Lena didn't want anyone to help her as she walked out of the club. A number of mafia members stepped her and Samuel on the way out to say one more set of congratulations to them as a sign of respect before they left.

Lena didn't say much and mostly stuck to either shaking their hands of giving a small nod of her head in response as a thank you for their kind words. Samuel took care of most of the verbal communication even though it was evident a number of them were still unsure of what to think of him.

Alonso had no problem driving them back to the hotel and already had the car ready to take them there. Jovani walked a few steps behind the two of them in order to watch out for them in case anything happened as he doubted either one had enough awareness about them to even recognize if something was wrong.

Lena was the first one to get into the car and took the seat on the far right next to the door so that she could look out the window during the drive. Samuel decided to take the seat next to the opposite passenger door even though he wanted to sit next to Lena as he wasn't sure how she would take to this. She still wasn't saying much to him even though they were now outside of the club.

Jovani sat up front with Alonso as to not cause a disturbance and also so that he could call the hotel and make a last-minute request for an additional room for the night. He knew that even though it was rather late, they wouldn't deny his request as he had enough money to cover any additional fees and trouble making such a request would cost.

Lena was annoyed but she couldn't exactly say that she was upset with Samuel. She understood his hesitancy with her family and other unfamiliar people being around which wasn't the problem. The real issue was the fact that he took things to the point he did but that there was no follow-through from him even though he started it.

She wasn't the kind of person who took well to those kind of things. It was either that everything was on the table or it wasn't. There was no in-between especially not when she was in the state that she currently was.


"You know that you don't have to keep looking over at me like that. If you have something you want to say, you can just say it." Lena didn't have to look away from the window to feel whenever Samuel's eyes were on her. His body language also gave away exactly how anxious? guilty? he was feeling.

"You seem upset still and I just want to apologize for what happened." Samuel replied as he nervously licked his bottom lip. He didn't exactly think that it would that he managed to make her upset on the night of their engagement.

"Upset?" Lena asked as she turned to look at the other with a raised eyebrow."Sammy-boy. If I was upset with you, I wouldn't have let things drop where they were at no matter who came over." She replied.

"Am I annoyed with you? Absolutely. You purposely messed around with something not knowing what to expect while we've both been drinking and then you retracted half-way through." She explained.

"Your brother came over though and I realized that I might have been taking things too far." Samuel admitted. It was the one thing that made him hesitate. What her family might have thought about what they were doing with so many other people around and not much forethought about it.

"My brother is no threat." The princess rolled her eyes at this. Certainly Leo could be annoying at times and may have on occasion teased her about getting her in trouble with her father. However, he wouldn't actually say anything to the mafia boss unless it was over something serious. Whatever happened between her and Samuel didn't classify as serious unless the relationship was going to be called off or one of them genuinely hurt the other.


"He wouldn't have done anything except for be annoying. If you handle him the way I do, he would've left anyways." she pointed out.action

"See Sam, you would've been perfectly fine to continue with the make-out session with nothing to worry about." Jovani teased. He winced slightly and laughed when Lena kicked the back of his seat.

"No asked you to get involved in this." She glared at the back of the front passenger seat even though she knew that Jovani wasn't going to be able to see the face that she was making.

I'm just lending my support for your desires to be taken care of. Nothing more than that." The older cousin replied, but wisely became quiet after this knowing that Lena wouldn't refrain from kicking his seat again or worse if he annoyed her too much.

Even though he had enjoyed what was going on, there was still a small part of him that felt conflicted over what had happened. It was only natural that he wanted to take things a step further in the relationship that he had with the princess. He found her natural reactions to enthralling in a way that made him want to take things further to see what other kind of reactions he could get out of the other.

But what happened at the night club felt different from what he had done back at the estate with Lena. Somehow his emotions and desire felt far stronger and he wasn't certain that it was just because of the alcohol.

"Stop thinking so much about everything and just whatever it is that your inclined to do in the future. It isn't some life or death matter." Lena huffed at Samuel when she saw the pensive look on his face.

"Because if you don't, I won't be so gentle the next time that I bite you."

"Like what you did to me neck?" Samuel asked, teasing slightly but also out mild curiosity.

"Are you tempting me?" She asked with narrow eyes when he reached his hand up to brush the spot near the collar of his suit. Even though a day had already passed since she bit him. The mark was still a touch raised and noticeably red when one got close enough to look at it.

"Do you think that this is teasing?" Samuel asked as he titled his head to the side slightly in order to expose more of his neck but not so much so that he couldn't keep an eye on the princess to see what her reaction was.

Rather than verbally answering his question, the princess let out a low grumble of a growl as she watched the other. If it wasn't for the seatbelt, she would've already been over to his seat to show him what she thought.

"Do you want to find out what would happen if you keep doing that?" she asked in a low, slightly husky tone of voice as she kept her gaze locked on the other. The seatbelt was only as much of an obstacle as she wanted it to be if her fiancé kept pushing his luck with what he was doing. Plus she knew that they were also getting rather close to the hotel.

Alonso gave Jovani an uncertain look. He felt somewhat out of place being around with whatever was going on between the newly engaged couple. The other man though just waved him off and indicated for him to pay attention to the road and not on what was going on behind him.

The older cousin was actually quite enjoying the interaction that was going on between the princess and his cousin. It was far better than the tension that had engulfed the car for the first half of the drive.

Plus, he didn't think that there would be much harm in the two of them having some fun here and there now that they were officially engaged. It wasn't likely that they were going to end up breaking up either would negated some of the concerns that others might have about the current situation taking place.

He also couldn't deny that it was interesting to see Lena and Samuel interact after the two of them had been drinking. He already had an idea of how the princess would be considering how her true personality tended to shine through at odd moments.

Samuel though, he hadn't expected the other to be more brazen after he had been drinking nor as much of a tease as he came across.

"Sammy, you have until the count of three to tell me which your answer is or you might not like what happens if you keep doing that." He heard the princess warn from behind him. By the slight commotion he heard, he suspected that she had moved her dress to make it easier to reach the seatbelt buckle.

Thankfully, Alonso was a rather safe driver which meant that there was no real reason to stop whatever was going to go on behind them.. It was also a good thing Jovani surmised that he had decided to get only one hotel room rather than two.