Kaio glanced at Krune and noticed how focused he was in his concoction. But he soon thought about a reason for that.

'Right, he is still a Six Silver Stars Alchemist, so he simply decided to watch me to gain some experience instead of trying to get a higher position. It will be impossible to take the top three with three Alchemists at the Golden Star Level.'

Convincing himself of such thoughts, Kaio kept extracting the medicinal properties of the herbs he had chosen this time. As for the pill that he selected, it is a Revolving Energy Pill. It makes the circulation of Spiritual Energy faster for a short time. Of course, he was making one at the One Golden Star Level.

Krune stayed immovable for the first hour, and the viewers of his Workstation had dropped to almost zero.

Suddenly, Krune's eyes lit up!

'It's here.'

Kaio had finally finished the extractions and started to eliminate the impurities of the herbs. He as using the standard method of controlling the fire element to burn them away. Krune's rainbow irises immediately reacted the moment they saw it.


Just like before, Krune could feel that Kaio wasn't doing it with the Fire Element as a whole, but some part of it. Still, it was more than enough for Krune to notice the differences. Not to mention that this time, Krune is really paying attention.

Time passed, and Kaio continued to burn the impurities away. It wasn't before a half-hour that he finally reached his limit in that process.

'Good, I should have reached the max level that I can at the moment.'

Kaio then started the pill concoction per see. But when Krune saw that, he got even more excited!

'Now that he started to concoct the pill, the changes are even more apparent. I feel like I'm close to grasping something, it's like there is a small line between me and what is happening in his concoction, but for some reason, I just can't cross it. Still, I guess I finally understand what it is that Kaio is doing.'

Krune kept observing, and without him noticing, his hands started to move subconsciously. Another thing is that now, his rainbow irises colors were really moving in a circular motion. Krune then started to try to imitate those changes in the fire element just like Kaio, but every time, it was always somewhat wrong.


While almost no one was paying attention to Krune, there were a few exceptions. Palo Yiag, the elder responsible for the Junior Alchemist Competition, just so happens to be one of them. When Krune started to try to imitate what Kaio was doing, his eyes opened wide!

"You can't be serious! No, he isn't quite right there yet. Still, he's close, really close. Is it possible? He hasn't reached the Divine Soul Realm yet. It seems like he is trying to understand what Kaio is doing, which means that he can at least perceive it. That is already a miracle in and of itself."

While Krune was trying to imitate Kaio, his rainbow irises colors started to move faster and faster. Finally, it reached a speed where it could be noticed. Before, although the colors were moving, it was too hard to perceive since they moved way too slow. But now, as long as you paid attention, you could definitely see the motion.

Suddenly, the world around Krune disappeared. The Workstation, the tools, the alchemists, the ground, the skies, everything! Surprisingly, Krune didn't notice it. That's because there was still something that he was able to see. Kaio's work!

It was at this moment that Krune murmured to himself.

'Kaio's understanding of laws, the Law of Burning!'

Krune finally understood why he felt like Kaio wasn't controlling the Fire Element itself, but a small part of it. That's right, Kaio was only controlling the Law of Burning, and it wasn't perfect either. The laws surrounding the Fire Element were various. The Laws of Heat, Explosion, Burning, Combustion, and several others. All of them were part of the whole thing called The Fire Laws!

In fact, Krune could feel that Kaio was very inexperienced with the Law of burning. As to why? Even Krune himself didn't know.

Time passed, and Palo kept observing Krune's motions. The more he looked, the more impressed he became. Palo had already forgotten about the competition and the alchemists. His mind was totally focused on Krune and Krune only.

'6th Stage of the Core Formation Realm... Can he really get it?'

The answer to this question didn't take long to appear.

At some point, Krune had summoned the Fire Element in front of him, and he kept fueling it almost unconsciously. It stayed there, just like a very gentle small flame. Still, Palo knew that it was that little flame that would give him the answer that he seeks.

Suddenly, a few ripples started to happen in that small flame. Palo noticed that and murmured to himself.

'It's here.'

Krune was still in a trance, inside that dark world in his vision, he felt like he finally could reach that thing that Kaio was controlling. Palo then saw Krune extending one of his hands forward while the other kept holding that small flame.

Krune then opened that hand and made a motion as if he was trying to grab something. It was at this moment that the small flame in his hand reacted and burned fiercely! Krune's rainbow irises were moving so fast at this moment that it would be hard to even see where the colors are at the moment. Krune smiled faintly and then said.


The moment he said that, the world around him came back to normal. Krune's consciousness came back, and he looked around as if he had just awaked from a dream! Still, he knew that it wasn't a dream, everything that he saw was real. Krune looked at the small flame fiercely burning on his hand and noticed that he now had some kind of connection to it.

'No, to be more precise, I have a connection to a tiny part of it. The Law of burning... I now have an initial understanding of it. But...'

Krune then thought about that dark world where he could only see the laws.

'Just what was that?'

It was at this moment that Light Spirit's voice appeared.

"That's the world of laws. It seems like it was really a good idea to bring you to this Dalin Universe. The laws here are really a lot easier to understand."

Krune was taken aback.

"Does it mean that everyone can see it?"

"In a certain way, yes. But your case is special. Because of my link with your soul, I was able to see what you saw too. The way you see the world of laws is who knows how many times clearer than the others. Even I felt like understand laws would be easier in there."

Krune immediately felt excited! He had just used a few hours and had already grasped a little of the Law of Burning. Doesn't that mean that all laws will be that fast to understand too?

Light Spirit understood what Krune was thinking and laughed out loud.

"Keep dreaming! Do you think that this is that easy? First of all, you didn't completely understand the Law of burning. In fact, you haven't understood even half of it. The more you try to understand, the harder it becomes."

Krune's happiness was cut short.

"Couldn't you have waited for a little before saying that? I could have enjoyed my dream a little further!"

Light Spirit then snorted.

"Hmph! Do you think I care? Also, I'm only talking about the easy part. Now that you understood a small part of the Law of Burning, try to do the same with the other laws and see what will happen. Let's select an easy one, for example. Go ahead and try to understand the Law of Heat."

Krune nodded and concentrated once more. After this experience, he understood how his rainbow irises worked, so he did the same again.

Once more, his irises' colors started to move in a circular motion, and the world around him disappeared just like the last time. But it was at this moment that Krune was taken aback.

When he first was trying to grasp the Law of Burning, he could also feel the presence of the other Fire Laws. But this time, other than the Law of Burning, he almost couldn't feel the existence of any other. In fact, it looked like the entire place was being occupied by the Law of Burning alone! There were just small gapings here and there, where he could barely see the other laws presence. Not to mention that those small gaps seemed to change position all the time! As for the Law of Heat, he could hardly find it anywhere.

"This... What is happening here?"

Light Spirit heard that and laughed once more.

"See? Let me make an analogy for you. Think about an empty pan. Suddenly, you fill it with rice, but now, there is almost no space left to put other ingredients. That's basically how the world of laws works. Your understanding of the Law of Burning is basically filling nearly the entire pan, so you only have that much space to add other Fire Laws."

Krune immediately understood why high-level cultivators and demon beasts took so long to understand them.

"Doesn't that mean that I selected the Law of Burning as my starting law? If I knew, I would have thought about selecting something else!"

Light Spirit immediately disagreed with him.

"That's not how it works. Gaining insight into the first Law is an opportunity, not something that you can actively seek. Tell me, before you understood the Law of Burning, do you think you would have been able to simply summon some other element and understand a Law from it?"

Krune was taken aback by that question.

"Indeed. I didn't select the Law of Burning, it just so happens that I was close to Kaio when I first noticed its presence."

Light Spirit agreed.

"Exactly! It's not because Kaio was using the Law of Burning that you would definitely understand it. I might as well tell you that if he was using any other law, the chances of you noticing its presence would be minimal. In other words, you were lucky to even notice it at your Core Formation Realm!"

Still, Light Spirit gave Krune some good news too.

"The biggest problem is for you to understand the very first Law of your life, that is the hardest barrier, and you already crossed it. Think about it like you finally understand what a Law 'REALLY' is."

Light Spirit continued.

"Also, there is another good news for you. The 'filled pan' analogy is only applied for the element in question. For other elements, the 'pan' is still empty. Once you get back to the hotel, try to take a look at my Tribulation Lightning. I think you will get a pleasant surprise."

While Krune and Light Spirit were discussing those matters, Palo was in the middle of a call with someone from the Alchemist Organization.

"Are you sure? Did he really understand a Law at the 6th Stage of the Core Formation Realm?"

Palo replied.

"As an alchemist, I'm also versed at Fire Laws. So I'm sure that he had just understood his very first Fire Law, the Law of Burning!"