Chapter 1164: Future Trajectories  

In the Dark Moon residence, Chen Rui sat on the ground, looking at the dark clouds covering the sky. He took a sip of wine and remained silent.

Empty wine bottles were lying on the ground. In fact, Chen Rui was not alcoholic, but he was influenced by 2 alcoholic companions. In addition, drinking wine was 1 of the most common etiquette among friends in this world, so his real wine tolerance (without cheating with strength) had gradually been improved, but it was the first time he drank wine for several days like this.

After returning to the Dark Moon from the Earth Realm, apart from drinking wine, Chen Rui hardly ate or did anything else. He just kept silent.

Moore, his best friend, had just left him forever suddenly. He barely had time to accept it, and he also couldn’t accept it.

The remaining 5 Elemental Kings, including the friendly Lambost, Sethtine, and Hegel, who looked the least like a friend, were actually friends.

The feeling of ‘losing’ couldn’t be described in texts or words.


Zola was facing the most dangerous and difficult road. When she needed help and comfort the most, he couldn’t do anything; he couldn’t even be by her side.

Although Moore said that this is fate, if there was no element source powers and no origin fragments, then everything would not be what it is today. So what if I can defeat Raphael, Abaddon or even Michael and Satan? I still can’t change the so-called fate.

Fate… how do I actually transcend it?

Chen Rui took a sip thoughtfully, and he found that the wine bottle in his hand was empty again. Another bottle appeared in his hand. Before he unscrewed the bottle cap, the bottle of wine suddenly came out of his hand and flew into the hand of the figure behind him.

“It’s no fun drinking wine alone.” Paglio’s voice sounded.

“I just want to drink some wine.” The poison dragon sat down next to him and knocked off the bottle cap with his teeth skillfully. He clinked it with the new wine bottle that appeared in Chen Rui’s hand, raised his head, and bottomed up the wine in no time.


“Hey, you are too stingy to drink wine like this.” Paglio looked at Chen Rui who sipped slowly, “Shouldn’t the guy who drinks to drown his sorrow drink it all in one go?”

Chen Rui shook his head, “The guy who came to persuade people not to drink to drown sorrow, shouldn’t persuade like you, right?”

“I’m not a naggy guy. Besides, so many women have already worried about you. I just want to drink some wine. Give me a few more bottles.” Paglio was not a shy person. He took over all the bottles that Chen Rui took out just now. magic “Slow down…” Chen Rui watched Paglio drink the wine, “That is the purple berry wine that Catherine gave me as a tribute. The quantity is limited. It will be gone after drinking it.”

The poison dragon grinned, “Hehe, the Royal Majesty Empress is yours, what is the big deal with this wine? But then again, the ‘special tribute’ is indeed different. This wine fragrance is extremely mellow, far better than ordinary products. It’s a pity that Roman is about to break through in the closed-door training, otherwise he will definitely come over with a sniff. Take out all you have. Don’t be stingy!”

“Okay, you won.” Chen Rui smiled wryly and took out another 5 bottles, “That’s really all.”

The 2 drank wine and chatted with each other.

“I understand your mood now.” Paglio took a sip of wine, “If it was before, I might not understand it.”

Chen Rui understood the meaning of the poison dragon. In the past, Paglio, who only saw eggshells when he was born, was a completely self-centered guy. He was the standard dragon that would only take care of his interests, but now he was different. He already had friends and lovers. He had risked his life more than once in battle to protect them, so Paglio understood the sadness of losing a close friend.

“There is no need to explain or shirk anything. You have said it yourself. No one is perfect, and life is never smooth. You may have done the right thing, or you may have done the wrong thing, but if you have done it, let it be. Why do you think about it so much? Why don’t you think about what to do in the future?”

With that said, Paglio let out a breath of wine and stretched his waist, “However, whether it is mood or attitude, there is always a process of adaptation or mediation. It’s just like when I just learned that I suddenly had a father in the human world’s Dragon Valley. I even took it out on Pagris on the spot. It took a long time for me to let go of this mental block.”

“I’m not as entangled as you are.” Chen Rui drank the last bit of wine from the wine bottle in his hand, but there was no new wine bottle in his hand, “Actually, it’s not that I can’t think it through, I’m just thinking about some questions.”

“Don’t be so sentimental. I don’t care if you want to die or live. I just want to take the opportunity to satisfy my wine addiction.” Paglio patted his buttocks and stood up, “Little Betty has spoken these days. She asked me to try that secret formula to get babies, but I have to quit wine for a while. It is really sad. She even keeps a close watch. However, it would also be nice to have a daughter as good as Duoduo… See, Duoduo is here as we mention. I’ll go and, find a place to eradicate the wine breath right away, lest the little girl smell it and complain to Little Betty.”

After the poison dragon finished speaking, he dodged and disappeared in place. Chen Rui turned his head and saw a small head protruding from the wall behind him. It was his precious daughter.


Children were actually quite sensitive. Duoduo had long noticed that daddy was depressed, so she had been careful these days to not disturb Chen Rui. Hearing daddy’s calling, the little girl came out immediately. She came to Chen Rui step by step, put her arms around his neck, and gently pressed her face against Chen Rui’s.


Chen Rui hugged her daughter lovingly, “What’s wrong?”

“Aunt Kia asks me to call you for dinner.”


“Daddy, shall we go eat now? Duoduo hasn’t eaten with daddy for a few days…”

Seeing the anticipation flashing in his daughter’s big bright eyes, Chen Rui’s heart suddenly softened. He took a deep breath, stood up, and showed a long-lost smile on his face, “Okay.” The little girl who had completed the arduous task assigned by Aunt Kia happily flew up and kissed daddy, then she pulled Chen Rui toward the courtyard.

Compared with the haze of this sky, another sky looked bright and dazzling.

The sunlight was scattered on the dense and lush forest sea. Countless light beams were refracted in the canopy, rendering the somewhat cold forest warmer.

There was a small hut in the middle of the dense forest. At the door of the hut, there was a tall and slender female figure, wearing a cool short robe. She had a beautiful face, a pair of silver eyes sparkling, dark green long hair curled slightly, and 2 pointy ears faintly showing on 2 sides.


A hoarse and jerky voice came from the side. It turned out that there was a figure wearing a dark green cloak beside the elf woman. Compared with the elf’s eye-catching temperament, this figure was more like smoke in the dark. If one didn’t look carefully, one might think he was a tree shade.

“Father…” From Kilanya’s address, it could be seen that the man in the cloak was the most famous legendary prophet Alucier of the elf tribe.

“Your mood still doesn’t seem to be better?”

“That’s true.” Kilanya sighed, “No matter which elf it is, knowing that the Tree of Nature was taken away by some treacherous guy and never returned, he will not be in a good mood; it makes me even more depressed that the ‘behind the scene’ of this incident is actually my father.”

“That’s right, I entrusted Finoia to tell that Royal Highness ‘Arthur’ not to let the Tree of Nature return to the forest sea as promised.” Alucier paused the wooden stick in his hand and took a few staggering steps.

“I don’t know why you did this. Father should have heard the dissatisfaction of the tribe. Everyone is questioning your decision to let that person take the Tree of Nature away. You’re the highest instructor of the elf tribe. Over the years, the elves have always believed in you, but the Tree of Nature is the most important holy tree of the elf tribe, and it is also a life tree that involves life and death. It was an unbelievable decision for you to let the outsider control the holy tree. Now that the person did not return on time, at least on the surface, it has caused extremely bad effects. Not only you, the legendary prophet, but even Her Majesty Liv has been implicated.”

“Just like that?” Alucier smiled. Although half of his face looked ferocious and bloated, the other half of his face was full of kindness, “Actually, what makes you most angry is that I’m only telling you the truth now, right?”

Kilanya curled her lips, “Hmph, sir father has several apprentices, but only 1 daughter, especially your daughter is also the apprentice who has received the most genuine inheritance. Why did you keep it a secret from me for so long? Didn’t you say that I also have the talent of great prophecy?”

“Prophecy is not a gift to be thankful for. On the contrary, the more you can see some future trajectories, the more you will feel struggling and suffering. Moreover, the future we see is just a possible trajectory. Every time we foresee it, it may be different. Perhaps because you see it, it’s changing.”

“Since the future is changing, why do you still insist on letting that human control the Tree of Nature?”

“Because… some things, no matter how many times they are foreseen, will never change.” Alucier sighed, “This is ‘fate’. Fate is stubborn and almost irreversible, but it does not mean absolute. But only relying on foresight is definitely not going to change.”

“So, you try to change it through some changes?” Kilanya was thoughtful. She was suddenly startled, “Then, you let that human keep the Tree of Nature…”

As Alucier’s true apprentice and the owner of the great prophecy talent, Kilanya had already thought of something, but suddenly she didn’t say anything, only showing fear expression on her face.

“The next time you see that human, give this to him.”

Kilanya looked at something that appeared in her hand. She showed an unexpected expression, “This is…”

Alucier didn’t answer, but he just looked up at the sky. The cloudless sky suddenly darkened, the sun was covered by a large cloud, and rumbling thunder sounded in the mist. It seemed to be raining soon.

Behind the cloak, the 2 very different eyes became deep at the same time, as if piercing the dark clouds as well as time and space. After a long while, he murmured, “The sky is about to change.”