Jovani had been looking forward to a relaxing morning after the night before. He had been hoping to spend it lounging around with his own fiancé since they didn't often get enough time together between their different jobs.

After he had taken care of the little problem the afternoon before, the dinner had gone exactly as he hoped it would. He made sure of course not to do too much damage to the young man. His goal was never to make anyone fear him, he just wanted to make sure that they remembered their place and understood how to speak to those above them.action

"Am I going crazy or does it seem that with each generation they continue to lose the understanding and importance of respect and loyalty within the mafia?" Jovani asked Eva over dinner. He had decided to splurge that evening and get one of the more expensive bottles of red wine hoping that it would help to put him in a better mood.

"I think that is taken place everywhere, isn't it? Not just contained to within the mafia." She pointed out as she carefully cut the steak she had gotten. It was one of the more expensive cuts of meat but she didn't see a problem ordering it since Jovani seemed eager to spend more than a little money on their date.

"I suppose you're right. I just get tired of feeling like I have to say the same five things to each one of these brats any time a problem pops up." He sighed as he swirled the wine in his glass watching the red color whirlpool intently.

One thing that he felt was in his favor was the fact that he never suffered from any kind of blood lust. He only drew blood when it was necessary or if he was having a less than medium-rare cut of meat. He didn't even like his men taking another life unless it was the last option.

"If you keep training your younger cousin, it will be something that you won't need to be worried about for much longer." Eva assured the other who nodded his head slightly before taking a sip of the wine."Had you found out anything else interesting while you've been working there?" his fiancé shrugged her shoulders at this question.


"Not of high interest since that man was murdered. Lena hasn't been coming to work recently so there isn't anything to learn from her or about what she's planning since she's not there. Everyone who is loyal keeps their mouths their mouth shut as tight as tombs." She replied.

"I don't know about the security level so I don't try to hack into anything that I haven't had permission to not touch." She continued.

"I don't think that she suspects me since we're connected and she knows that. I don't know though that I wouldn't lose my job if anyone found out about me doing such a thing."

"There's no rush to find anything out. I was just asking since I know that it will be a while before we will be able to have this conversation again." Jovani assured her as he began to cut up his own steak.

"Her family seems rather sold and I think that Sammy might be a good choice for her. Maybe what she needs to help her learn how to relax more." He remarked as he took the first bite.

"It's certainly interesting to see how much she changes when he's around."


"Couldn't the same be said about you though? You don't tend to be rough and harsh unless I am around or someone else that you want to protect is." Eva pointed out causing the other to flinch.

"I wish you wouldn't use that as means to compare the two of us. I am at least far more pleasant on a daily basis than she is." Rather than verbally responding, she gave the other a look that clearly said that was something that could be debated upon."Don't I always spoil you whenever I have a chance and make sure that you're always taken care of?" Jovani asked as he reached across the table to try and grab her hand.

"While you're working your men to the bone and not allowing them to take enough time off." She reminded, moving her hand away before he could grasp it making the other pout.

"I don't do that on purpose. Some of them really just don't know how to relax and take some time off." He huffed before going back to eating his food.

"I thought that we would be able to have a more relaxing evening with this. Especially since I paid so much for the one." He lamented causing his fiancé to roll his eyes at her.

"Perhaps we would have been able to if it wasn't for the fact that you were the one who decided to bring work into this." She retorted before turning his full attention back to her food.

"I would also say that it seems like you don't know how to shut off either." She remarked before taking her next bite.

Jovani knew that there was some truth to this and that was what caused him to keep his mouth shut rather than replying. He did need to learn how to shut off when they were having nice nights like they were tonight.

That was something that he had been hoping to work on through the rest of the evening and the following morning. He didn't get the chance to do so though because of the call that he had gotten from Samuel.

He only managed to get through the rest of the night and barely into the morning before something happened that forced him to get back into action whether he wanted to or not.

Eva knew that he couldn't ignore a request if it came from his younger cousin. It still didn't stop the other from being annoyed over the fact that his chance to show how laid back he could be when he wanted to be had been ruined.

He would just have to find another time to prove to her that he could get away without bringing up work during the time that they spent together on another occasion.

He wasn't sure when that would be, but he would make sure that Charles helped to clear his schedule so that he didn't put it off for too long.

If he really was intending on marrying Eva, he needed to make sure that he cleared his schedule as often as possible in order to be able to spend time with her.