Tang Yichen was stunned for a moment. His heart beating faster than usual. Her attitude reminded him of the first time they met, in the airport. The way she confidently threw her black card at his bodyguard's face wasn't something he could ever forget.

Pretty women look exquisitely beautiful when they are filled with confidence.

And she was a piece of art to him. The heartless girl left his condo without turning back and there he was, being grumpy over how his condo suddenly started feeling depressing.


"President, the collaboration with Ash Corporations was indeed useful for this project. It has been a few months yet the profits of DX keep increasing by leaps and bounds," Although Secretary Yu took over this post after Liu Jiang was fired, that doesn't mean he is amateur.

He has been working in Mo Empires for almost a decade and has worked under Mo Yuhan quite a few times too. It's just that the position of 'Secretary' was quite new to him.

Mo Yuhan gazed at the files and his lips curved up, making him look ever so attractive.


Though women will be mesmerized by his manly charms but Secretary Yu somehow got goosebumps "Cough...President, I have a doubt. May I?"

Mo Yuhan was in a good mood so he glanced at the man, waiting for him to continue.

"The first option for this collaboration was supposed to be Yu Corporations, who are lately being suspected of involvement in illegal businesses, why was that? As much as I know, you verify all the details personally. Moreover, why did you suddenly choose Ash Corps?" Secretary Yu was genuinely curious.

President Mo has always been a cautious man. No matter how small or big the project is, he will try to take it to the point of perfection. Then, how could Yu Corporations who are involved in multiple heinous deeds be chosen?Moreover, how did Ash Corporation get involved in this matter?

"I was overseas," To all his queries, President Mo has a few words to say "She suggested it."

Secretary Yu was stunned before a wry smile appeared on his face. What President meant was he was overseas and the selection was done by the board members.


As for Ash Corporations, he only knows one person whose suggestion holds value for President and she is the only one who is capable enough to make it come true.

"President, I have arranged for a meeting with Mark Wilson. He was pretty confused as per why you will want to meet him, he will be reaching here anytime soon," Secretary Yu pitied this little man secretly in his heart.

'You want to reach our Madam? Did you think that the huge mountain standing behind her was invisible?'magic

"Very well then," He has kept quiet since yesterday because he could feel many things weren't as simple as they seemed.

He was sure that with her IQ, Tang Li knew it as well. There was a small possibility that Mark wasn't the one who did all those things. It's just that she wanted to avoid this topic, in case she is the one being disappointed in the end.

But he can't let it slide, he couldn't let any potential danger grow. He would just nip it in the bud just before it reaches his wife.


The receptionist was mesmerized by a certain handsome man standing in front of her. She couldn't deal with this sticky situation, even if she didn't want to disappoint him, she still feared the demoness.

Such a mess!Tang Yichen was leaning against the receptionist desk as he looked at the starstruck girl. He was sighing incessantly as he thought that he still had some charms, then why wasn't that person interested in him.

He was wearing a casual black T-shirt paired with a denim jeans and sneakers. The man has abandoned his pitiful bodyguards outside the entrance as he waited there to meet his precious little sister.

"Sir, if you don't have an appointment, I can't let you in since President is in a meeting now," the receptionist gulped. Even if 'The Tang Yichen' was irresistible, she didn't have the guts to face the President's wrath.

Tang Yichen frowned. He was already tensed yet people had to mess with him. His cold aura made the receptionist shrink back in fear.

"Call her," his voice had a hint of impatience in it.

The girl shivered "President... doesn't allows us to disturb us while she is at meetings."

Tang Yichen rubbed his brows exasperatedly. He has already called her countless times yet her number was turned off.

The calm and cool fox was a little unstable today.

At this time, the staffs were gathering around as they looked at him and admired one of the national treasures.

"Oh my god, look at him, the CEO of Blue Star Entertainment, he is much more handsome in real..."

"What do you think is he doing here? President and he...."

"Our President Tang has already got President Mo and they are the best couple. Don't have such wild imaginations."

"Hey, he looks like our President in quite a few aspects. Look at his eyes..."

"He is the great Tang Yichen after all...Wait, he is a 'Tang' and President is a 'Tang' too. Do you think they are....''?

"Brother," Tang Li greeted the man calmly as she walked towards him followed by Mo Zihan and Lin Shi. She was in a meeting when Lin Shi informed her that her brother is waiting downstairs.