Katherine narrowed her gaze at the laptop's screen. Simultaneously, Styles had pulled up a 3D view map of the road where Shadow's base was—across from it is where the lab is located. Even the thought of being a state away from Castle was already stressful enough, and now they would have to consider going extremely near it.

Glancing at Chris, she saw the crease on his forehead, and even though he wasn't saying anything yet, she could already tell that he was already considering it. She felt a hand on her back, and she leaned into Damien as she asked, "What are your thoughts on this?"

Damien looked at her and saw the uneasiness in her expression. He didn't like this more than she did, but they understood that this was needed. "It is risky. But this is the only method I can think of."

Chris leaned over the table and requested, "Styles, can you pull up the map on the area around Castle?"magic

"One second." Styles worked on his computer, and in the next few seconds, a top view map of the blocks around Shadow's base appeared on their screen.

Pointing from section to section, Chris informed the rest of them, "Back then, Castle was located outside of Cona City, and we had a wide and secured perimeter that only we could access. However, Parker decided to move in the heart of Cona. And then we tightened the security around this area here and here. The streets and blocks surrounding the base are guarded, and surveillance is tight, but it's not impossible to get in to access the lab."

He looked up and met Damien's stare just as the latter said, "It's your call if you want to risk it. The previous operation where we had to create a diversion and messed with the electricity in the block was successful mostly because my men were unknown to them. But this time, you would have to go there yourself. The only access we can have to get in the lab is through the front door—which is directly opposite to the base's entrance, or through the basement parking on the right of the building where you said the surveillance is tight. I have a heavily tinted car we can use, but it's up to you if you think we can get past that."


Just then, Damien's phone rang, and he answered it as soon as he saw that it was Felix. "Where are you?""I'm already on my way to the next state, and I will head straight to the hospital."

Damien put the call on speaker for everybody to hear, then Katherine immediately spoke, "Once you arrive at the hospital, be careful and keep your head down—we don't know who is watching nearby. You need to access the patient's file to check the doctor's diagnosis. Styles can hack into the hospital's database, but doctors sometimes don't update the records until the end of the day, so it's better to do it manually."

"Got it."

"Also, if you can, give the senator a visit. But don't push it—only if you see an opening. I'm sure there will be lots of security in the area," she added.

"Okay. I'll be in touch in a few hours."

The phone call ended after a few more instructions from Damien. The senator's situation had stirred the media, making it much harder to get past the guards. Moreover, they didn't know whether Senator Jones did this to herself or if Parker did—so they wouldn't know who is lurking around.


After the phone call, Chris got their attention again and told them his decision. "I'll take it. You're right. This is the only way. I can't just rely on Director Hughes as she has her own agenda. When can we move?"

Damien checked his calendar, moved some appointments around, and then replied, "Earliest will be tomorrow at noon. We can fly and then drive to the lab, then leave as soon as they get the samples."

Chris nodded. He contemplated for a bit and thought of a plan. Just like always, he wanted to make sure of the routes they would take the moment they enter the city until they leave. Being meticulous, he planned three ways just in case things go south.After asking Styles to send a layout and a blueprint of the building, Chris began to strategize with the team. At first, Katherine wanted to go with them, but Damien refused to bring her. The idea of her being near to Parker didn't sit well with him. Although she didn't like that he stopped her, she understood his reasons, so she could only put her trust that he would be safe.

A few hours later, Felix called bearing some news. "You're right about the security. Even the staff gets searched before they could go inside the patient's room." His voice was low, and he was somewhat whispering. He was at the floor's lobby sitting on a waiting chair with a newspaper in hand while glancing at the Senator's room—several meters away—from time to time.

"So, what happened?" asked Damien. All of them focused their gazes on his phone as they waited for the report.

"Based on the notes, the patient overdosed in sleeping pills, and traces of alcohol were found in her system. It wasn't written on the records, but I overheard the nurses talking, and it seems they believe that the senator did this to herself."

"Were you able to get to her room?" Katherine wondered.

"I can't. But I will try it later—oh, shit—" he cursed.

They straightened their backs when they heard Felix's sudden panicked voice. "What's going on?" Damien asked.

The line was still and quiet, but they could hear a distant sound of footsteps and the hospital's paging through the speakers along with Felix's breathing.

"Felix?" Katherine called. "What's happening?"

A shuffling sound was heard through the receiver before he came back to the line and told them in a careful tone, "I just saw that man Parker pass by and went inside the senator's room."

Damien, Katherine, Gus, and Chris exchanged looks, their hearts racing as they imagined Parker in the senator's room. "Are you sure it was him?" asked Chris.

"Yes. It's the same man I saw from the picture you showed me. I'm sure it's him." Felix swallowed. This was the closest he got to see the notorious man, and he couldn't help but feel his stomach twist. "What do I do now?"