Chapter 607  : Counterattack


“Senior, wouldn’t No Man’s Land be even more chaotic?” Yu Ming asked in confusion.

Shen Xi smiled; her eyes gleaming with a fierce glint. “Chaos is chaos, but it won’t cause trouble for our country. If I’m not mistaken, Country S must have already deployed its forces and is waiting for us. No Man’s Land is different. With various factions crossing paths, we’ll stir up trouble and use the influence there to shake off our pursuers.”

Yu Ming nodded. “Alright!’

Yu Ming urgently tried to establish contact with the ground but struggled with the signal intermittent, as if it was being intercepted. His expression grew increasingly grim.

Meanwhile, Shen Xi’s lips curled with a mischievous smile. She performed skillful aerial maneuvers, playing with the enemy aircraft, and even circling one of the fighter jets. The enemy planes flew aimlessly in the air like headless flies, lacking any coherent pattern.


The students inside the cabin were already feeling nauseous. Such reckless aerial stunts, indifferent to human lives, were difficult for ordinary people to endure.

Now they understood why the Director of Education never flew in Rose Onion’s plane again. It was like being trapped inside a roller coaster, driving a person to the brink of collapse.

At the moment the plane entered No Man’s Land, the enraged enemy fighter jets started attacking.

As soon as Guan Lei heard the sound of a missile launch, he murmured under his breath, “Qianliyan-655, tracking missiles, two of them.”

This instantly drained the color from the students’ faces. But before they could react, the plane suddenly shot up like a rocket, then performed a rapid inverted loop and sped away in the opposite direction.

The inverted passengers felt their blood rush to their heads. With a loud and explosive sound, two enemy planes plummeted.


The plane reoriented itself.

At this point, the group was no longer afraid of Senior’s vertical takeoff technique, Survival was of the utmost importance.

Inside the cockpit, Shen Xi’s lips twisted into a wicked smile with malicious satisfaction. “There are still eight more. They made the first move, now it’s our turn to attack. Yu Ming, are you ready?”

“Yes!” Yu Mings eyes gleamed with excitement.

The seemingly ordinary passenger plane revealed rows of missile launchers on both wings. The changes under the wings were unclear, but something seemed to have transformed as well. The students in the cabin were instantly astonished. One of them exclaimed, “This is actually a fighter jet! Oh my, it’s my first time riding in a fighter jet.”

“Don’t you find these missiles familiar? Isn’t this the equipment our ammunition engineering team developed last year? It’s so exhilarating to witness our work being used in actual combat,” Xue Chang said, brimming with excitement.magic

Guan Lei was also amazed by the wing design. His area of expertise was in specialized energy technology, and it was closely related to ammunition engineering, but he had limited exposure to the use of weapons. They were mainly used on test aircraft.

Now, experiencing firsthand the missile-equipped aircraft they had developed, although Guan Lei did not show it on his face, his heart was already ablaze with passion, and every cell in his body quivered with enthusiasm.

The eight enemy planes formed a cylindrical shape, surrounding the aircraft. One group dispersed to divert Shen Xi’s attack direction, while the other group prevented the aircraft from escaping.

In the tense atmosphere, the launchers originally facing forward abruptly turned towards the tail end of the wings. Guan Lei felt himself falling backward as the aircraft tilted vertically.

The group held their breath in suspense. The next moment, the aircraft spun rapidly like a top, perfectly evading the encirclement, and within a few seconds, it shot down three enemy planes.

A triumphant smile spread across Shen Xi’s face. She looked at the sudden emergence of several red dots on the instrument panel. With a press of a button, the plane fired in the direction of the red dots.

Wedged between the approaching fighter jets and the five remaining enemy aircraft, Shen Xi snorted in contempt. In the final second before entering the enemy’s attack range, she dove straight down, watching the enemy planes engage in a chaotic battle.

Shen Xi circled behind the enemy planes and launched five X-type guided missiles. She then accelerated, speeding toward Huaguo.

Attack and retreat, what a thrill..