Note: Dear readers, please reply to this promptly. I would like to know if you would prefer 2chs/day or a mass release on one day. I have chapters written for either but would prefer to know preferences.

And please don't forget to check out the prequel to this one- Dear Dove.


Jovani was silent for a moment as he regarded the princess in front of him. There was a lot he could have said about the man in the other room that they had left behind.

Where to start was the question.. The only thing he could reply at the current moment in time was knowing that Lena would likely not be biased towards him no matter what he said about Richard.

"We met on rough terms a few years back. He was working between me and my cousin but didn't bother telling me until after the fact." Jovani explained.

"He denies but I think that he was the one who got him into that side of things. The more illegal side we will say because I didn't introduce him to it and I don't know anyone else my cousin hung around with at the time who was so ingrained enough to get him in that deep." He continued as he turned away from the other to look back in the direction that they had come from.


"I confronted him about it. But you know that talking between two people like us doesn't always turn out the way we might want it to."

"You mean things became physical between the two of you." Lena concluded. The other simply nodded his head in response.

"In a quite messy way. Nothing was resolved from it either but I'm still fairly certain that he's the one who was behind my cousin getting to the point that he is today. Not the main reason, but helped to push him down that path.""It's hard to tell with Richard. He doesn't generally mess with things he knows he ought not to, but he's around a lot of people who he works with which can complicate situations and request." The princess explained.

"I don't always know how to feel about him either but he's one of my father's good friends over many years."

"Don't worry about it. I might not like him that much but it isn't like I'm going to go back in that room and pick a fight with him."

"I don't think that you're in any shape to be doing that even if you wanted to." The princess nodded her head in the direction of his injured arm causing the other to roll his eyes.


"I already told you that this is hardly anything to worry about. Don't you dare say anything around Alonso though otherwise, we will have a serious problem." He warned. Lena simply rolled her eyes at him.

"I think you're being a fool over such a small injury that would be easy to get taken care of while you're here." She informed him as she began to walk again in the direction of her brother's room.

"Easy to take care of, everything else that would come from it wouldn't be all that easy to take care of though." He murmured back.

He wasn't going to talk anymore on the matter though now that they were approaching the room. He didn't know where Alonso was but he didn't want the other man to hear any part of their conversation.

"Be civil if you step back into the room that Zane is occupying. There is an unexpected guest." Jovani told Alonso who gave him a confused look when he entered the room.

"Unexpected guest?" He repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought that no one else but Family was allowed to visit during this time." He commented."Family friends are apparently included in that or at least people who know how to get around those rules. Either way, you need to mind yourself." Jovani replied. He and Princess stayed to the back of the room when the say that the doctor was already in there looking Leo over again.

"Give him about another two or three days and he should wake up. I don't think that there is much reason to worry about after-effects except maybe a headache for a few days." The doctor told them as he finished shining his light into Leo's eyes.

"Nothing to worry about with the concussion?" Lena clarified. The doctor shook his head.

"Not for this one at least. I think that there is very little that you will need to worry about. Just make sure that he gets some rest once he's back home. Did I hear right that he was getting ready to leave the country?" He looked over his shoulder at Lena as he used the hand sanitizer machine. The princess confirmed with this with a short nod of her head.

"I would recommend that he doesn't think about doing any kind of traveling for at least another two or three weeks. If he was going to school there and is on a tight turnaround, let me know and I can put something together for him that can be sent over." He doctor offered.

"Thank you. I don't know anything about that, but I will look into and let you know." The princess replied.

Leo had told her before when his classes were going to start. With everything that had been going on however, she couldn't recall the exact date to mind. She asked Romeo to look it up if necessary.

"What about this other young man here, was he part of the group that I needed to check up on while I was here? He still looks like he is quite a mess." Jovani glared at the doctor as he turned around to face.

"I am the person who is responsible for making sure that they all get here safely, not someone that you need to be worried about checking over however." He replied curtly.

He got the feeling though that the doctor didn't quite believing him when the older man's eyes lingered on his torso for a second longer than he would have liked.

"I see, my mistake then. I would recommend though that you think about going and getting cleaned up soon otherwise you might find the nurses here taking care of you themselves." He joked.

"I will manage once everything here is finished for the day." Jovani replied, not missing the look that Alonso gave him. He wasn't going to look at his right-hand man though because there was nothing for him to be saying to the other.

"There is one more that I heard I needed to have a look at. Perhaps the one whose doing the worst out of these group from what I have heard."

Lena knew who the doctor was talking about and didn't like the way he chose to phrase their condition.