Yano looked at everyone and laughed a little. Still, it looked like he had already lost his soul.

"Even if I wanted, I wouldn't be able to. You can forget about it already."

Hulibe Acrol narrowed his eyes.

"I can tell that you are definitely not someone from our Western Protectorate, that I'm sure. So, can you at least say from where you came from?"

Yano shook his head and said.

"For the sake of your own backgrounds, it would be better if you don't know that either."

Krune's group could try torture or something like that. Still, it would be better if they waited for the dimensional realm to connect outside first. The Divine Path Sect and the other three powers definitely had better ways to force this guy to talk.


"Let's just lock this guy somewhere and wait for the realm to reconnect. Once outside, we leave this guy to the elders to deal with."

Suddenly, Yano started to laugh.

"I don't think that it will go as you planned."

Just as they were about to ask what Yano was talking about, something happened.


Yano started to scream while holding his head, and it was evident that he was feeling extreme pain at the moment. But it didn't continue for long. That's because his soul soon disappeared right after. To be more precise, his soul was destroyed!


Krune and everyone else looked at the lifeless body in front of them. None of them felt too surprised, though. It was quite obvious what happened.

Hulibe touched the body and then said.

"Since the other three died, whoever is behind this attack decided that their mission was a failure. I think its safe to say that the other guy that battle against me before is also on the other world by now."

Everyone nodded. That could be the only explanation.

Suddenly, that Swamp Spider started to go back to its nest. Right after, everyone heard Xanio's voice once more.

"All the assassins are now dead, so my part is over here. You guys just go ahead and do whatever you want. As for the central building, it is still as I said, so you better not try entering it."

Krune and the others were taken aback and immediately tried to call Xanio back. Unfortunately, Xanio utterly disappeared, and no one answered their voices anymore.

Wang Mo then looked at everyone and asked.

"What do we do now? We already got into the inner core region, should we just wait?"

Krune was more worried about Feifei at the moment, so he decided to go back to that Central Building even if he can't enter. Wang Mo and the other two also did the same since they had the responsibility of protecting Feifei. Still, with everything that happened here, they weren't afraid of the grand elder blaming them anymore.

Uriu didn't have much interest in anything here to start with, so he just stuck with Krune for the time being.

Juniu and the other two guys from the Divine Path Sect decided to take a look around after they healed. Since they are in the inner core region, there should be quite a few good things around.

As for Hulibe Acrol and his friend, the left straight away. No one asked where they were going.

Krune looked at that enormous building in the center and could feel the danger inside. He then sat in a corner and started to recover himself. Because he is in his wisp form, no one noticed. But one must remember that Krune compressed all that power while staying inside of the Shields Cage! Because of that, his core got quite damaged too. Fortunately, it wasn't something irrecoverable, Krune just needed time.

Inside the building, Feifei just got the report from Xanio that the assassins were dealt with. Xanio also told her who, between them, died in the end. After hearing that Krune was fine, she let out a sigh of relief. Although it was sad that they lost a few of their members, Feifei didn't have much of a relationship with them to start with.

Xanio then ignored everything else and went straight to the point.

"You should have understood that there is something that I want to do, right?"

Feifei nodded and waited for Xanio to continue.

"First, you are going to receive my legacy. Well, in fact, it's just my own way of understanding the Destiny Energy and doing calculations. Considering that you are from one of those Big Four powers, my techniques might not be any better than theirs. After all, too long of time had passed already."

"Second, it is the part that really matters. I need you to take back my soul in the underworld before my memories are wiped by it."

Feifei was taken aback.

"Underworld? Are you talking about the place where the souls go before reincarnating? No, first of all, is it even possible to enter it?"

Feifei, as the daughter of the Wang Clan head, obviously had access to more information than most. Because of that, she knew about the underworld. Still, she never found anything about someone being able to enter it.

Only then Xanio noticed that he had skipped a few steps.

"Oh, I forgot to explain it from the start. It is possible to enter, but you will need to reach the Divinity Realm first. Usually, the cultivators and demon beasts at this level wouldn't comment about this possibility. After all, they don't want to raise the hopes of the young ones who lost someone important to them."

"It is definitely possible to enter the underworld, the problem comes when you want to find and bring back a specific soul. The underworld is controlled by the heavens, and anyone who tries to intervene will suffer its wrath. So even Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts would not dare to touch the souls inside."

Feifei then narrowed her eyes.

"And you want me to do it? Isn't it the same as committing suicide?"

Xanio shook his head.

"There are always exceptions for everything, and in this case, the Advanced Major Cores are the exception."

Feifei immediately connected the points and said.

"Advanced Major Core owners can't be seen by the heavens. It is so much that they don't cause any ripples to the destiny energy, which makes it almost impossible to use divination on them. If I'm not wrong, the heavens wouldn't be able to notice when I take your soul back, right?"

Xanio's projection nodded his head.

"Smart! But not entirely correct. It's not that the heavens can't see the Advanced Major Cores, it is because it chose to ignore them."

Feifei was surprised by that. She had to admit that Xanio had a point there. Who can guarantee that the heavens really don't know about her and Krune's presence? Maybe, only the sacred lands in the Central Region know the answer.

Xanio continued.

"What I'm going to say now is just an idea of mine, but it is also important, so pay attention."

"Why is it that the Heavenly Major Core is called like that? Is it because of the fragments inside of the Advanced Major Cores are, in fact, part of the Heavens itself? Think about it."

Feifei then thought about something.

"In that case, doesn't it mean that the Heavens can still see me once I get your soul back?"

Xanio nodded.

"Correct. That's why you shouldn't do it too much. One or two souls are fine, but if you overdo it, then even I can't guarantee that the heavens won't get back at you."

Feifei then asked.

"How do you know that the Heavens won't intervene the moment I take your soul, then? Can you guarantee that if I do it only once, I will not suffer a backlash?"

Xanio nodded and then raised his hand. Right after, a jade slip appeared on it. Xanio is someone from way before technology appeared, so he still had no idea what communicators and electronic information storage mean. Because of that, he is still with his jade slips until today.

Feifei knew what it was, but even she had rarely seen one of those. When she held that on her forehead to read, she couldn't help but giggle a little. That, of course, made Xanio a little confused.

After some time, Feifei came back to herself.

Xanio noticed that and then commented.

"As you can see, in the middle of the records that I gathered about the Advanced Major Core owners, there had been two cases where they took a soul back. Also, it is not mentioned anywhere that they received a backlash from the heavens. So I'm pretty sure that it should be fine."

"Even if it is not, once you notice that you won't be able to get it back without paying the price, then you can simply give up."

Feifei nodded and then asked the most important question so far.

"I understand everything, but why should I help you?"

Xanio smiled and said.

"Because I just saved your life and the life of your friends outside."

Feifei's eyes narrowed, but she waited for Xanio to continue.

"I'm not talking about those assassins from before, but the sacred lands that are probably behind them. If I haven't told you everything that I just said, wouldn't you and your clan be in the dark, just waiting for when the other side comes to get rid of you directly? Of course, if you think that this is not enough, then I can only give up."

Feifei felt quite helpless because she knew that Xanio told the truth. It is thanks to all his information that she now has a chance at living, and so does her Krune. Still, that feeling of being played with wasn't nice. Usually, she was the one to play with others, after all.

"Hmph! So be it, I will never own anyone a favor. If what you said is true and there is no problem to take back your soul, then I will do it if I survive until the day that I reach the Divinity Realm."

Xanio let out a loud laugh and said.

"Very well! I will pass you my experiences about the Destiny Core and what I know about the Heavenly Core. But the thing that will take you some time is that projection of the Destiny Major Core Heavenly Fragment. Although it is something that doesn't exist anymore, I believe that it will help you understand your own Major Core to a much better extent. This is definitely the best fortune I can give you."