spotted Mo Jia smiling at a man. Her face looking more beautiful with that smile. She has never once been this carefree with him.

She never went out with him yet here she was, sitting and talking to the man like she is on a... date?

His face turning colder as the surrounding temperature dropped to a few degrees. The waitress who passed by almost dropped the serving tray.

This man was so... scary.

Tang Yichen disregarded everything as he walked towards Mo Jia.

Mo Jia was looking at Han Feng's neat hairstyle as she thought about a particular incident. When she first met Tang Yichen at the airport, she had a sudden urge to mess up his hair and bit his... lips?

Then, she lowered here eyes to look at the man's lips but she felt no impulse. Aren't women supposed to feel like that for all handsome men then why is she not feeling anything for Han Feng? Is he not handsome enough?

She glared at him at the thought of that.

Han Feng got chills with her grievous looks "Girl, what happened?"

Before Mo Jia could say anything, she spotted a certain man walking towards her and her heart skipped a bit. These peculiar heart issues again?

"You..What are you.."