Samuel felt a major deja vu moment when it came to getting Lena to eat. The princess refused to leave the hospital room which made perfect sense but did no one any good. Especially not herself.

"You know that you need to think about eating something. Your uncle is going to be here soon and the food has already come. No sense in putting off eating anything." Romeo requested that Jeff's brother fetch dinner since he happened to be in the area. He settled on sandwiches believing them to be the best option for the current circumstance.

"I already told you that I'm not interested in eating anything right now. You should just focus on eating something yourself and letting me be." Lena pushed the sandwich back in the other's direction. She felt slightly better knowing that her uncle was on his way to the hospital. Only barely however. Once he actually reached the hospital, she would be able to breathe better.

"I am going to eat my food. Nothing to worry about with that. I just want to make sure you have something to eat as well." Samuel picked up the sandwich.

"Even one small bite would be better than nothing. If you don't take care of yourself, you know that everyone else who is here will start worrying about you." Lena turned her head away as her fiancé continued to try and coax her to eat.

"Nothing bad is going to come from me not eating for a few hours. That is hardly anything to worry about in comparison to everything else that is going on." The princess huffed before slipping off the bed. She wouldn't stay near the other if he intended to continue trying to push food in her face.

"Maybe not entirely right now. But over time it will end up causing you some problems. Coffee is only going to help you so far before your body ends up crashing once the caffeine is gone." Samuel broke off a piece and took a bite of his own sandwich."You need something better if you're planning on staying up all night. Food is good for you. It'll help give you the energy you need to stay awake longer." Romeo left earlier to deliver food to Clive's wife leaving Samuel and the princess as the only two in the hospital room aside from her recovering father.


"Sammy. You know that this isn't the first time that we have gone through this before. I'm not interested in eating and would prefer on that note if you would leave the matter alone." The harsh edge to her tone told him that the princess meant what she said.

"I know that, but I wouldn't be doing my job very well if I didn't manage to convince you to take care of yourself during these times."

"What job are you talking about? The only job you have to worry about doesn't lie with me. That's between you and Jovani whatever that looks like." Lena failed at evading Samuel when the other caught her in a hug. Pressing a gentle kiss to the soft lips, he tilted her head up to look at him.

"That might be what you believe. As your fiancé though, I believe that there is a job I need to take care of. Which includes making sure you are eating properly and taking care of yourself."action

"You have a funny way of going about this job if you think the right way includes drugging someone to get them to listen." Lena gently elbowed the other to get him to let go. Something about the kiss left her without the energy to be harsh with the other.

"That is arguable I believe. I needed to be able to do something to make sure you weren't going to run off when I wasn't paying attention to you. This idea for once didn't come from Jovani." Perhaps not the right kind of thing to be proud of but Samuel wouldn't suppress the feeling since his quick thinking lead to what he believed to be the right choice.


"Jovani might not have directly told you what to do, but he certainly has influenced you quite a bit since the two of you met." Samuel's increasing level of boldness being one of the things that Jovani could be held responsible for.

The shy fiancé she first met had almost completely disappeared over the past few months with everything that had been taking place. On many levels the changes were good. On others, they annoyed the princess because the pushback made it harder to maintain her usual level of freedom."I don't think that it is something that you mind as much as you might think you do. Jovani being around has led to a number of good things. This is one of them." Before Lena could fully shove the other away again, he moved her back towards the bed.

"Right now though, we need to stop talking about all of this and you need to think about eating something."

"I'm not interested in this food. You can put it aside for later or my uncle can have it when he comes. I'm certain that he likely won't have eaten any dinner."

"Do you think your uncle would be okay with you not eating something with everything else that is going on?" Lena snorted in response to the question, pushing the other's hands off again.

"My uncle will likely not care all that much about my eating habits considering my father is his bother. His focus will likely be completely on him until the doctor says for certain what the final outcome of the situation will be." The princess didn't want to think too much about what the final outcome could be. Too soon to know anything one way or another. Spending too much time thinking about it would likely cause her to start getting destructive again. If the location was different, the princess wouldn't care about causing destruction. Damaging a hospital though, didn't benefit anyone.

"That might be. I'm sure though that he will also be worried about you just as much as your father. You are after all right now the only other member of the family who is awake. You need to keep it that way." The ever-persistent Samuel didn't seem like no would be an acceptable option any time soon.

"If you're going to keep trying to get me to eat in such a pushy manner, you should go elsewhere because I don't plan on changing my mind either." Lena could feel her stomach grumble. Eating at the current moment in time wouldn't be the best choice for her. She knew that her stomach would rebel against anything that she tried to eat.

"Why don't we compromise. You take one small bite and I let it be for the rest of the night? I can even feed it to you if you'd prefer." Samuel broke off a relatively small piece of sandwich. Held it out to the princess as though it were some kind of peace offering that could be given to appease her. The look on Lena's face indicated how unimpressed she was.

"Bad human. I have already told you plenty of times. No means no. No matter what you try to say or do." The use of the words 'bad human' caused Samuel to laugh.

"Bad human, really you? Don't you think that those words would be better applied to you since you're the one being so difficult?" Placing the piece of the sandwich down on in it's wrapper before he accidentally dropped it, his full attention came back to the princess.

"Not in the slightest considering that I'm the person who is in charge right now. What I say or don't say goes. Which leaves you being the one in the bad person position for not listening to me over the last half dozen times I've told you no." Lena crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow almost daring the other to argue with her. Her worn features made her look somewhat less intimidating compared to normal. A clear sign she needed to be taking care of herself.

"I wouldn't be having to repeat myself if you were more willing to take better care of yourself. I believe that is what makes you the bad person in this case." Samuel took a step toward the princess as he spoke. He opened his mouth as though to say something else but paused when a knock came on the hospital room door. By the rushed urgency of it, one could presume Julius had arrived.

Samuel shot Lena a look and mouthed something to her. This conversation would have to be finished at a later point in time when they were alone. Right now the focus needed to shift back to what was going on in the hospital room. Julius would want to know in more detail what took place.