Chapter 725   - Forgive Me, Moyu (3)

Tang Moyu would be lying if she said that whatever happened to her years ago didn't matter to her anymore. There were many people who wronged her in the past, but they weren't like Song Huifen and Feng Tianyi who mustered enough courage to apologize to her. Even her wicked Tang family was hypocrite enough to accuse her of not being filial after all they had done to her.

She didn't care how the public perceived her, but to be persecuted by her own family, the people who were supposed to be closest to her, was something that didn't sit well with Tang Moyu. She downright detested it. She could still taste the bitterness to this day. Perhaps this was one of the reasons she wasn't willing to accept Zhang Jiren as her brother yet.

Aside from Tang Wanyu and Tang Beixuan, two people who aren't blood related to her yet accepted her and loved her like a true sister, Zhang Jiren was her blood brother. Who could guarantee that he didn't inherit the traitorous, backstabbing genes other members of the Tang family had?

Thankfully, it seemed like Zhang Jiren was smart enough to voluntarily keep his distance from her. It wasn't that she hated him, but the fact that he was her twin brother, who perhaps was on the same level of her IQ but raised a Zhang, she couldn't afford to give Zhang Jiren any chance of hurting her and her family.

"You forgive so easily, Moyu." Song Huifen said with all honesty. She thought that her daughter-in-law, no matter how sensible and rational Tang Moyu was, would be upset with her confession.

"Mom, I know you just wanted to protect Tianyi back then and didn't care about the collateral damage it would inflict on those people involved with Feng Tianhua, but I know that you wouldn't willingly hurt me if you knew me personally. You aren't a despicable person like that." Tang Moyu replied.


If Song Huifen knew her on a personal level back then and knew that Xing Yiyue would drug her, effectively sending her to Feng Tianyi's bed, Tang Moyu knew that the empress dowager wouldn't have done something like that.

Song Huifen could be intimidating at times, but Tang Moyu knew that she would never harm those she loved dearly, so she knew that her mother-in-law wouldn't possibly hurt her if it meant being on her only son's bad side.

Song Huifen smiled, finally relieved that she was free from the guilt she was feeling due to what she had done in the past. It was a good thing that Tang Moyu didn't hold it against her and was willing to forgive her mistake.

"Thank you once again, Moyu. You forgiving me means a lot to me." She told the empress.

"How can't I, Mother? Just like you, I'm willing to do anything to protect my children. Some people may think it was immoral or a huge misconduct, but us, mothers, will always put utmost priority on our children rather than ourselves."

As they were busy conversing, they heard a commotion inside the mansion, indicating that Feng Tianyi might have arrived home. The sound also pulled the attention of the twins, who immediately stopped whatever they were doing with Hunter and ran towards the mansion to greet their father.


"Ah, how cute. You know, Moyu. Tianyi used to say that he hated children. Even before his accident, he made sure not to interact with other children, whether they were part of the Song family or related to our business partners." Song Huifen whispered to her daughter-in-law as they followed the two little buns inside and watched how the two fought for Feng Tianyi's attention.

Tang Moyu stared at her mother-in-law, then to her husband, and couldn't believe that her husband used to despise children. When she first met Feng Tianyi, she initially thought that he had previous experience in dealing with children, considering how he was able to tame her kids so easily.

There was even that one time when she had gotten jealous of how her little buns were closer and more dependent on Feng Tianyi than her. Tang Moyu had never felt insecure about holding the number one spot in her twins' heart before, not until the two met the handsome uncle at the downtown cafeteria.

"It's hard to believe that, Mom. To me, it seems natural that he smiled and talked happily with the twins." She told Song Huifen.

The empress dowager nodded in agreement. Even she couldn't believe how gentle her son was as he tended to their little buns at first. It was like she was hallucinating. When she first met Xiao Bao, she had guessed that it was Feng Tianyi's fatherly instincts that he had easily accepted the twins.

"Mom, why don't you join us for dinner tonight? You aren't leaving for another trip, are you? Baobao and Little Star want to make something good for you." They heard Feng Tianyi ask.

His mother raised a single brow in amus.e.m.e.nt. She had to admit that her son was getting more and more amicable with her these days and they didn't argue much anymore. So far from the bond they had before.

Song Huifen had never thought that her prayers would be answered after a long time of waiting. When her son lost his ability to walk, he continued to sink in depression and lost his will to continue living. She had almost lost hope already, seeing him continue to accept living on his own, denying any interaction outside their family.

"Mommy Fen, please agree!" Xiao Bao beamed her a blinding smile while Little Star nodded in agreement, effectively winning Song Huifen's heart. How could she have the heart to deny them when they were persuading her like this?

Too powerful! Just one smile was able to make the empress dowager surrender with a white flag to her grandchildren! Ah they were so cute, she couldn't even say no to them.

"Sure. I'm looking forward to seeing what my grandbabies prepared for me." She smiled back, anticipating what the twins had in store for her.