As much as Jovani had wanted to go back with his cousin and enjoy a meal with him and the princess, there really were other things that he needed to take care of.

The whole incident with this Ashton had caused some problems among his people. Not to mention there were still those who weren't thrilled about Samuel having such a high rank within the family.

No one was going to say anything to Jovani himself, but that didn't mean he didn't have eyes and ears elsewhere to hear what was being said. If they had been talking about anyone else, he would have let it slide.

Most of his men knew how to speak up for themselves or correct people when there was a problem. His younger cousin however knew nothing about how best to do that yet. In his stead, his older cousin would make sure such problems were dealt with.

He also knew that it would be best to make sure that such things were taken care of before the initiation took place. It wouldn't do much good to introduce him officially into the family when there was grumbling going on among his ranks.

The new recruits these days didn't seem to understand how things worked nor did they know how to keep their poor opinions to themselves.

"Dear Charles, can we make this one quick today? I would like to be able to set up a dinner date with my fiancé." He told his driver with a sigh as he watched the passing traffic out his window.Dealing with such troublesome things was one part of his job that he didn't like. He couldn't ask Alonso to deal with either since they were targeting his cousin with their comments. They needed to make sure that they knew the head was displeased with what they were saying. If not, they weren't as likely to take it so seriously.


"Of course sir. I have the gloves in the compartment back there already. While you're busy would you like me to make the reservations at your favorite restaurant?" This question caused a small smile to spread across the other's face.

"That would be lovely. Have I ever told you how much I appreciate your Charles? You always know me so well." The old driver beamed at his comment.

"You have told me many times over the years, sir." He replied. This reply caused Jovani to click his tongue.

"I suppose then that it's about time you're due for another pay raise. Ten sounds about right?" He asked the question even though he had already decided on the number that he was going to give the other.

"Ten is a rather generous number, sir." The driver replied humbly.

"I don't know that I would know what to do with that much being added to my monthly salary." he admitted, glancing out the rearview mirror to look at his boss who was still fixated on looking out the window.


"You will learn how to spoil yourself with the money Charles. I think that it has been quite some time since you bought yourself a new car." Jovani replied, turning his gaze to look at the back of the driver."And don't argue with me on this one. You know that if you don't buy one yourself it will just end up being your Christmas gift for this year anyway."

"Indeed sir, you always make everyone gets what they want even if they don't tell you." The driver replied.

The car began to slow down as they reached their destination. Jovani really hoped that what he needed to take care of wasn't going to take too long. There were so many other things that he needed to get to. Some of which would be far more enjoyable than what he was currently doing.

Wouldn't this kind of thing ever end for him? He certainly hoped that it would eventually. Perhaps once Samuel was properly trained and able to take everything over. He could use some experience in the right way to handle difficult people. His younger cousin was yet still too soft for his liking. He needed to teach him to have a rougher edge if he was going to survive in this world.

"You know the drill by now I take it?" He asked the other as he got the studded leather gloves out. He had had them for a few years now and they were beginning to look worn. He was probably going to have to get some new ones relatively soon. Maybe it was the gift that he should ask Eve for this year.

Practical but not too expensive. The exact kind of gifts that he liked getting most.

"Yes sir. I will park a few blocks away and you just call me when you're done. I will make sure that the reservation has been correctly taken care of by the time you are back as well." Charles confirmed as he stopped the car at the edge of the sidewalk.

It was not too far off from an alleyway which was the destination that Jovani needed to reach.

"Perfect. I think that fifteen minutes should be more than enough time. If not, drive around again if you're waiting on me and I should certainly be done by then." He told the other before opening the car door so that he could get out.

He zipped his jacket up once he had stepped out and closed the door. He waited for the car to leave before he made his way towards the alley. He had no reason to inform anyone that he was going to be stopping by. The element of surprise always worked better in these kinds of situations.

He wasn't quite sure how many people he would be dealing with, but he doubted that it wouldn't be a number that would be too high for him. He had gotten quite good at fighting over the years.

Not only that, most of the younger pups who joined the mafia hadn't been trained the same way he had.. If anything, the more people who were there, the easier it was going to be for him.