Outside the Mikhailovsky Palace. Alexander shivered lightly as the chilly wind blew past his face.

He walked alongside King Gojong, who is currently ambling towards his transport provided by the Ruthenians while he is staying there. Chosonese security forces surrounded the car with bolt action rifles on their backs, keeping watch in case an attack happen that would cause harm to go the king.

Alexander praised their readiness and their prudency should someone try to assassinate their King right here and now. But he made sure that it wouldn't happen in the first place as he had already placed more than enough security forces in the area.

The door opened, allowing King Gojong to enter. But before doing so, King Gojong turned around and faced Alexander. He gave him a small bow, showing once again his gratitude through gestures.

Alexander appreciated the gesture by nodding his head. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call the Winter Palace. I hope that we can defeat the threat of communism in your country."

"Your wish is my wish, Your Majesty. If you think this is detrimental to the progress of the Choson Empire, then I will give you my full support.

After saying that, King Gojong hopped into the vehicle. The guard who opened the door for the king closed it and entered the vehicle through the front door.


Ten seconds later, the convoy began to move off its track. Alexander followed them with his eye and saw them disappear into the distance.action

"I guess we can return home now," Alexander muttered under his breath as the sounds around him began to louden as the journalist present in the area began calling to him.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Can we ask you a few questions?!" one of the journalists hailed and asked.

"Your Majesty, may we take a little bit of your time?" asked another.Alexander exhaled deeply before facing the crowd of journalists. He walked in their direction while looking at the camera. He gave his most pleasing smile to them, enough to melt the hearts of young women who are probably watching the television.

"Okay, I will take two or three questions," Alexander declared while giving a wink. One of the reporters took note that the monarch is being flirty with them but it would have been a great misunderstanding if she thought that it would be the case. Nevertheless, a female journalist began to ask.

"Your Majesty, you assured me that you will help the Chosonese in rebuilding their country, is that correct?"


Alexander looked at her and answered. "The Choson Empire will be our steadfast ally in the Far East, someone that we can trust our back. Rebuilding them into a state similar to ours will be a great investment for the future."

"But what if the Chosonese Empire decided to turn their backs on us? How will you respond?" the female journalist followed up with another question.

"Well, the same way we always do, should the Chosonese Empire prove to be a threat to our national security and interest, we will retaliate. That's a simple question."

"One last question, Your Majesty. You are aware that the Ruthenian Empire is a multilingual and multiethnic nation right? There are still underdeveloped areas in Ruthenia. How would you answer the people in that underdeveloped area if they ask why are you investing hundreds or possibly billions of rubles in economic and military aid to the Chosonese where it can be invested to them?"

Alexander was silent for a moment upon hearing the journalist's question. She made a good point. It was a good question and so a good question must come with a good answer.

"Interesting question. Allow me to explain. One of my major domestic policies is to modernize and industrialize every city in the Ruthenia Empire. And we are already doing that as we speak. Millions of Ruthenian citizens have been building roads, railways, airports, hospitals, schools, dams, power plants, and many more ever since it was enacted five years ago. This project will make Ruthenia interconnected to one another despite our massive sizes. No cities or ethnic groups will be overlooked under my administration and let it be known to the people that helping another country to grow and become our ally is not neglect, but a building of a basic foundation of everlasting friendship."

Alexander hoped that it was the best answer. The journalist was speechless and just nodded her head understandingly.

Seconds later, she breaks the ice. "Thank you for giving us answers, Your Majesty."

Alexander smiled and nodded at her "You're welcome."

The journalist bowed respectfully to the monarch before retreating back, allowing her fellow journalist to ask him a question. But Alexander didn't take any more questions as he simply walked toward the Beast while waving his hand in the air.

Alexander and Sevastian entered the Beast.

Alexander leaned back comfortably on his leather couch while staring out from the huge window. Watching the desperate journalist ask him questions. However, he believes that their question will be the same as that of the female journalist.

He grabbed a bottle of vodka from the refrigerator installed inside the Beast. A cold sensation invaded his hand as soon as he took it. He twisted the cap and poured himself a glass. As soon as he had taken the drink, he downed it swiftly. He felt the warmth flowing down his throat and stomach. It was a good feeling.

"Care for a drink, Sevastian?" Alexander offered but Sevastian shook his head.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty but I can't. I have a lot of things to do back in my office. I might pull an all-nighter there," said Sevastian.

Alexander let out a soft chuckle. "I've been doing that thing for years, you'll get used to it."

"Well maybe someday but not today, Your Majesty," Sevastian replied while fixing his tie.

The vehicle that they were in began to move forward slowly. At last, they'll be returning back home. Then something just came into mind.

"Looking back to my discussion with King Gojong. I wonder what's the situation in the Gulag where Shinzo and the former Prime Minister of the Yamato Empire, Haru Takashi, are doing. Are they behaving themselves inside the thing I purposely and specifically built for them?"

"Are you talking about the White Room? I don't have any updates either, Your Majesty. Do you want me to ask the officer in charge there?"

"No, I'm just wondering. I might visit them sometime in the future. My schedule for this month is full at the moment."

"Ah, you are going to visit Moskva, the headquarters of the Imperial Dynamic Systems right?"

"I'm going to do some inspection, see how things are doing."

"Very well, Your Majesty."

And so it became silent as the Beast takes them back to the Winter Palace.