"Sometimes though the best gifts are the ones that aren't asked for." Jovani pointed out. He had gotten far less to eat than Lena had. He wasn't a huge fan of breakfast but Alonso would usually get on his case if he didn't eat a little something as the day would unexpectedly end up rolling by with him forgetting to eat until dinner.

"Perhaps there are some people who enjoy surprise like that. I'm not one of those people. I prefer to be asked instead." The princess replied as she got up so that she could refill her coffee cup again. It was slowly starting to get rid of the terrible headache she had.

"Are you sure though? It seemed like you quite enjoyed it if these marks are anything to go by." The sudden voice next to her ear and the breath that tickled against the side of her neck caught Lena by surprise. Before she could catch herself, her reflexes had kicked in and she ended up slapping the other on the right side of his face.

Jovani let out a hiss of pain as he stumbled back, barely managing to not trip over his feet.action

"Dear Princess, you really are quite strong." he hadn't initially been intending to say anything to the other as he waited for her to finish refilling her coffee cup so he could do the same. He couldn't resist teasing her though when he caught sight of some of the hickeys that were around her collar bone. If he had known she would've reacted that way, he would've stopped himself.

"That rather hurt." He winced as he looked over at the other who had a rather murderously glare on her face.

"Then I suggest you don't do something like that again." She seethed back. Really, if it wasn't for the fact that Samuel was fond of his cousin, she really would've killed him.


Some people had been watching the commotion that had taken place and were whispering amongst themselves. Most likely about the way Lena had reacted. People who didn't know who she was were usually surprised that despite her small size, she was rather prone to violence when faced with such unexpected situations.

"Why because you can't handle a little bit of teasing from time to time?" Jovani joked back, carefully to make sure he stayed a decent distance away from the other since her mood had quickly gone south.

"Teasing isn't the problem, invading my personal space in such a manner is. You may be Samuel's family, but I haven't yet accepted you as part of mine." She replied back rather coldly. People could feel the temperature in the room drop from the tone of her voice and the look on her face."What's going on here?" Alonso had noticed that there seemed to be a bit of a commotion going on in the breakfast buffet. He knew that Jovani had gone there before him in order to get breakfast. He didn't expect though that the other would've been the cause of the commotion.

He didn't have to ask anything to know what the root of the problem was when he saw the look that was on Lena's face with her attention directed at Jovani.

"I highly recommend you get this fool out of my company before I do something that I might end up regretting." The princess didn't have to take her attention off of Jovani to know that Alonso had entered the room. She could see him out of the corner of her eye.

"Truce, truce. Allow me to get my coffee and finish the rest of my breakfast and I will be out of hair." Jovani told her raising his one friend hand as he motioned with his other hand to where the coffee stand was set up. He could already tell by the warmth that was coming off his cheek that he was going to need ice for it. He would also have to figure out a good way to explain to Eve what exactly happened.


"Ten minutes." was all she replied as went back to take her own seat not before casting another withering look at the other.

"Can't I leave you alone for a few minutes without you causing problems?" Alonso asked rather exasperated. This was exactly the who reason why he had originally asked Jovani to wait on him before he went to get breakfast.

"Harmless accident." The other replied as he refilled his coffee cup.

"I forget not everyone is good with others being in close proximity of them and can't handle certain jokes." Jovani replied as he went back to take his seat without waiting for the other to get his own food.

Since there wasn't much else for Lena to do, she decided to bring up lunch to Samuel since she figured the other wasn't awake yet. His inclination to sleep in longer she put off on the fact that he wasn't used to working on the same clock that the princess was. She knew though that after a year of getting used to doing everything that she was, his system would likely adjust to running on fewer hours of sleep.

She set the tray on the nightstand next to the bed before laying back down on the opposite from the side of where Samuel still seemed to be sleeping. Since there wasn't much else to do, she might as well lounge around until her fiancé was awake so she could request Clive come to pick them up.

She hadn't been laying there that long before she felt a hand reach over to grasp her own. She didn't have topen her eyes or look over to know that other was now awake.

"Would you miss your cousin terribly much if I killed him?" she poised the question, not sure how awake the other was but curious to know what kind of answer he would give.

"I rather enjoy his company, but what did he do this time?" Samuel asked, in a groggy tone of voice as he rubbed his hand back and forth over the top of the other's in what she guessed was supposed to be a soothing action.

"He's rather annoying still and I don't feel that there's much value in keeping him around if I have to put up with that part of him along with everything else." She replied honestly.

"Annoying enough that you want to kill him?" The other asked, she felt as the bed next to her shifted and dip as the other moved around.

"Yes. He has no sense of boundaries and personal space and doesn't seem to have the sense either when I tell him not to push either."

"You don't like people invading your personal space?"

"No." She replied back. Following this response however, she found herself in an unexpected position when she opened her eyes. Samuel had positioned himself over her again and his face was mere inches away from her own. He unlike her hadn't put on a bathrobe and was still rather naked except for the blankets that were draped over his back.

"So does that mean you also don't like it when I invade your personal space?" He asked as he kissed her nose. The unexpected action caused a unfamiliar fluttering in the princess's chest. She also noticed that her anger had dissipated almost immediately in response to this action.

"You don't qualify as people." She replied back as the other kept looking intently into her eyes.

"Then that means I can do things like this and invade your person space whenever I want and you won't feel like you want to kill me?" He clarified as he kissed her gently before moving down to her neck. After last night, she felt the almost instinctive need to expose her neck to the other.

"That depends on what you doing. I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself though." She replied. It was morning now. There was no time for them to be messing around anymore.

"Hm, are you sure about that?" He murmured as he gently kissed her neck. He knew that it was there day off so didn't really think that there was anything wrong with what he was doing. They had as much as they want.

"Yes, besides I also brought you breakfast." She replied, taking in a slowly steady breath in order to not give away the fact that he was already having an effect on her body despite the fact that he had hardly done anything to her yet.

"What if I want to eat something else for breakfast?" He then asked as he lifted his head to place his forehead against her own. She could see that there was new desire suddenly burning in his eyes.

Even if she wanted to do anything else, she really needed to get them back to the estate after Samuel had breakfast and she was not on the menu.