Jovani knew that Eve would not be thrilled, how much was not expected.

"You told me that there was something going. I don't think that was the right explanation." Eve stood with her arms folded as she leveled her fiancé with a glare. Jovani continued to smile, unsure of what else to do.

"I realize that in hindsight. I myself couldn't have expected that things would have turned out this way." Jovani wouldn't have said anything if he had.

"But yet you come here expecting me to stick you up after another one of these events? Don't give me that look, it wasn't like you could've honestly expected me to miss the blood on your gloves." Of course she would notice...

"That was something completely different from this." Jovani closed the door, stepping further into the house.

"There were a few people that needed some correcting. You know that I cannot allow anyone to speak ill of my cousin."

"And you know that we agreed you would tell me when anything like that happened. Otherwise, I don't know to worry if it's your blood or someone else's." Jovani's tongue clicked in response to this.


"You should know better than to think so little of me. I can handle myself enough to not get hurt by a few pups who don't know their place."

"I have been with you long enough t know better than to think things are that simple. Stop wasting time and sit down over here if you're going to expect me to patch you up." The Vedova Nera boss did as he was told without arguing. Best not to upset the fiancé when she was in such a mood."Did you just use the alcohol to clean it up or did you have some as well. The smell is so strong I can't tell where it is coming from?"

"A bit of both?" Eve didn't look thrilled over this response.

"You thought that with this kind of wound, it would be a good idea to drink? Scratch that, did you think at all about what you were doing?" Sitting the medical kit down non-too-gently on the table, she flipped it open.

"Do you want it patched or stitched? If you want it to be stitched, you're going to have to avoid doing anything crazy for a while." Jovani laughed in response to her comments.

"You should know that's impossible with everything going on. You're going to have to just patch it up for now. I can't afford to be limited right now." Eve grumbled about Jovani's decision while pulling everything out that would be needed.


"We are both from this world love, you should know exactly what to be expecting when you get involved with me." Jovani was trying to be gentle about the matter.

"This isn't the first time and won't be the last. I think we can both guess that. You know though that if anything truly serious happens, I will be the one to call you no one else."

"That's what worries me." Eve's voice was quiet as she prepped the saline pads and iodine pads along with the butterfly bandage and gauze.

"What happens if you can't contact me? What am I supposed to do if you're gone and it is someone else that I hear from because you forgot?" Eve looked Jovani in the eye as she asked these questions.

"You say a lot of things like this all the time but we both know that your follow-up on this matter is poor." Jovani grabbed ahold of both Eve's hands, kissing the palms gently while pulling them towards him. He wanted to soothe.

"This is something that I won't compromise on. If we are going to be in this together, I will be the one to tell you if anything happens to me. I don't think that I would be able to die in peace if you heard it from anyone else. You know how much you mean to me." Eve pulled her hands away, unable to look away despite the blush forming.

"I do, but I sometimes wonder which of us is more important to you. The family you've been in all your life or the one that you're trying to make here with me." Jovani winced at the cold feeling and pain from the saline solution as it touched the bullet wound.

"I didn't know there was a competition or a decision to make between. I thought this made the answer obvious." Jovani sucked in a sharp breath of air as Eve purposely pressed the saline pad more firmly against the wound.

"After this incident, that would be the wrong response to give." She clearly didn't think the joke was funny.

"This and that kind of love are different though." Jovani attempted to backtrack while the other continued dressing the wound.

"I love you more than anything. Right now though, we're not officially together yet so I have to keep my loyalty to this family to a certain degree." Mafia law couldn't be broken that easily.

"After this year and once we are finally married, things will change. You'll officially be family and that means I can put you above anything else."

"If that's the case, why don't we just go and get a marriage license tomorrow then? We can focus on the wedding later." Jovani froze, what did she just say?

"Are you serious about that?" Eve simply nodded in response without looking up from the wound. It was important to make sure that the bandage was placed correctly to help the wound seal up.

"You really want to put off the wedding and do this?" Jovani felt like the world was tilting on its side.

"You know that I love you so much and would be willing to give you anything. I don't know about tomorrow though. Next week." Eve's face twitched.

"If it is early next week, we could still do it. I don't want to wait too long though." Jovani could do that, there was a high chance it could be made possible. The rest of the week just needed to pass by without additional problems.