Chapter 1151: The True Meaning of Death  

After successfully passing the ‘test’ of the Covenant of the Holy Light Mountain, Chen Rui’s life returned to peace.

There were voices of laughter from time to time in the house. Chen Rui usually accompanied his beloved wives and baby daughter, joked with his friends, and sometimes ‘traveled far’ to the Bloody Empire and the Dark Shadow Empire to be the Special Psychological (Physical) Consultant of her Majesty Empresses.

Although there was still Satan’s 10-year contract, but with his current strength, especially after the test of the Holy Light Mountain battle, there was no need to panic as before. The only thing that he had not been slacking was training.

Not only Chen Rui but also the rest of the people. There was indeed a certain relationship between the previous tense atmosphere and the training habits developed, but it was more of an active and conscious behavior.

This time, the special training of the Ghastly Floating Land had started again. Except for Pseudo-God Python and Zola, the 3 empresses who had no time to spare, the pregnant Athena and the non-combatants, almost all the members of the family and friends group participated in this training.

For Chen Rui, the more Gods in the ‘universe’ of the Super System, the purer and larger the faith, and the stronger his own power. This had been fully verified in the battle of the Holy Light Mountain. Even Raphael, who had the almost immortal [Body of Light Recovery], might not be able to take the [All Star God View] that contained the power of 18 Gods.


Since the number of super links was not infinite and the targets of super link could not be expanded indefinitely, Chen Rui must carefully screen. The most important factor was of course reliability. Several reliable friends such as Tetenis and Aldas had become a new batch of people who had received 1-star enhancement, and the 2 subordinates Celine and Sicali were originally given 1-star enhancement. In the spirit of ‘no waste’, Chen Rui also gave both of them 2-star enhancement. Whether these people could comprehend the mystery of 2-star enhancement depended on luck.

Only Guradam, Alice, Medilu, Joanna and Ina who had accepted the 2-star enhancement hadn’t succeeded yet. Compared with the other 4, Guradam was particularly conspicuous.

This corpse necromancer was so gifted that he was able to grow in strength at the most astonishing rate in the Ghastly Floating Land by turning into a wandering spirit to devour the ‘same kind’. Not only that, Guradam was also proficient in dark element magic. he had achieved unprecedented brilliant achievements in the undead magic territory that derived from the dark element. In terms of strength and intelligence, he was a powerful person. Yet, he actually had not completed the 2-star enhancement!

According to Python, strength was only 1 of the factors for the success of 2-star enhancement, but it was not the only one. The key was the comprehension of faith and life. For example, Adeline, who was not a combat type, completed 2-star enhancement earlier than Roman and others to become the Goddess of music. No matter which way it was, inner persistence was a necessary condition.

The inner persistence was largely proportional to the degree of loyalty or trust. For example, Samuel’s strength was far inferior to Guradam, but his loyalty to Chen Rui could be described as a firm believer, who could sacrifice his life for his master without hesitation. It was this kind of persistence that made Samuel grasp the true meaning of ‘loyalty’ and become the god in charge of ‘loyalty’ and ‘faithfulness’.

In contrast, Guradam was only willing to sign the master-subordinate contract back then. Although he made great contributions in the battle between Shea and Obsidian, he was only passively submissive, not loyal.


This time, the corpse necromancer entered the Chaos Realm with everyone. Relying on the ‘gold fingers’ of devouring the wandering spirits to constantly devour the enemies of the same level, his strength actually reached the peak stage of the Kingdom level in one fell swoop.

It was at this time that Guradam looked for Chen Rui.

Chen Rui was surprised that the subordinate whose relationship was on the fringe suddenly asked for advice in private. What was even more strange was the subject that Guradam had brought up.

“‘The true meaning of the death power?” Chen Rui felt a little surprised.

“Yes.” Guradam nodded. “Master’s current strength has already stood at the peak stage of the world. Please give me some guidance.”

Chen Rui shook his head, “It’s not that I am holding back on purpose, but my path of strength is different from that of ordinary people. My understanding of ‘death’ is not as good as yours, so how can I answer your doubts?”

“I asked Madam Python before. Madam Python said that only master could possibly help me.”

“Python?” Chen Rui frowned slightly. Python has always been dissatisfied with Guradam’s loyalty and the progress of 2-star enhancement. Does she have another purpose?

“Actually,” Guradam bowed his head, “It wasn’t that I’m eager to advance to Demi-God when I reached the peak stage of the Kingdom Level, but this comprehension was imminent for me. Before, I used to turn into a wandering spirit to devour the soul power of countless wandering spirits by tricky methods, and my strength leaped from the early stage of the Kingdom Level to the peak stage of the Kingdom Level in one fell swoop. But I didn’t expect that what I devour is only superficial power. The unconscious soul power of the dead is all stagnant in my soul. Not only can’t it be absorbed, but also my soul is constantly being eroded and divided. If this goes on, my soul will be completely annihilated, becoming the true wandering spirit who loses the sense of autonomy. The only way is to comprehend the true meaning of ‘death’, to turn the soul power I devoured into my own use and to completely solve my crisis. “

“How could this be?” Chen Rui’s brows furrowed even tighter. Generally speaking, a corpse necromancer was immortal. As long as the soul essence in the life box was not damaged, even if the body was annihilated, he would not die, but now Guradam himself said there was something wrong with his soul. It was useless even if the life box was hidden in a mysterious place.

Once Guradam’s soul disappeared, the life box would also be automatically destroyed, leaving only an unconscious body of the peak stage of the Kingdom Level. This was no different from the other wandering spirits in the Ghastly Floating Land.

So, Guradam immediately approached Chen Rui for advice after getting a pointer from Python.

“To be honest, the way of death is an unfamiliar field to me, and all I have is the power of the destruction origin.” A faint light appeared in Chen Rui’s hands, and Guradam could clearly sense the chilling and pure destruction power “But, Guradam, you should be well aware that from the cognitive point of view of a corpse necromancer who possesses the power of the undead, ‘destruction, and ‘death’ are 2 completely different concepts.”

“Master’s guidance gave me a lot of inspiration back then,” Guradam shook his head, “Madam Python said that even she can’t do anything; only the master can make me comprehend the true meaning of ‘death’.”

Chen Rui pondered in silence. No matter what Python’s intention is, it really gives me a big problem.

The real value of Guradam was not his own strength, but his special talent. As the most outstanding undead magician, the undead corpse necromancer, Guradam could control a huge army of undead legion and play an important role in future plans. He was a subordinate that could not be easily given up even without regard to loyalty issues.

Guradam’s current situation was somewhat similar to his own state and soul power that could not keep up with the skyrocketing power. The most important thing was that the power of the wandering spirits that he devoured might make Guradam’s soul ‘explode’ at any time. It was like an ordinary person without internal force in martial arts novels, who was suddenly instilled with decades of internal force, and he did not have the corresponding method to channel and activate it, so it was not surprising that one day he exploded and died.

Therefore, what Guradam needed most was the ‘method’ that matched the current power. If he could comprehend the so-called ‘true meaning of death’, he could not only absorb those unconscious soul power but also his power was likely to be improved to a higher level.

The problem was that Chen Rui himself didn’t know anything about the undead power. The ‘ancient legacy’ that fooled Guradam back then was actually stolen from some other games.

Seeing Chen Rui pondering expression, Guradam didn’t make a sound to interrupt and stood respectfully for a long time before Chen Rui spoke up, “I can think of only 1 method to make you comprehend the power of death.”

Guradam was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, “What method?”

“I not only have the power of the destruction origin but also the power of creation origin.” Chen Rui’s hands showed a completely different power breath compared to the destruction origin. “Comprehending the creation origin was much more difficult for me than the destruction origin. Especially at the initial stage, I was almost annihilated. However, I took a different approach and took a crucial step, that is, comprehend creation with the completely opposite destruction origin! Satan, who was regarded as the closest to God, also tried this kind of reverse comprehension, comprehending the destruction origin through the creation origin.”

Guradam had lived for thousands of years, so he naturally understood, “Master means to comprehend ‘death power’ from ‘life power’?”

“I can’t give you more by going straight to the ‘death’ way, but I have some means for ‘life’.” The creation origin and destruction origin in Chen Rui’s hands disappeared instantly, replaced by a black flame full of vitality. This kind of vitality gave Guradam a strong sense of crisis: Nirvana power, which was the nemesis of the undead.

At the same time, a crystal clear white crown appeared on Chen Rui’s head. The divine breath radiated even made Guradam’s soul tremble.

[Divine Healing], the most powerful healing that could heal all kinds of serious injuries, and it could almost bring back the dead, but for the undead, it was no less than a deadly blade if it was activated on Guradam.

“Guradam, these 2 powers, both of which will bring danger to life, can be described as a near-death situation, have you considered it clearly?”

The corpse necromancer was silent for a while before he spoke up, “Instead of losing my soul and becoming a wandering spirit unconsciously, it is better to choose a way to die while I am conscious. Besides, although this path is a life-and-death, there is still a way to live. Before that, master, please keep 1 thing for me.”

Chen Rui looked at a box handed over by the corpse necromancer. He felt the soul fluctuations in it, and he was shocked, “This is…”

“My life box.”

Corpse necromancers had no flesh and blood; they had a temporary body. They generally store their soul essence in some kind of container. As long as the soul essence did not die, they could use bodies to resurrect infinitely. This soul container was also called a life box.

Without eliminating the life box, the corpse necromancer would never be truly annihilated unless he encountered the current soul crisis.

Guradam asked Chen Rui to keep the life box, which undoubtedly gave him his lifeline.

“Actually, it has nothing to do with loyalty or anything at this time.” Guradam sighed, “Anyway, this box may become a waste at any time.”

Once Guradam could not comprehend the true meaning of the power of death, his soul would be devoured by the wandering spirits, completely bereft of itself, rendering the life box meaningless.

“Understood. The ‘loyalty’ you recognize is actually just because of strength; surrender to the powerhouse. “Chen Rui smiled slightly and the life box disappeared in his hand. Although the life box had a certain soul power, it was not real life after all, so the storage warehouse could store it. “However, I appreciate your confession. I accept the life box. When you are ready, I will help you comprehend the power of death. If you really can’t bear it and annihilate or lose yourself and become a wandering spirit, I will bury you or your life box with my own hands. “

“Thank you, master.” The corpse necromancer showed a respectful expression and bowed deeply, not because of the passive behavior caused by the Star Conferring Platform ‘Emperor Deterrence’ but with heartfelt respect.