Krune looked at the two bodies on the ground and got puzzled at that. He knows that nothing wrong happened, so how come the two of them fell like that?

'Is this perhaps another one of those humans habits? I better not get involved with it.'

Lian and Palo came back to themselves a little later and noticed that Krune was already gone.

"Where did he go?"

One of Lian's subordinates then said.

"He asked for one of us if he could go take the Alchemist Test while you were out. Ilin wasn't doing anything, so he decided to bring Krune there for the time being. It has been just a few minutes, though."

Lian and Palo looked at each other and immediately went to the testing room to take a look. Before leaving, he ordered the rest.


"Keep a look on Dilo for now. See if no side effects will appear on him."

Dilo was still on the room focused on adapting to his higher cultivation level, so he wasn't paying attention to Palo and Lian.

Once the two arrived at the testing room, Krune was in front of a monitor while scrolling through a list of herbs. It was evident that he hasn't decided which pill he would try to make this time yet.

"Why don't you try to make another Cultivation Stabilizing Pill?"

Krune noticed that it was Lian who asked that question. Palo was with him as well.

"Oh, did you guys sleep well?"


Liam and Palo almost fainted once more.

'Who the hell was sleeping? It was your fault that we ended up like that.'

Or so they wanted to say.

"Cough, cough. Yes, it was very... comfortable. Anyway, forget that already. Are you really making a different pill?"

Krune nodded.

"If I select a different pill, I will be able to check other points of view."

Krune then commented.

"Oh, right! I was also thinking about the effects of that Cultivation Stabilizing Pill. In the end, I'm sure that the main reason for Dilo to get his foundation healed was because he had just made a breakthrough. Without that enormous amount of chaotic spiritual energy, it definitely wouldn't be possible for the healing process to occur so well."

Lian nodded.

"Indeed, I also have the same thought. But in the future, you might want to create a pill that doesn't have a need for it. After all, the Cultivation Stabilizing Pill shouldn't be used to fix foundations. Oh, right! There is a pill used to heal foundations at the Two Golden Stars Level. Why don't you try that one?"

Krune's eyes immediately lit up!

"Great! Which one is it?"

"It called Shell Repairing Pill. It's quite a hard one between the pills that start at the Two Golden Stars Level, but I think it's worth a try. The main point here is for you to try to get that Purple Spiritual Energy process. This time, everything used in this pill will really be for the sake of repairing a damaged foundation. So, in theory, it should have an effect even better than the Cultivation Stabilizing one."

Krune nodded.

"It will be that one then."

Krune then started to prepared the materials while Lian discussed something else with Palo through Divine Sense.

"I don't know if we should register Krune's Stabilizing Pill anymore. At the very least, I don't think we should reveal its power to fix foundations."

Lain continued.

"As you heard from Dilo, it was true that he had tried other pills before. In fact, at first, he even had gathered enough Spirit Stones to buy a One Diamond Star pill. But in the end, it wasn't enough to fix his foundation, and it returned to the same state as before. If we release the information that a pill at the Golden Star level has the power that a Diamond Stars one doesn't, things might get ugly."

Palo nodded.

"Indeed. The worst part here is the fact that Krune's pill wasn't even supposed to have that effect to start with. But it will also look fishy if we don't release any information what so ever. I will talk with Headmaster Amark to see what we should do."

Lian agreed with him.

"Yes. That is the best course of action. If such a pill appears in the market, maybe even the Alchemist Organization of our Solar System won't be enough to keep Krune's identity secrecy. At the moment, only me, you, the headmaster, and a few trusted members know about the pill effect."

Palo then took that chance to leave.

Since Palo was already at the Headquarters, it only took him a few minutes to arrive at Amark's office. He had previously called ahead, so Amark was waiting for him there.

"What is it? Is it about the explosion in the Junior Competition?"

Palo had finally forgotten that episode, but Amark just had to remember him about that disaster.

"Cough, cough. That isn't about that. No, it does have a relation, but it is not the point."

Amark got puzzled by those words.

Palo then decided that it was better to simply resume the entire situation through a Divine Sense message.

Finally, Amark's stern face changed into one of disbelief.

"You must be kidding, right?"

Palo shook his head.

"Every single word is true. You can even check the information from when Dilo made his Breakthrough."

Amark then accessed the Alchemist Network and went through the entire information plus the video and analysis of Dilo's Breakthrough.

"This is troublesome..."

He looked at Palo and asked.

"How many know about his Pill's effect?"

"At this moment, there is Lian's subordinates, me, you, Dilo, and Krune himself."

Amark let off a sigh of relief.

"Good, if it is just these ones, we can deal with it."

Palo then asked.

"Are you planning to keep the pill and the entire event a secret?"

Amark immediately shook his head.

"No! Alchemists create pills for them to be consumed. If we stop Krune from spreading his pills, it will go against the meaning of the occupation itself. We will divulge the pill and its effects, but only after we confirm that Krune can concoct it successfully. Also, we will only reveal the pill itself, we won't disclose his identity. Pass my order to all involved that any word about what happened here today is strictly forbidden from being released."

Palo nodded.

"Oh, right! Krune is now trying to pass the Alchemist Test to see if he can achieve the Golden Star Level. It just so happens that this time, he is really concocting a pill made for fixing damaged foundations. So, it would be better to first wait to see if his pill will have that same effect. It might turn out that it will be even better since it really is a foundation healing pill."

Amark nodded.

"Indeed, that one was just a side effect, after all. Very good, for now, just make sure that everyone will keep their lips sealed. Wait for him to finish that new pill and check its effects. I believe it should be much better for repairing foundations than the other one. After all, the new one is really a pill made for this purpose. As for the Cultivation Stabilizing Pill, wait for the results of the new one he is making come out before updating anything in the system."

Palo nodded and then returned to the room where Krune was trying to create a new pill.

Amark watched Palo leaving and then thought.

'The only problem now is his background. If he doesn't reveal it, I won't be able to find anything. It's quite common for the other Universes to forbid their young ones to reveal it. Unless I have a proper reason, the management of the Dalin Universe will not accept my investigation request.'

It was then that Amark had an idea.

'Right! He is still at the Core Formation Realm! I just need to use a blood contract to make sure he is telling the truth and simply ask if his background will cause any trouble to us. I don't even need to know his background at all!'

With that plan in mind, Amark started to make a few preparations.

Back in the alchemist testing room, Krune was still in the process of extracting the medicinal properties of the herbs.

Sometime later, he finished the extraction process and started to use his purple flame together with the Burning Law to clean the impurities.

'As expected, it is still quite hard to control the Burning Law when I need to look at the concoction process at the same time. The world of Laws eliminates everything around me except the Laws that I can perceive, after all. If just I could see both sides at the same time...'

It was then that Krune got an idea.

'What if I control only one of my Rainbow Irises to see the World of Laws?'

Krune felt that it was worth a try and immediately focused on his right one. Sure enough, only his right iris could see the World of Laws while the left one kept seeing the normal world.

If one looked at his irises now, they would notice that they were spinning in two different directions. While one was moving clockwise, the other following the opposite course.

Krune couldn't help but feel amazed by that view, though.

'The world of Laws and the normal world are overlapping with each other, it's such a magical scene.'

But Krune knew that it wasn't the time to pay attention to its beautifulness.

'Great! Like this, it will be a lot easier to control both sides at the same time! I believe it would be even easier to see both worlds if I was in my wisp form, though. Oh well, no point in thinking about it now. I will try it once I get back home.'

Palo and Lian, who were looking at the process, immediately noticed the difference. Krune's sudden improvement in just a few seconds made them open their mouths wide!

"This is already outside the realm of talent. Just what kind of monster is he?"