Krune and the others looked at the broken keyboard and then at Qartian. Still, Ruik and the others could understand why he got that reaction. After all, where have you seen a wisp and a human being a couple before?

Qartian then stood up from his chair and asked.

"Are you serious?"

Krune and Feifei looked at each other, and they both nodded.

"It has been over 9 years already."

One must remember that Feifei asked Krune in marriage the same day she rescued him.

Qartian then started passing back and forth as if pondering something. He then looked at Feifei and said.


"Are you sure this is the real deal? Not something that you came up with?"

Feifei narrowed her eyes, that feeling that something wasn't right got even bigger now. To make sure that things were clear, she grabbed Krune and gave him a kiss right in front of Qartian.

"We are 100% serious here. Krune is mine, and I won't give him to anyone else."

Krune was a little taken aback by that action but agreed with Feifei nonetheless.

"Cough, cough. What she said."

Qartian then shook his head and sighed.


"Forget it, that will not be my problem to resolve anyway."

He then took a look at his communicator and called someone.

"Is Cinty ready?"

-Yes, you can come whenever you want.-

"Very well."

Qartian looked back at Krune's group and said.

"Follow me, there is someone I need to introduce you."

Everyone nodded and followed Qartian into a building not too far from the management office. Sometime later, they arrive at what seemed to be a cultivation room since one could see a Spirit Gathering Formation on the ground. In the center of the room, Krune and the others could see another wisp. But this one was different from the other wisps because of its black color.

But what really caught Krune's attention is how small the ethereal flame body of this wisp is. It was easier to notice the core of this wisp than it is to notice the body. Also, the core was also black. The last thing was the Spiritual Energy rushing at it from everywhere.

Krune and Feifei couldn't feel her cultivation level. In fact, even Dilo, with his 1st Stage of the Soul Forging Realm, couldn't feel it at all!

Qartian then bowed to that wisp and said.

"Cinty, I brought him and his friends."

Cinty was the name of that black wisp. She then started to transform back into her human form, and as expected, she was also naked. Although Feifei didn't like this, at least this time, the other part was a female like her.

"Oh, right. There are humans with you."

Cinty then took a simple robe and put it on.

"This should suffice for now."

She looked at Krune's group and introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Cinty. The actual Dalin Universe Wisp Race Queen. As you probably noticed because of my wisp body color, I'm also a Major Core Owner. I have the Black Hole Major Core, which is the reason for my Ethereal Flame Body to be so thin and feeble. It's not that I'm weak, just that because of my core, my ability to manifest it is deeply affected."

Krune and Feifei nodded. As Major Core Owners themselves, they already thought about this possibility, especially after seeing so much spiritual energy moving in her direction. It looked like Cinty wasn't even trying to do that, but the Spiritual Energy was doing it on its own.

Krune then asked.

"Would you mind telling us your cultivation realm? If you were at the Divine Soul Realm, I could at least more or less perceive that. Still, I can't feel anything."

Cinty smiled and then said.

"Thanks to my Black Hole Major Core, I was fortunate enough to reach the 5th Stage of the Void Breaking Realm."

Everyone was taken aback, Dilo included. No one here had ever heard about a Void Breaking Realm wisp before.

"As expected of the Major Core with the fastest rate of cultivation. Does it mean that you have a chance of reaching the Divine Path Realm?"

Cinty's smile disappeared, and she sighed.

"Unfortunately, even with my Black Hole Major Core, that will be impossible. As you know, the life span doubles at every new realm. Because I'm in the Void Breaking Realm, I have a life span of more or less 320 years. At this very moment, I'm 297 years old, so I have no hopes of reaching that realm. There is no way I can jump another 5 stages in a little more than 20 years."

Krune also sighed after rearing that.

"Even the Blackhole Major Core was not enough to do that. Not to mention that you are in the Dalin Universe, where it should be easier to cultivate and perceive the laws."

Cinty nodded.

"Indeed. But I have no regrets. I have lived more than the biggest majority of wisps could ever dream of. I was even able to fantasize about reaching the Divine Path Realm that almost no other wisp in our Universe did before. But as you can see, this is just too difficult."

Cinty then decided to change the topic.

"Anyway, my life remaining years are of little concern now. The reason that I called you here was something entirely different. I had no hopes of finding a wisp with a Major Core in my life anymore, but lo and behold, here you are. It could be said that you really arrived at the right time."

Cinty then got close to Krune and said straight at his face.

"You are going to be the next Wisp King."

Everyone was taken aback. Feifei then immediately pushed Krune to her side and said.

"King or not, Krune is mine and mine alone. If you think that you are going to be his queen, then you can already forget this idea."

Cinty looked at Feifei and then laughed.

"Are you telling me that a human and a wisp had become a couple? For real?"

Qartian heard that and then said.

"Cough, cough. She is not lying, they are really a couple, and had been for a very long time."

Cinty looked at Qartian with surprise on her face. She then looked at Krune and saw him nodding at her.

"Qartian is right, Feifei have been my fiance for over nine years already. So I'm sorry, but I have no intention of marrying someone else."

Cinty didn't know what to say. It's not like she had never heard about a human and a wisp couple before. But such couples are simply way too rare! Simply put, no other race wanted to start anything with a wisp. That was common sense.

"Are you serious?"

Feifei also nodded vigorously!

"100% serious. The only reason that we haven't married yet is due to certain circumstances. Still, I have no intention to back down."

Cinty could already see a headache coming her way.

"That will be problematic. The wisps will not accept a king that is married to a human."

Krune couldn't hold his curiosity back anymore and asked.

"Can you explain to us what is happening here? For some reason, I don't feel like what you want is to be my queen, but the fact that my queen would be a human instead."

Feifei then relaxed a little. At least, it wasn't because Cinty wanted to steal Krune from her.

Cinty pondered a bit and then nodded.

"Very well. You all can come with me, I will show you something."

Feifei, Krune, Ruik, Tiane, and Dilo then followed Cinty into an enormous room that looked like some kind of Spiritual Palace. It was possible to see lots of colored specs of light floating in the air. As for what they were, Krune's group had no idea.

"This is the Ancestry Hall. Every wisp king or queen that we ever had can be found here. Of course, none of them are alive anymore, those specs of light are more like a Spiritual Recording of how they looked like. Because wisps are pretty much identical in wisp form, those specs of light also show their human form."

Krune's group gulped after seeing that scene. There are definitely tens of thousands of specs of light here, at the very least.

"Try to send you Divine Sense in any one of them."

Krune did as she said, and soon, the image of a man appeared in his mind. He had red hair and quite a strong appearance. Right after, another image appeared, this time, the image of a crimson red wisp could be seen. Krune then noticed a few words appearing.

"Chaos cycle 10789, Year 683571, the new wisp King, Colik, raised to the throne. Colik King had the Yang Major Core."

Krune then selected other specs of light. This time, it was an image of a Silver Haired woman. A moment later, it changed into the image of a Silver colored wisp. Just like the previous one, Krune once again noticed a few words appearing.

"Chaos Cycle 7532, Year 102749, the new wisp queen, Fia, raised to the throne. Fia Queen had the Space Major Core."

Krune felt awe seeing all those specs of light. Each and every single one of them was a Wisp King or Queen. But then a question appeared in his head.

"Just what is a Chaos Cycle?"

The one to answer it was not Cinty, but Feifei instead.

"Oh, right. You probably never heard about it before. A Chaos Cycle is a way to count the time. It increases by one after every one million years. That's pretty much it."

Krune felt even more respect after hearing it.

"Doesn't that mean that the wisp worlds have existed for an unbelievable amount of time?"

Cinty nodded and shook her head.

"That's correct and wrong at the same time. Although we always had a Wisp Worlds, the wisp worlds had changed from time to time. Even the Solar System or Galaxy that we resided had chanced as well. After all, the wisp race had existed for way too long. It could be said that we are one of the oldest races in existence in the Dalin Universe, probably one of the oldest in all the other Universes as well. Maybe only the humans can be said to be as old as us."

While Krune, Feifei, and Cinty talked, Ruik noticed something different in that room.

"Hey, what are those nine specs of light in the center. They seem to be orbiting a bigger one as well."

Krune and the others noticed that and tried to check with their Divine Senses, but for some reason, it was repealed.

Cinty smiled and said.

"Those nine Specs of light orbiting the bigger one are all wisps who achieved the Divine Path Realm and obtained immortality. As for the bigger one in the center, it is their Master. The greatest wisp to have ever lived and the only one to successfully evolve his Major Core into a Heavenly Major Core. His name was Wally, and he was also known as the Wisp God!"