It Seems We Couldn’t Chart In.Grade B Translation: A mix of MTL and Human Translation. Translated and interpreted as best as I can. Mixed with some Korean terms. Misinterpretation may occur due to limited comprehensive ability.

Awkward English, bad grammar, and typos may often occur as Translator is not fluent in English and not edited by Editor nor proofed by Proofreader.

‘With the Legend’ Kim Hee Sang Presents A New Attempt, ‘Hot Topic’

The Meeting of Young Bloods and Legends Blow A New Wind to Weekend Variety Show

Community response exploded after the last episode of ‘With the Legend’ aired. Until the next day after the broadcast, real-time search terms on ‘With the Legend’ dominated the portal site.

-Seen the performance? So amazing, really

-Watching last week, it seemed they made all the choreography and ideas themselves, but it looks dope


-It’s crazy to match the stage with the 1st of March

-Awy, right? It seems they’re recruiting for a fanclub?

Fans made gifs of Awy’s clips and posted sales posts like crazy. The agency also released the behind-the-scenes photos of ‘With The Legend’ at good timing.

-Kids’ in durumagi, so insaneㅜㅜ

-So fab crazyㅜㅜ

-Guys. Concept photo is out, go go go


In addition, the concept photo announcing the comeback was also uploaded.

Naturally, Awy’s fans influx also went up like crazy, But at this point, there is always someone who can’t stand to see others doing better than them.

That actor who was almost cast in the lead role for ‘I Want to Hear Your Sound’ posted on N-board.

However, the response went differently than in the previous life. The production crew of IWHYS already uploaded a video of Ian’s pre-meeting. Seeing his serious appearance in it, fans defended the comments, urging others to hear both sides of the story.

Ian also sent the actor’s personal information in advance that the actor was not even a deaf through reporters that Jin knew. Anonymously, of course.

‘IWHYS’ Controversy Over the Casting of Disabled People… Turns Out ‘Pretending to be Disabled’

Controversy Over Impersonating Minority Went Too Far… Is It Okay to Be Like This?

Reporters introduced by Jin fell for the bait.

In the end, the poster couldn’t attract any aggro, deleted the post, and ran away. But there is another problem. In IWHYS behind-the-scenes video, Ian appeared with an image of a too-upright life.

‘Ah, this could be a bit of a problem.’

If the image is portrayed as a model student, upright life, or similar to those, it could have a strong adverse effect later on.

[Idols should have a moderate bully vibe.]

‘But if you’re really a bully, it’ll be a mess.’

Fortunately, he is still a rookie. The image can change at any time.

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AWY Music Streaming Team @AWY_STRM

Finally, it’s the first comeback day!

(Picture) Please upload the streaming guide and streaming list again!

Helpers, please check the group chat room.

Awydom Kim Eun Ha checked the group chat room.

Most of the singers who have formed a fandom to some extent have a music streaming team, and the main purpose is to raise the entry real-time ranking as much as possible.

Ga2 Music Team Staff – You can stream according to the streaming list from 6 o’clock. We’ve given you the ID sheet, so you can download it from 6:30. Please don’t reply to this message.

Even before the singer makes a comeback, the music team raises money for the music and collects IDs with the voluntary help of fans. Since it is difficult to put music on the chart only with streaming, it is also necessary to download simultaneously.

Of course, they don’t just download the music on the day it’s released. If the chart rank drops, they will download again.

Meanwhile, they continue to stream music as much as possible. Some seasoned fans even purchase separate devices and turn to stream music all day long.

It’s no exaggeration to say that these practices are related to how idols line up the charts.

When Kim Eun Ha opened the shared spreadsheet, she saw a long list of IDs that the music team had collected in advance.

“Wow… I’m nervous.”

Kim Eun Ha, who participated as a helper for the music team, muttered to herself. It was less than an hour before the release of the song.

“Aish. Should I have just bought a ticket for the showcase?”

Then Kim Eun Ha would have been stanning at the showcase site in peace, but she opened SNS to calm down her disappointment.

-If you don’t stream while watching the showcase, you’re dead (fist emoji)

-Everyone, it’s our kids first comeback, so shouldn’t we try to rank higher ㅠㅠㅠ? The showcase will be uploaded later, so let’s stream and download firstㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-You can watch the showcase and mv to your heart content later ㅠㅠ We have to take care of our kids’ entry ranking

Even though the song hadn’t been released yet, fans were already whipping others to move.

“We shouldn’t be feeling full already, though.”

Kim Eun Ha sighed. It was a negative side effect caused by the increase in the influx of Awydom.

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Awy was proceeding with the comeback showcase. A press showcase was held from 4 o’clock, and a stage was prepared for fans from 8 o’clock.

Sensing the unusual influx of Awydom, the agency decides to broadcast the showcase live on Y-app. It was a strategy to attract more fans by increasing accessibility.

“Teacher… I’m dying.”

“You can’t die yet.”

After successfully completing the press showcase, the members lay down on the floor with a mat. Their average sleep time was less than five hours these days.

“Whose knockoff cola is this? Choi Ian again?”


“Crazy guy.”

Skillfully receiving the beverage can thrown by Kim Hyun, Ian opened the can and drank it.

“We can sleep for about an hour.”

“Still I’m glad it’s more comfortable than the last outfit.”

“Last time, we couldn’t even lie down properly in case it would wrinkle.”

The outfit for this time was not uniform-style, but sporty tech wear.

“Guys, aren’t you guys eating? Support came in.”

“We have to eat then sleep.”

Like people who are obsessed with eating, they jumped up at the news of the meal.


Still, Ian, who thought he wouldn’t be surprised by his experience with meal support, let out a series of exclamations. Also this time, it was a carefully prepared menu and package.

The members who devoured the lunch box filled with only what each member liked put down their chopsticks with satisfied expressions.

[Aren’t they different hommas from last time?]

‘Oh yeah?’

Ian fiddled with the cheering cards in wonder. Home Master Union is the same but the home names are different than last time. There were other hommas written besides ‘Iron Heart’, which was always included in this kind of support.

“I want to sleep, but I can’t lie down.”

“Lay down after digesting.”

“Won’t you feel like throwing up if you lie down now.”

The members laughed. When they laughed with their eyes half open because they were sleepy, it was difficult to tell whether they were idols or zombies.

“It’s past six, guys. Congratulations on your first comeback!”


Company employees and staff congratulated them.

“Thank you!”

Awy greeted politely. When the modifier ‘first’ is added, a new emotion must be felt. But doesn’t it seem like the employees are more excited than the singers?

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“How many minutes until 7 o’clock?”

“Two minutes.”

Time flies and the time has come for real-time charts to change. This time, we decided to check the chart rankings together. Awy nervously prayed for time to pass with the phone they extorted from Park Dong Soo.

“What will be the ranking this time?”

“I wish we could chart in at least.”

“We got in last time, so won’t we get in again today?”

Mydear’s music release was just last week. Looking at Mydear’s already lined-up rankings1Just in case you don’t understand, when all songs from an album and even some previous songs line up on the rankings. For example, the title song is 1st place and 2nd-7th place are other songs from the same album. This happens because of strategic mass streaming by fandoms. with envious eyes, the members scrolled up and refreshed it.

“Where is ours?”

“I don’t see?”

The chart changed anew after an hour. Awy naturally scrolled to the bottom. When it wasn’t visible at the end of the chart, Lee Joo Hyuk gently scrolled up.

“Isn’t it going up too high?”

“But we can’t see it.”

“It seems we couldn’t chart in.”

At the moment when the members were gradually losing their motivation, Ian snatched the phone from Lee Joo Hyuk’s hand. His eyes grew as big as a lamp.


“Hey. Why did you suddenly take it?”

“We’re here!”

Ian showed everyone the phone screen. The members frowned as they tried to find their group name on the screen, but soon their faces brightened.

“For real?”

“I didn’t see it wrong, right?”Just in time, the cheers of the staff in the hallway in front of the waiting room were heard. It was followed by Awy bouncing up.


“That’s crazy!”

When Park Dong Soo opened the door of the waiting room with a smile, Awy was already running around and hugging each other.

“Congratulations, guys!”

On the table, Park Dong Soo’s phone screen displayed Awy’s name proudly ranked 56th.

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“Everyone! We’re ranked 56th!”


And cheers were also continued by the fans who were waiting to enter. Even when they arrived at the showcase venue, they did not forget to stream and download.

“Wow, it’s higher than expected…”

“That’s a relief.”

“Everyone, you have to turn on streaming when you go in!”


The music team staff at the scene encouraged the fans. Fans responded pleasantly to the rise in the rankings.

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“What to do. Seo Dam’s eyes are swollen.”


The staff who was checking the makeup was startled and looked at the members. Park Seo Dam looked teary-eyed.

“Are they that swollen?”

“No, it’s all right.”

Park Seo Dam burst into tears at the higher-than-expected ranking. The makeup director applied a thick layer of eyeshadow to Park Seo Dam’s eyelids. It looked like a panda because it was too dark, but it was possible since more than half of it would be gone under the lighting anyway.

“Isn’t this okay?”

“I don’t think it’s obvious.”

Noona’s skill is superb. They didn’t forget to compliment the makeup staff.

“If we’re already ranked 56th, can’t we be ranked 10th next time?”

“A good dream up, approve.”

“If we didn’t overlap with Mydear, wouldn’t we have gone up even higher?”

“So close.”

Awy felt better and their sleepiness flew away at once. Everyone smiled and wore microphones.

“Let’s repay the fans well today.”

Lee Joo Hyuk said and held out his hand in the air. Members put their hands over it. They shouted their usual chant and went up to the stage.


The stage became dark and fans screamed just by looking at the silhouettes of the members forming the choreography formation. On the electronic display, the countdown numbers went down one by one, and finally, the stage lights turned on.

The tech wear they wore at the press showcase was for the title song, so Awy changed their clothes again. It was a light fluttering blouse and cotton pants.

The first song was a fan song composed and written by Lee Joo Hyuk and Park Jin Hyuk. The members danced lightly to the spring-like music and smiled at the live camera.

“Long time no see, everyone!”

The fans cheered. Individual comment villains shouted here and there while Park Seo Dam received a microphone and cue card given by the staff.

“Kim Hyun so handsome!”

“Love you, Lee Joo Hyuukkk!”

Individual comment villains are people who shout and talk loudly alone among the audience so that the members can hear.

“Aish. If you want to say something, write it in your diary.”

“Such bad comments. Seriously, why are they like that?”

There was a buzz in the audience.

They not only interfere with the progress of the singers who were talking on stage but also raise other audience’s eyebrows at the sound of pterodactyls.

“Everyone. If you keep doing this, I can’t proceed. Please refrain.”

Park Seo Dam cut off their individual comments. The members said ‘Oh ~’ and tapped Park Seo Dam on the shoulder.

“Yes! Everyone welcome to Awy’s comeback show today!”

It was decided to proceed with the showcase without casting a host and led by Park Seo Dam instead. Other members watched Park Seo Dam, who stepped forward and worked hard leading the showcase.

As they looked at him with sentimental gazes like parents sending their child to elementary school for the first time, comments on the Y-app exploded.

-Look at them lolololololol

-I thought they’re parents lololololololol

-Ah so cute

“Before we sing the next song! We got questions from the fan cafe in advance, right? Today, let’s take time to answer that!”

The staff set simple chairs on the stage and gave each member a hand mic. Published 10 April 2023By adminCategorized as English Translation, Entertainment Life With A Camera