"Feck off." Lena growled at her brother, turning around to glare him before she flipped him off. She was enjoying herself at the moment and in no mood to be interrupted by her father.

"Easy there little tiger." Leo laughed as he held up his hand in a defensive manner.

"I just thought that you might want to break it up before everyone else comes back. Not sure that you want to be giving everyone else a show." He teased, noticing that Samuel seemed to have a better understanding of what he was saying than the princess or did. Or perhaps he cared more about maintaining a certain level of decorum and dignity around her family.

"He does have a point." Samuel agreed in a low tone of voice causing the princess to look back over at him, she now didn't look very pleased with him either.

"So easy for the one who started everything to agree when it's time to stop it after provoking me this far." She grumbled as she tried to lean down to kiss him again. She didn't really care what her brother was talking about, she wasn't done with her fiancé yet and wasn't really concerned about who saw what. If they decided to gawk at what was going on between her and Samuel, that was her choice, but not fault of her own.

Samuel used his hand to try and stop the princess from kissing. This ended up being a bad decision however as she bit his fingers rather firmly, annoyed that they had gotten in the way of the target that she was aiming for. It wasn't enough pressure to break the sign, but enough to feel comfortable.

"Sweetheart, why don't we break it up for now and we can do whatever once we get back to the estate? I think that enough has been going on for now." Samuel tried to reason as he shifted into a position that allowed him to sit further up forcing Lena to have to shift her weight so that she didn't slide off of him.


She didn't seem all that pleased with this compromise however as she brushed her tongue over the fingers that were in her mouth causing a shiver of pleasure to go down Samuel's spine. She certainly wasn't helping to steady his resolve to stop what they had been doing even though Leo was watching what was going on.

Being referred to as 'sweetheart' only added to Lena's annoyance. She had never been found of that nickname even if her fiancé was the one addressing her as such. She also had no intention of letting go of his fingers until she had gotten what she wanted from.This just created a more awkward situation for the younger who wasn't quite sure what he should since he only had access to one of his hands and he feared that if he tried to pull the other one back that the princess might bite down even harder on it than she currently was.

"We would be able to do a lot more than we possibly could here if we stop now and wait." He murmured as he leaned into place a kiss near her ear.

"But if you don't give me my hand back, I can't do anything now or later that you might like better." He tried to keep his voice low enough as he whispered in the other's ear so that Leo wouldn't hear what he was saying.

He wouldn't say that he felt mortified being spotted in this current position by the younger brother. It wasn't however how he had been expecting the night to end. He figured that they would all have a little bit of fun before heading back. Most important part of that which fell through was the fact that he had ended up drinking when he said that he wasn't interested in alcohol. That was Jovani's fault through for pushing him until he agreed to get something so that the other would leave him alone.

Lena didn't seem all that thrilled over what Samuel was saying, but she could she the reasoning in why he might want his hand back. Plus, it could potential create the opening that she was looking for to kiss him again if he wasn't expecting her to comply with his request so easily.


It didn't work the way that she had expected however for the moment that she had released his fingers, Samuel moved so that he could safely deposit the princess into the seat next to him much to her annoyance.

The dark look that she fixed her fiancé with expressed how upset she was over the fact that he had tricked her into getting off of him by his simply promise of something else.

He wasn't sure where he should laugh or worry that she might retaliate against him later for this if by chance she happened to remember what happened in the morning.

Leo on the other hand found the situation to be highly amusing and took a photo of it to go along with the collection of other photos he had taken during times when he didn't think that Lena or Samuel was paying attention to what he was doing.

He knew that it wouldn't do well as a future option for blackmail, but at least it might be something fun to tease her about in the future since it was one of the rare times that she let her guard down enough to behave in this manner.

"I did tell you that we could continue later once we get back to the estate." Samuel told the other as he reached his hand out to brush her messy hair out of her face. The movement plus the sweat from their prior actions had caused some of it to stick to her face.

She refused however to allow him to touch it and moved the hair out of her face using her own hand, her expression not changing much as she reached for her glass to take another drink.

"Spoilsport." She huffed under her breath she took a drink. The little bit of fun that she had been having had officially been ruined by him. He had only barely caught what she had said, but it was enough to make him laugh.

"Are you really pouting because we are having to put a pause on things here for now? I'll admit that it is my bad for starting this without really thinking about what direction it might go in." He told the princess trying to sooth her even though he didn't think it was possible.

"I think though that if you were more sober that you wouldn't considering continuing our previous actions with everyone around who could see what is going"

"You think so?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as she looked at him. The desire in her eyes hadn't dampened in the slightest despite how annoyed she was with the other.

"Has people being around in the past stopped me from doing what I want to? You think if my father or anyone else around here saw what was going on that they would be bothered to the point of interfering or stopping things before they went further?" She asked, looking at him very intently as the annoyance seeped into her tone of voice.

"Whether they are here or not wouldn't stop me from doing something that I want to do. Even you yourself pointed out that if anyone happened to be around, they wouldn't really be aware of what was going on between us because the music and other commotion was too loud. Or was that just something that you said at the spur of the moment to get me to do what you wanted?" Samuel wasn't quite sure how to respond to this since it seemed he had successful set off one of the princess's bad moods that he hadn't seen in a while.

When Samuel didn't reply to what she had said, she tsked before turning away from him again only to glare at her drink as she also ignored her brother who also seemed uncertain how to proceed with the current situation.

Leo shrugged as he looked over Samuel who had turned his attention over to the brother who he thought might have an idea as to what do about Lena's current change in mood. He didn't of course because this kind of thing wasn't something that he had dealt with in the past with his sister.

"I think that it's something that you're just going to have to figure out how to sort on your own considering you started it. Everyone else should be back soon though so then it'll be time to leave." Leo told the other before he turned to leave again. He didn't want to waste the few minutes he knew was left of the fun that he could have before it was timeto leave.

This left Samuel alone to figure out how to sooth the annoyed princess who seemed to no longer want anything to do with him after he moved away from her rather than continuing what they had previously doing.

A/N: if you want smut next chapter- comment yes or no or you can send gifts as another way to say yes and to let me know.