Chapter 404  

“W-what are you doing? This is a violation of international law!” Joseph Grant cried out urgently. He would’ve expected other bastards to attempt something like this, but not Choi Yeonseung.

It was hard to believe that Choi Yeonseung would try to get that secret out of him with force. However, Joseph Grant had made one big mistake. He was under the false impression that Choi Yeonseung was just a nice person.

Of course, there were times when he looked like a pushover compared to other hunters, but Choi Yeonseung would use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

He would never hesitate to attack someone like Joseph Grant.

“What law?”

“International law...”


“Yeah, yeah, I know the law well. But if I bury everything and destroy the recording equipment, it won’t go to trial,” Han Seha explained in a somewhat cheerful voice.

Joseph Grant was dumbfounded. Were these people actually going to assault him...?

“Nacht, help me!”

It was ridiculous for Joseph to ask Ben Nacht for help, but he was a shameless A-grade hunter to begin with.

Trying to grasp the situation, Joseph figured that he could make the first move if he was in his best condition. Given that his two opponents were both A-grade, it was essential to level the playing field by bringing Ben Nacht to his side.

If he managed to do that, his two aggressors would have a harder time subduing him.


‘Putting aside Han Seha, Choi Yeonseung... He’s quite intimidating.’

The general public, who didn’t know much, just thought of Choi Yeonseung as a heroic A-grade hunter who had been very active recently, but...

The high-level hunters with discerning eyes could grasp Choi Yeonseung’s fighting ability fairly well. He had displayed his strength so much that it was impossible not to notice it.

-No matter how much you try to look down on him, he’s clearly at the top of the A-grade hunters!

A-grade hunters were the tactical weapons of a country. They didn’t encounter each other very often, but it was only natural for them to compare themselves behind the scenes.

Choi Yeonseung was definitely a threat even to A-grade hunters.

In addition to his ability to fight both as a damage dealer and a tanker, his mastery in martial arts was terrifying in duels. Thus, it was understandable for Joseph to be nervous.

“Nacht, are you listening?! These two are now threatening to break the law. If I fall, you’ll be their next victim!”

“I don’t intend to attack you.”

No sooner had Choi Yeonseung said that than Joseph shouted, “No, you can’t trust him! Think about it carefully, Nacht! Would people who threaten to break the law keep their promises?”


After pondering on it, Ben Nacht was moved...

By Choi Yeonseung...


Joseph Grant looked at Ben Nacht in disbelief.

“Ben Nacht!”

“I trust Hunter Choi Yeonseung more than you.”

Joseph Grant usually managed to persuade people to take his side. Especially in this situation, it should’ve been easy to convince Ben Nacht to come to his aid, given that he was being unfairly threatened by two hunters who blatantly disregarded international laws.

However, Joseph Grant had done too many shady things, ruining his reputation, while Choi Yeonseung had been doing nothing but good deeds. He had even saved some of Ben Nacht’s subordinates a few times in the Abyss.

Therefore, it wasn’t much of a surprise that Ben Nacht took Choi Yeonseung’s side regardless of some international law.

“Ben Nacht, you idiot! Think about it again! Think about the law...”

“You yourself have a reputation for breaking the law,” Han Seha pointed out as though she found it absurd, but Joseph Grant pretended not to hear her.

Joseph Grant’s subordinates realized that the situation was devolving fast and they rolled their eyes in a strange manner.

They served the Iron-Blooded General Who Shakes the Battlefield, so they were quick to grasp the situation in cases like this.

They were probably thinking about betraying Joseph.

“Joseph Grant.”

Choi Yeonseung sensed that the atmosphere had shifted and gave an ultimatum.

“I don’t enjoy spilling blood, but I’ll do it if I have no other choice. This is your final warning. If you know something, tell me now. If you don’t, let’s just say you won’t get out of this realm unscathed.”


“Well, I enjoy seeing blood, so can I just crack his skull?” Han Seha looked at Choi Yeonseung eagerly, as if asking for permission.

Seeing this, Joseph Grant realized that this crazy woman might strike first if he dragged out this standoff any longer. He could talk to Choi Yeonseung, but there was no way he could reason with the beast next to him.

“...I was actually lying about that secret...”

“What?! Do you want me to search you?!” Han Seha exclaimed incredulously.

Joseph Grant wasn’t ordinary either.

It was said that the rich died with their wealth in their arms, but to think that Joseph was being so stubborn despite being cornered...

As expected, an A-grade hunter was bound to be special. They hadn’t expected him to do something like this when his life was at stake.

Of course, they wouldn’t kill him just for holding onto his secret, but if he tried something else, they wouldn’t hesitate to end him. “It’s true, Choi Yeonseung! I just... I just wanted to deceive Ben Nacht. You’ve done a few raids with me. You know me, right?” magic

Choi Yeonseung was convinced that he was being truthful. Even Ben Nacht, who wasn’t a constellation, seemed to realize that Joseph was telling the truth based on his experience.

“You bastard!” Ben shouted furiously before he drew his weapon and swung it at him. He wouldn’t have tolerated it even if Joseph had just tried to fool him, but his intention to use him and his subordinates as cannon fodder was truly despicable.

However, Choi Yeonseung stopped him.

“Hey, calm down.”

“A-ah... I’m sorry. I let my emotions get the best of me.”

Ben Nacht came to his senses and apologized. Come to think of it, he could see why Choi Yeonseung had threatened Joseph Grant like that.

It was obvious that he had realized Joseph Grant’s despicable intentions and bluffed him. Otherwise, a hunter like him wouldn’t blatantly threaten to break the law.

‘Did he intimidate Joseph Grant after seeing what he was up to?’

Being an A-grade hunter, Ben Nacht didn’t really admire other hunters, but he couldn’t help genuinely admiring Choi Yeonseung this time.

He had managed to pressure his opponent to come clean without lifting a finger, let alone attacking him. Moreover, he had done that against an experienced bastard like Joseph Grant, not just any hunter.

Ben Nacht felt he had to learn from Choi Yeonseung and reflect on his tactics.

‘I’m lacking a lot when it comes to such skills...’

It was also clear that Han Seha had also just bluffed and that she hadn’t really intended to hurt Joseph Grant. Seeing how good of a match she was for Choi Yeonseung, it was clear that the rumors about her were exaggerated.

“You didn’t really mean to break the law in the first place. I respect you.”

“...What are you talking about?”

Choi Yeonseung looked at Ben Nacht with a stunned expression.

Slightly perplexed, Ben Nacht cautiously replied, “Uh... Didn’t you bluff him to find out the truth?”






Joseph Grant led the way with a very distorted expression.

“Hey!” Han Seha called out from behind. “You should be thankful we spared you. Normally, you would’ve been executed immediately.”

Of course, that didn’t make much sense. Joseph Grant hadn’t attacked first or stolen any monsters... He had just tried to take advantage of some hunters with a little lie. And yet, he had to pay a high price for his transgression.

He was the spearhead of the raid.

Of course, it was better than being attacked and wiped out by three A-grade hunters, but Joseph still couldn’t help feeling terrible.

He had tried to use others, but he ultimately ended up as the one being used.

“Can I take a break?” Ben Nacht cautiously asked Choi Yeonseung. He could see that his subordinates were struggling.

“What did you even do....?”


Han Seha wanted to scold them, but Choi Yeonseung kindly gave him permission.

At that, Ben Nacht’s subordinates slumped down in their assigned positions. They pulled out their dungeon rations to replenish their strength.

Given how methodically they rationed their limited food so that it would last them as long as possible, they looked more like well-trained soldiers than hunters.

Choi Yeonseung was puzzled by this and asked, “Are the dungeon rations from Germany that good? Is that why you’re trying to preserve them?”


Hearing that, Golodat suddenly looked tempted.

However, one of the German hunters replied with a perplexed expression, “We’re just eating enough to keep us going. We have to keep moving.”

“But couldn’t you eat back where you fought last time?”

The group had previously killed a large moving cracker.

The cracker had emitted great magic power through its round cookie holes and had overall been a terrifying opponent, but after falling, it had become a good snack to eat.



“You... You ate it?”

The hunters looked at Choi Yeonseung in disbelief. It was already well established that they would be dragged away if they ate anything from this realm. Thus, it was peculiar that Choi Yeonseung had eaten it and was still there.

“Of course, you can’t just eat it. You have to cook it well.”


The hunters were even more baffled. Was he joking?

However, Choi Yeonseung was serious. Golodat, who was next to him, explained firmly, “The constellation’s curse on the food is lifted as soon as it’s cooked again. If you don’t believe me, we can experiment with that human.”

The werewolf pointed at Joseph Grant.

The hunter came closer, unaware of what they had said about him.

“What... Ghah! Cough! Cough! What are you doing...?”

“Swallow it!” As Golodat threatened him, Joseph Grant didn’t understand what was going on and inadvertently swallowed the cracker.


The salty and savory flavor made his mouth water.

“D... Delicious.”

“See? He’s okay, isn’t he?”

“...Wait. What did you feed me just now?”

Joseph Grant was appalled. What had this werewolf bastard done?!

“I found it!”

Just then, Han Seha returned from scouting with Illingars.

The tiger had a proud expression as he briefed the rest on their findings.

-The magic power is spread out evenly in the realm, but the most concentrated area...

“We have to move.”


“Oh, did you mean to say something, Illingars?”

-It’s nothing...

Illingars’s pride prevented him from trying to tell them again about what he had found.

Perhaps she felt sorry for him after seeing his drooping tail, but Han Seha comforted him.

“Hey, I’ll pass on the information later.”




Choi Yeonseung intuitively felt that he had entered the depths of the realm.

Just like he had a separate area with important facilities in the center of his vast farm, other constellations also had separate areas in their realms.

Usually, the constellation that ruled the realm resided in this special area, and only a handful of the most favored household members could come there.


Joseph Grant also couldn’t help admiring it.

No matter how many dungeons the human hunters had cleared, they lacked experience when it came to the strange realms of the Abyss. It was the same with Joseph Grant.

They found themselves in a hall that seemed to endlessly stretch out, dozens of tables neatly aligned. It looked like all the Abyssal races of this realm could fit and be seated here.

The dishes on the tables radiated a power unlike anything they had ever seen before.

[The ‘Iron-Blooded General Who Shakes the Battlefield’ praises your arrival.]

[The ‘Iron-Blooded General Who Shakes the Battlefield’ says that you are the fastest among all the household members.]

[He says to hurry up and find the hostages!]

Joseph suddenly heard the message from his master and acknowledged the order.

-Understood, Master!

Having made it this far, it didn’t seem that difficult to find the hostages.

“Get moving! We’re looking for the hostages!”


Joseph Grant rushed forward while giving orders to his subordinates. He planned to move first and find the hostages before Choi Yeonseung could react.

And even if Choi Yeonseung and his allies managed to find the hostages, the Iron-Blooded General Who Shakes the Battlefield would certainly step in.

Despite the fact that Choi Yeonseung and his A-grade partner had threatened to kill him, Joseph felt at ease knowing that his master would defend him.

“Here’s a bottle containing hostages!”

"Well done! Pick it up!”

One of Joseph Grant’s subordinates nodded and grabbed the gourd from the table. But at that moment, the hunter screamed before being absorbed into the gourd.

[The power of the ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ is activated.]


As Joseph Grant stared at the gourd with wide eyes, Han Seha whispered to Choi Yeonseung, “Should we ask all of them to try picking it up?”

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