They managed to make it to the beach in one piece even though there were a few times that Samuel thought his heart might actually stop with the way Lena was weaving and speeding through the traffic on the interstate. He lost count of how many cars honked their horns at them when the number reached past ten. They weren't the only ones who had places that they wanted to go. They just didn't have someone like their fiancé driving to help them reach their destination faster.

He hadn't tried to tell her stop however. He doubted that she would've been able to him over the roar of the window and the sound of the cars all around them or the occasional shouting of someone cussing them out for cutting to close around them and almost hitting them. Samuel would've apologized but he knew that they had been moving so quickly no one would've been able to see or hear him do it.

Lena hadn't missed the way that the other had reacted to her driving, she was just enjoying herself too much to care to slow down or shift her driving behavior. Nothing bad had happened to them so she didn't think that there was anything to complain about. They had even managed to make it to the beach faster than they had expected to.

Unlike her fiancé who needed a few moments to recover with his feet under him before he would be ready to start walking, the princess was already getting all of their things together. Since she was the one who had been driving, there was no suffering on her end from the effects of the speed she was going at.

There were a lot more people than she had expected to be at the beach for a weekday. This made her scowl inwardly as she tried to find them a spot that wasn't too close to other groups of people. She didn't mind people being around, she just didn't want to have to deal with getting hit by any stray beach balls or sprayed with pellets of water from water guns or any other such things that might have been going on with children around.Lena understood that kids were also there to enjoy their limited time at the beach, but that didn't mean that she had to be any part of it or deal with it if she didn't wish to.

It took her a few minutes of searching before she had finally found a spot she thought would be fitting for them. Perhaps a little further in away from the ocean that Samuel would've liked, but it wasn't like he couldn't traverse the distance between their setup location and the water if he so desired to.

"Didn't you bring something to change into?" Her fiancé asked when noticed that she appeared as though she was ready to get comfortable on the blanket and umbrella she had set up to protect from the sun while still wearing the shorts and tank top she had driven over in. Samuel had put on swimming trunks underneath his own shorts and had somehow anticipated that the princess would've done something similar. It seemed though that such was not the case.


"I don't wear bathing suites." She replied flatly as she leaned back, using the palms of her hands as support to hold her weight rather than laying flat on her back.

"They attract unnecessary attention. Thus I've never seen the point in wearing one since I'm here simply to enjoy the time I have rather than attempting to impress anyone." A small part of Samuel was disappointed when he heard the other's reply. He had been hoping Lena would have brought such a thing with her so that he might get a chance to see what style of swimwear she preferred.

"You can do as you wish of course, it just isn't my thing." Considering the fact that she did have Samuel, she also didn't think that there was any reason to bother with such things.

Based upon the numerous observations that she had made going to the beach growing up, she had figured out the types of people who frequented the beach and their reason for being there based upon the type of outfits that they wore. Based upon her observations, most women only wore revealing swimsuits when they were either trying to attract someone or impress the person that they with. She had no desire to do the first and didn't think that there was much of a reason to do the second.

If Samuel was ever only interested in something to do with her physical appearance and didn't care to make any effort in the rest of their relationship, the princess would drop him at that point as she didn't believe there was reason to maintain such a relationship with anyone.

"What about for going into the water though?" Samuel asked as he came over to sit down next to the other. The ocean was calling for him to get into water already, but he knew it was best to wait a few minutes after all the riding he had been doing. He wanted to make sure his legs would be okay to swim with.


"I have no interest in the water. I believe that is more of your thing than mine." she pointed out, shifting her position slightly on the towels so that she was further under the umbrella.

"I'm content to stay here and while you enjoy yourself until you want to do other things." She had no desire to go into the water. The clothes that she had brought weren't suited for it either. They would just weigh her down and make being annoying wet rather than enjoyable.

"Even if it what I wanted to ask you to do out of everything else?" Samuel asked innocently, as he flashed her one of his charming smiles. She knew that was another thing that he had picked up from spending too much time around Jovani. His older cousin was a master at that kind of thing.

"You honestly wouldn't try to use that with me knowing how much I hate water." She gave him a look that dared her to tell him that he wasn't joking about it.

"Well.. I did think that it might be fun if it is the two of us and you did say that it could be anything that I want it to be." And here came the part where she knew that she was going to regret telling him that before they left.

"Why out of all the things that it could be do you want me to go into the ocean with you?" Samuel bit his bottom lip when she asked his question. He wanted to tell her but he knew she might think that the reason was silly and he honestly also didn't want anyone else who was around on the beach to hear his reason.

This lead to him scooting further up onto the blanket so that he was sitting next to the princess. Leaning over, he whispered the reason that he wanted to do it in her ear.

She listened passively to what he had to say until he was done speaking at which point she narrowed her eyes at him and gave him a disapproving look.

"Don't even think about trying to get me to do that with you." She warned. The look on his face however of a person trying to give her puppy dog eyes to relent on her unspoken no while trying not to smile was what she was met with by her fiancé who seemed rather determined to get her to agree to what he wanted.