Chapter 678   - You Wouldn’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone (2)

On the other side of the city, Yun Zhen was busy finishing his remaining workload before his flight in the coming weekend. He needed to make sure everything here, in the company, would be good while he was away. Yun Ling would be staying in Shenzhen to look after the company on his behalf.

"How long are you going to be away?" Yun Ling yawned and sprawled on the leather couch lazily. When his older brother told them that he was taking a short vacation, it left both Yun Ling and their grandfather speechless.

Vacation and break weren't the kind of words they could easily associate with Yun Zhen and Su Jingyi, so for them to see them go was quite unexpected.

Yun Ling had to pinch his side to make sure he wasn't hearing things; that his older brother had really just sent a leave application to their grandfather. Since this was the first time Yun Zhen had asked for a break, he easily got the approval for it.

"About a month or so." Yun Zhen replied as he furrowed his brows, comparing the two doc.u.ments in his hands. "You better make sure that the company is still up and running once I return."

"Hey!" Yun Ling exclaimed. "It's not like I'm that incompetent. I wouldn't be your Deputy CEO if I'm that bad."


"Only because Su Jingyi and I were there to clean after your mess every time you make a mistake." His brother didn't waste time correcting him.

Thinking about it, Su Jingyi was the one who would fly to Beijing to oversee the issues that Yun Ling had caused. She had sacrificed a lot of time helping them that she barely had time to look after herself.

Su Jingyi had been gone from the Yun Group for over three weeks now and Yun Zhen had to admit that he was truly missing her company. It still felt surreal for him to know that she wouldn't be there every time he turned his head, standing here by his side.

He remembered walking through the familiar hallways and lobby with her, having intense conversations regarding the deals and projects their company currently ran, eating late dinners together. Three weeks later, it felt unreal to realize that he was alone now.

The crazy little things he had shared with her were the things he couldn't easily show to or share with any other person. While it's true that the Yun group wouldn't crash down without Su Jingyi, Yun Zhen felt that he was more productive and confident when she had his back.

Was this what people meant when they said 'you wouldn't know what you have until it's gone'? Yun Zhen inwardly scoffed at that. It was more like, truth is, you knew what you had, you just never thought you would lose it. And in his case, it was that he had never thought or considered that there would come a day when he and Su Jingyi would partways.


But why do people take for granted the very thing that deserved their gratitude the most? Why didn't he realize this until the situation had come and passed? If he hadn't taken things for granted, always assuming that Su Jingyi would have his back, he wouldn't have to lose her like this.

Yun Zhen wasn't sure how he could make up for his mistakes, but he certainly wanted to win her back. Not because the company couldn't continue without her, but because he couldn't imagine his life without her in it. Because he was blinded by a promise he made with Tang Moyu when they were younger, he hadn't realized that he had a great woman next to him.

However, he couldn't solely place all the blame on Su Jingyi for leaving him. Yun Zhen realized the error of his views and was willing to change for the better. Thankfully, he didn't make a big issue out of her resignation. He had considered that being away from each other would be in the best interest for two of them.

The time and space that they hadn't seen or talked to each other made Yun Zhen appreciate the things they had before. But it wouldn't be for too long, because he would make his intentions to marry her clear. He was going to convince her that it was something he truly wanted.

What an idiot he'd been to her this entire time. Why had it taken so long for him to realize how lucky he was to be loved by an amazing woman like Su Jingyi. Yun Zhen knew that she wasn't a person who would easily speak her feelings out loud, but she had shown her devotion in every way she possible could in the past.

It might sound ridiculous, but Yun Zhen never believed that anybody would want him the way he was. He always needed to be more successful than his brothers, needed more of everything.

'Is it too late?' He asked himself. 'You didn't push her away because you've been constantly chasing Tang Moyu, did you?'

Yun Zhen chastised himself inwardly for how cruel he was to her before. If he had made her feel miserable…. then he was willing to learn. He could change. He would make it his life goal to make her happy. He wasn't letting her go again and he would make sure of that.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Yun Ling's voice reached his ears.

Yun Zhen lifted his head and saw his brother glaring at him, aware that he pissed off Yun Ling once again.

"You were saying?"

Yun Ling huffed and decided to ignore him instead. He assumed that he probably asked for a leave to pursue Su Jingyi, but as to how his brother would be able to win her heart, that was something Yun Ling wasn't sure about.

Dealing with women was more complicated than dealing with business. It also didn't help that Su Jingyi would be one tough opponent.