Read A/N at bottom


No one but Samuel was expecting what happened next after he kissed Lena.

"What did you do?" The princess asked. She suddenly felt far more tired and heavy than she knew that she should have. The glare she tried to level her fiancé with fell flat as well. It felt hard to make her facial expression the way that she wanted it to.

"Don't worry, you will feel much better." Samuel replied as he kissed the other on the head without letting her go. Romeo seemed confused and surprised by what was going on based upon the expression but chose to remain silent as he watched the situation.

"Don't get too upset with me the next time we talk." He joked with the princess who huffed at him. It was becoming far too hard for her to keep her eyes open.

"You know that you're going to be in serious trouble with me the next time I wake up." She warned. Her voice was hardly a whisper at this point, but she didn't miss the smirk that passed across Samuel's face when she said.


She almost thought before she passed out that he said something along the lines of her remembering it. Did he forget how good her memory was?Romeo maintained his silence for a moment longer until he was certain that the princess was no longer conscious before he spoke.

"What in the world do you think that you're doing?" He asked as he watched Samuel carefully lift Lena up so that he could move her somewhere else.

"Do you want to help me so that we can talk while I am doing this?" The other asked the body guard. He wanted to at least move the princess to her bedroom where he knew that she would be far more comfortable. Romeo didn't say anything as he followed after the other.

"It's nothing that you need to worry about. It is just a little sleeping pill that I managed to get from Ryan. I didn't know what else to do to stop her from doing what she wanted but thought that this might be the best option." Samuel explained as he carefully carried her up the stairs with the other close behind him.

"How did you manage to get him to give you something like that." The other laughed in response to his question.

"I assured him that it would be far better than letting things go further than they already were. And I might have threatened that if he didn't, the kitchen wouldn't remain in the clean state that he wanted it to."


Samuel knew that the chef valued his rather clean kitchen more than he did a lot of other things. It wasn't like Lena would find out or know for a fact that he was the one who gave the other the sleeping medicine in the first place. He could have just found it on his own.

"I can't argue that this makes things much easier to deal with. I'm not sure this is the right approach to handle things however. I think that the princess will be very displeased when she wakes up."action

"Isn't that something we both know? Maybe we can be gone by the time she wakes up so there isn't anything to worry about." Samuel joked as the other opened the princess's bedroom door for him."Don't worry though. I think that everything will be fine so long as everything is dealt with by the time that she wakes up next. If everything can be back to normal after that." He reasoned as he carefully set Lena down on the bed. It was a bit of a trial to make sure that she could be placed comfortably in the bed, but he managed to do it.

He couldn't get over the fact that she really was as light as he looked. Samuel wasn't even sure if she weighed more than a feather with how easy it was for him to carry her and not even feel it. He would need to make sure moving forward that she took better care of herself and ate more.

"Now we just need to find out what's going on without having to worry about this piece. She should be asleep for a few hours." Samuel announced as he turned to leave the room as Romeo watched him silently.

"I think that I will be better off touching base with Alonso in order to find out what he knows. If Jovani hasn't said anything that likely has to do with the fact that he's busy with something. I need to see if Hester can pinpoint where he is if Alonso doesn't know."

"What do you expect me to do then?" Romeo asked as they ascended the stairs, the other glanced back at him.

"I want you to find out who else is in the area and might be able to provide support if something major is still going on." He told the other. He paused briefly when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"And you don't have to worry. I am not planning on walking out of this place now that Lena is taken care of. I know that the same applies to me as it does for her." He assured the other guard.

"I appreciate knowing that. Though I have no direct orders to watch out for you, I would imagine that neither side would be too pleased if anything happened to you either." Even if he felt no obligation to watch out for the other, he would make sure to do it if only to avoid any kind of war from breaking out between the two families.

"I appreciate that. You can go about what you need to without worry. I have my phone on should you need anything." Samuel told the other with a smile.

If no one else could, Samuel at least was able to relax more now that Lena was not a concern. He could focus on what he needed to without other things hanging over his head.

He didn't know if Jovani would approve of what he did, but it was the best he could manage in the current position.

The one unexpected thing he could do that he knew the princess wouldn't have ever have expected from him.

Now, he would just have to hope that she couldn't fully remember what happened when she woke up or that she wouldn't try to kill him if he did.