Chapter 714   - It’s a Pity You Survived (2)

Li Meili didn't wait for too long as Tang Moyu soon arrived to pick her and Gu Yuyao up for today's prenatal checkup. Gu Yuyao who she hadn't seen for weeks was visibly pregnant by now. She looked happier and was glowing compared to the last time she had seen her during the empress's birthday.

"Wow, for a pregnant woman, I didn't think you would look good, Sister Yaoyao." She commented as she sat beside her best friend for their drive towards the hospital.

Gu Yuyao smiled back at Li Meili and rubbed her growing tummy. It had been a while since she saw her friends and she was glad to see them again.

"Not really. My morning sickness during the early weeks was so severe I couldn't keep anything I ate for sometime." She said in reply which earned a groan from Li Meili.

"I know what you mean. It sucks." The Black Nightingale agreed with her.

"How about you, Moyu? Any chance we're going to see another little bun from you and Tianyi?" Gu Yuyao asked the empress.


"Tianyi wants another one, but I don't think we're quite ready for that. Not when it isn't safe to raise another child." Tang Moyu answered truthfully, which Gu Yuyao understood while Li Meili suddenly fell silent.

The three of them then sat in silence throughout the ride until they reached the hospital. They slipped inside through the VIP entrance with a dozen bodyguards tailing them. They reached the OB-GYN department and were welcomed by the resident doctor, who had also checked on Lin Qianrou during her pregnancy.

"Dr. Huang, I didn't know that you're also Gu Yuyao's doctor." Li Meili said as she shook hands with the doctor.

"En. I was referred to her by Madam Xu. It's been a while Miss Li. I'm surprised to hear that you are pregnant." Dr. Huang then glanced at the wedding ring on Li Meili's ring finger. "And married."

Tang Moyu waited patiently and listened as the doctor conversed with Li Meili and Gu Yuyao. She could sense that Li Meili was feeling nervous as she spoke with the doctor about her symptoms and how she dealt with them.

It should be her brother accompanying Li Meili right now, celebrating the news of her pregnancy, but as Tang Moyu pays attention to her best friend, she could still see the sadness in her eyes.


"It's alright, Miss Li. Some women tend to have morning sickness during their eight to eleventh weeks of their pregnancy, but it usually fades by the end of the first trimester. While experiencing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is certainly unpleasant, it might very well be a sign that things are progressing smoothly." Doctor Huang said as she scribbled on her notes.

"She's right, Meili. It sucks at first but it would go away on its own." Gu Yuyao assured her friend.

Li Meili g.r.o.a.n.e.d and rubbed her temple.

"Why couldn't I be like other women who don't suffer from morning sickness?" She muttered.

"Not all pregnancies are the same," Doctor Huang said. "Everyone's individual experience is different, so just because they don't have symptoms does not mean that they are doing any better."

"I guess I could only wait." Li Meili sighed.

"The most important thing for you right now is to relax, Miss Li. Eat healthy and do some light exercises three to four times a week." Doctor Huang added. "The receptionist will give a booklet with information about everything you need to know on what food you should eat and avoid. I'm sure you would be able to come up with something acceptable on your palate based on my recommendations. If you need more information or have any questions, feel free to contact me at any time."

"Thanks, Dr. Huang." The reassurance made Li Meili feel a little better. Unlike Tang Moyu who wasn't used to working in the kitchen, Li Meili was a decent cook herself. However, she doubted that Zhang Jiren and Elder Lan would allow her to use the kitchen and prepare her meals on her own.

"I want to do a sonogram with you in two weeks. Please see the receptionist before you leave to schedule your next visit."

"Thanks. I will." Li Meili rose to her feet and followed Tang Moyu and Gu Yuyao. They walked out of the office and went to the receptionist area but before Li Meili could ask the receptionist, her phone rang.

"Go and answer it. I'll schedule your next visit myself." Tang Moyu told her.

Li Meili looked at her phone and saw that it was Zhang Jiren. He was probably curious how the checkup went. She excused herself and walked a few meters away for some privacy and answered her phone.

From the corner of her eye, she watched as Tang Moyu conversed with the receptionist at a distance. Her right arm was still in a cast but she looked better now compared to the last time they saw each other.

Tang Moyu was wearing a sleeveless maroon blouse and fitted skirt. Small golden hoops dangled on her ears as her long wavy hair tumbled behind her back.

"Everything good?" Li Meili heard her husband's voice from the other end of the line. She could also hear murmuring voices, indicating that Zhang Jiren was still stuck in the long meeting he mentioned earlier. He wanted to come and accompany her today but his schedule forbade him to leave his work.

"No problems."

"That's great to hear. When is your next appointment? I will make sure to spare some time to accompany you next time." Zhang Jiren replied.

"In two weeks time." Li Meili paused. "Are you sure you want to be involved with this? You are a busy man."

It was already hard enough for him to pretend and act as her husband and Li Meili didn't want him to sacrifice more than he already did for her.

"Yes, I am busy." Her husband agreed with her. "But that doesn't mean I can be an irresponsible husband, right?"