If Samuel had known where Romeo had gone off to, he would honestly have told his cousin. However, the man had not informed him of where he was going. He just vanished after making sure that Samuel was going to be staying with Lena in case she woke up soon.

He didn't think though that princess would be waking up any time soon yet. The sleeping medicine that he had given her was rather strong. Perhaps even more so for the princess since it was something that she wasn't used to taking on a regular basis.

Samuel couldn't deny that his fiancé looked rather peaceful with the way that she was laying in her bed sleeping.

It was one of the few times that he got to enjoy the peaceful look that was on the other's face. The only other time that he got the chance to see it was the few times that he had managed to catch her off guard when she didn't think that he was paying attention to her.

The princess could really be such a complicated person when she wanted to be. Samuel knew that it wasn't on purpose but that didn't mean it wasn't easier to deal with at times.

He sighed as he lay down on the bed next to her. He really didn't want to be stuck there doing anything with everything that was going on. At least though if he had to be stuck somewhere, it was with the princess.

Samuel had considered telling Julian about what was going on. Romeo had been completely against the idea however. Considering the other was off doing work elsewhere, he thought it would be a bad move since it wasn't like Julian could do anything anyways with where he was.


"Every time it seems like things are going to be able to start calming down for us, something else just has to go on and happen doesn't it?" Samuel murmured as he brushed a strand of hair out of the princess's face.

He would have been able to enjoy their current position so much more if it wasn't for everything else going.

Samuel gently twirled a strand of her hair between his fingers as he watched her chest rise and drop slowly.There had still been so many things that he had been hoping to do with her on their time off that now they were going to have put off once again.

It wasn't really either of their faults though. It rested on the heads of the assholes who were trying to do whatever the goal of the current situation was.

Samuel continued to play with the other's hair as he thought everything over.

It seemed that a lot of strange things had been taking place since he was taken in by Jovani. Not that they had had a great relationship from the start, but finding out he was part of the mafia when it wasn't anything he expected or even wanted to be part of his life yet he got it anyways.


It seemed that the shift in that bit of information was what caused problems to start happening. Someone was obviously bothered by the fact that someone new had joined the Vedova Nera family.

He had wanted to ask Jovani if it could have had something to do with the fact that whoever it was knew Samuel was going to be taking over eventually as the rightful heir.

The chance for him to ask that question hadn't come up yet either. Too many things had been going on that didn't make space for that to be talked about.

He would have to make some special time with his cousin so that they could go over all of the other little things that his older cousin hadn't told him about yet.

Samuel needed the whole picture so that he would know for certain everything that he should have been expecting.

He had been so distracted by his thoughts that he didn't even hear Ryan knock on the door right away until after the other had already started to open it.

The chef was trying to do it as quietly as possible. It proved to be somewhat of a challenge though with the way that the door hinges creaked when they were opened too far.

"Glad to see that the two of you are still here where you should be. I might have actually gotten in trouble if you somehow managed to disappear when I wasn't looking." Ryan teased as he left the door open as he came into the room with the food.

He knew that the princess wouldn't likely be awake to enjoy the food but that didn't stop him from making her something to eat as well.

"I don't intend to be going anywhere yet. I need to stay here and keep an eye on her until we know what's going on." Samuel replied as he watched the other set the food down on the nightstand.

"I'm glad that for at least this little bit I was able to be of some service." Ryan replied as he handed Samuel a cup of coffee.

"It's hard to tell when exactly she might wake up from that. It's a bit stronger of a dose than I would normally give someone. But since it's Lena we are talking about here, I knew that she would need it in order to rest properly."

Even though he really couldn't show it all that well, the chef himself was rather worried about what was going on.

A concern that went beyond his fear for job security should anything happen to the red Scorpion family.

"I don't think that it is that much of a problem. Knowing her, she probably needed it in order to be able to get some proper sleep for the first time in a while." Samuel remarked as he took a sip of his coffee.

It was just the right level of warmth to help him feel refreshed after everything that has been going on.

"Well don't hesitate to ask me if there is anything else that you might need. I don't have a lot to do right now until we know what exactly is going on." Ryan told Samuel as he watched Lena for a moment longer before turning his attention to the other.

"There's no telling how things might go over the next few hours so I think it's best if you stay like this with her just in case things don't turn out the way that we hope for them to."

Hearing the way that Ryan was talking about the situation made Samuel worry for exactly how things might end up turning out.action

He wanted to think that everything would turn out on a positive note, but even he couldn't be certain of any of that.