Chapter 673   - Momento (3)

When Li Meili regained her consciousness, she was temporarily confused as to why she couldn't recognize the room. She sat up on the bed and g.r.o.a.n.e.d as she felt pain shoot through her hand, only then did she realize that she was connected to an IV drip.

What had happened after she dozed off? The last time she remembered was being with Zhang Jiren inside his car as he drove her home? So how did she end up here?

Looking down at her own body, Li Meili realized that she wasn't wearing her evening gown anymore. It was replaced with a flimsy hospital gown that she had no doubt exposed her back and she might even be nude beneath it.

Damn it. Li Meili cursed. She didn't like being confused. Overcome with anxiety, Li Meili turned to pull the needle from her hand, but a larger hand appeared and grasped her wrist, stopping her midway.

"So you are finally awake." Li Meili turned her head and saw her older brother who had a worried expression on his face. He was seated on a stool next to her bed, looking distraught and confused.

"What happened?" She asked, lowering her hand as Li Yuanyi released her.


"Do you perhaps know that you've been pregnant all this time?" Li Meili heard him say.

"I'm what?!" She stared at him with wide eyes. Had she heard him right? Did Li Yuanyi just say she was pregnant?

"I don't need to repeat myself, do I?" Li Yuanyi replied, knowing that his sister had heard him clearly. "You've been unconscious for two days. Do you know how worried I was when Zhang Jiren called me?"

Li Meili covered her mouth with one hand, her mind running at full speed.

"No… of course not, but… Are you sure?" She said after a few minutes of silence between them.

"If Zhang Jiren hadn't brought you here in time, you would have lost your child and your life as well." Li Yuanyi explained in a few words.


"He did?" Li Meili blinked at that. Zhang Jiren did it for her? But why?

She couldn't understand why he was treating her this good, it was as if he owed her something. Li Meili was sure that she and Zhang Jiren hadn't known each other on a personal level and the encounters with him could be counted using her two hands.

Was she forgetting something? Aside from him being her and Tang Moyu's high school acquaintance, Li Meili couldn't think of any reason why Zhang Jiren would help her to this extent.

Pregnant… the thought of having a child growing inside her made Li Meili scared.

"W-what should I do?" She suddenly blurted out, her eyes brimmed with tears. How was she supposed to raise this child on her own? She didn't want to admit it, but Li Meili felt at a loss right now.

"What do you mean what should you do? You don't want this child?" Li Yuanyi knitted his brows.

"No...No… how can I not want this baby? It's Beixuan's child. Our baby." Her tears flowed uncontrollably and she didn't know what to do without Tang Beixuan by her side.

If he was still alive, there was no doubt that he would be ecstatic with the news of her pregnancy. Li Meili felt that this was so unfair for the two of them. Why did he have to die so soon? He didn't even get a chance to see or meet their baby, let alone know about their existence.

If he hadn't died, she would probably celebrate this news with him, sharing this wonderful joy of bringing a new life into this world, but Li Meili knew that what-ifs wouldn't be able to help her right now.

There were times when she wished that this was just an alternate reality, that maybe she was having a nightmare, that Tang Beixuan did not die and she wasn't left on her own.

Li Yuanyi could only watch his sister as she wept with intense grief. He wished he could do something to ease her pain, but he knew that there was no logical reason for Tang Beixuan to lose his life like that.

It was really unfair for Li Meili to suffer like this. Neither she nor her baby deserve to lose Tang Beixuan.

"If you want to keep your baby. I will help you, but you need to understand the situation you are in. Please, Meili. Your life doesn't solely revolve around you anymore. You have a child to care for now."

This meant that she cannot skip her meals and had to always take care of herself. She needed to pay more attention to her welfare for the sake of her child, regardless if Tang Beixuan was here or not.

Li Meili nodded her head in response. She knew what she needed to do, but she was scared. Would she and her baby be alright on their own without Tang Beixuan? But she didn't have any choice, did she? She could only suck it up and do her best for her baby's sake.

Since the baby was the last present Tang Beixuan had left for her, she would make sure that their baby would lead a happy life with her. But being brave and strong at the same time was easier said than done. She hadn't truly recovered from her grief of losing Tang Beixuan, and now, she had to face the reality of raising their child on her own.

It wasn't like Li Meili couldn't support their child financially, but she had seen how hard it was for Tang Moyu to balance her work and raising her little buns before she was reunited with Feng Tianyi.

She had witnessed it with her own eyes how the empress silently wept at night, while looking at her sick daughter, hoping she would be able to provide for Xiao Bao and Little Star without sacrificing so much time away from them.

Even if Li Yuanyi assured her that he would help her, Li Meili knew that their parents wouldn't easily accept her child.