Lucio heard Krune's words and had goosebumps.

"Scram! This grandfather here has no interest in rainbow wisps. Besides, this is also for my sake."

Krune got confused.

"For your sake?"

Lucio nodded.

"That's why I don't mind helping you. The reason for that you will know in the future, though."

Krune didn't mind. He doesn't think that his Master wants to cause any harm to him or Feifei. Not to mention that doing such a thing might bring a lot of problems between both powers.


Krune then asked.

"By the way, what is the scheduled content for the exchange program?"

Lucio answered immediately.

"You are going to have access to the Sect's Spiritual Pool during the first month. The next five months will be teachings and practical training from the high realm elders inside the Sect. Lastly, the next 6 months are going to be missions around the Divine Path Sect territory with a focus on newly discovered dimension realms. As you probably know, exploring new dimensions usually takes some time, that's why we left 6 months for it."

Krune then got curious.

"What is this Spiritual Pool? Also, isn't it too dangerous for us to explore newly found dimensions? Doesn't the Wang Clan care about it?"


Lucio then answered.

"The spiritual pool is exactly as the name says. A pool made of pure spiritual energy condensed, and it is even better than using Rank 10 Spirit Stones. There is also another advantage, the Sect has always used several treasures so that it would help those who enter to fortify and stabilize their cultivations. Simply put, it won't cause any side effects and make the cultivation several times faster. Of course, such a thing is limited, so the pool is only opened for a month every year, and just a few selected members can enter."

"As for the danger you talked about in newly found dimension realms. That is obvious! Do you really think that any of the direct descendants or heirs of the other powers stay inside of their houses for life? If they really did that, I would have already lost the count of how many times the dominant forces changed hands."

Krune noticed that he made quite an idiotic question.

'That's true! How could such enormous powers like the Big Four keep on the leading position if their descendants and disciples never go out to experience life? That would be the same as cutting short their own futures.'

Lucio then commented.

"Of course, we are not sending you guys into any suicide mission either. The Sect will always first check at which level those dimensions are. Although it will still be dangerous and one can die inside, it won't be to the point where those who enter can't do anything about it. You better know that it isn't only us, but our geniuses that went to the other powers will pass through such experiences too."

Still, there is one thing that Krune doesn't understand.

"Master, you said that Feifei is extremely special for the Wang Clan. How come they let her come this time? Especially considering the fact that we will enter those dimensional realms."

Lucio agreed with Krune to this point.

"To be honest, I'm also a little curious why they let it happen. But after what I found about your Elemental Core, I guess that what Feifei has is an improved Destiny Core. Probably, the Wang Clan trusts Feifei's ability to divine her own path."

Lucio was right, that was exactly the reason why Wang Xin allowed Feifei to come.

Krune nodded and had to admit that it made sense.

Lucio then exchanged a few more words with Krune and left right after. In fact, he could have sent someone else to do this kind of thing, but he simply couldn't let go of the chances of importunate Krune.

Tasier and Lofa could only hear the first part of the conversation. After Lucio entered the issues of the Improved Major Cores, he had used his spiritual energy to seal the surroundings so that only he and Krune could hear. After Lucio left, Krune finished his lunch with them and cleaned everything.

"Well, I will be busy for the next year, it seems. I will first use the first month to enjoy that Spiritual Pool. As for the next five months of teachings and practical training, I will instead use it to improve my Blacksmith Rank. I already have Master anyway, so anything that I learn during those five months won't be any better than Master's one."

Tasier couldn't help but feel jealous.

"I wish I could enter that pool too. It seems amazing!"

Krune nodded.

"If I could, I would bring you inside. But from what I can see, I'm only getting to enter it because of Master. If not, I probably would also be kept out of this opportunity."

Lofa was hearing everything, but she wasn't really paying attention. Krune noticed that she seemed to be worried about something, though.

"Is there something wrong?"

Lofa then greeted her teeth and asked.

"Krune, would you consider taking me instead of Feifei?"

Tasier was taken aback with that. He didn't expect Lofa to be that straight!

Krune, on the other hand, shook his head.

"As I said, I'm not the one who decides who takes part in this exchange program. Let alone changing you for Feifei."

Lofa and Tasier almost fainted! That wasn't what she meant at all!

As expected, Krune completely misunderstood Lofa's meaning, which made Tasier feel quite sad for her. After spending such a long time together, he knows that she is quite shy when it comes to her feelings.

"Cough, cough. I guess it's time for me to leave."

Tasier then sent a Divine Sense message to Lofa.

"You should have understood that Krune is as good as a rock when it comes to this kind of conversation, so you will need to be even more direct. Also, you are running out of time, so if not now, then when?"

On his way out, Tasier also called out the wisps that were there too. In the end, only Krune and Lofa remained.

Krune noticed everyone leaving and then said.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go too."

Lofa, who still seemed to be lost, immediately recovered after that. She then charged forward and hugged Krune.

"What I mean is that I want to stay with you!"

Krune was taken aback! He then felt helpless and started to pet Lofa's head.

"Sigh... Alright, I will ask Master if he can open a slot for you in this exchange program too, but I can't guarantee anything. Also, this will be the only time. I had decided that I would not intervene with everyone's cultivation path too much. I'm only doing this because you want it this much."

Lofa, who was as red as a tomato, immediately got lost at words. She couldn't help but think.

'Even this isn't enough for him to understand? Do I have to be even more direct? But, but...'

Krune then turned on his communicator and said.

"Give me a second, I will call Master and ask him."

Just as Krune was about to make the call, Lofa tried to kiss him! But just as she was about to succeed, the Mark left behind by Feifei back then suddenly activated!

It then materialized right in front of Lofa's face like a barrier, stopping her from accomplishing her objective. Both Lofa and Krune were taken aback by that. Lofa, of course, had no idea what this thing was. As for Krune, he was even more surprised since he couldn't understand why it appeared here out of all times.

After a few seconds, the barrier disappeared, and the Mark inside Krune's core returned back to normal. Lofa felt dejected, just how many years worth of resolve did she have to gather to try that. But in the end, she was stopped. At first, she thought that it was Krune who did that. Still, after looking at Krune's surprised face while looking at that Mark barrier, she understood that he also wasn't expecting that to happen.

"What is that thing?"

Krune didn't know why the Mark activated, but he knew that it was given to him by Feifei.

"This is a Mark that Feifei left behind back then when she saved me, but it had never activated before. I wonder what could have caused it to appear now."

Lofa had only to hear that to understand the meaning of it. She knew that Krune wouldn't lie about this issue since he still hasn't noticed her feelings, which means that that Mark was a kind of protection that Feifei left behind. It was her way of saying the Krune already had someone.

Lofa then sighed and left to think about another way. She could have just told that she loves him, but Lofa had already used all the resolution that she had a few seconds ago. Still, she won't give up that easy!

As for Krune, he was still thinking about why the Mark activated. It wasn't before 10 minutes later that Krune finally remembered that Lofa was still waiting for him to 'ask his master for a slot.' But when he looked around, he noticed that Lofa had already left.

"She probably got tired of waiting. Well, it doesn't matter, let me see with Master if he can add her in this program. Since I'm already at this, I might as well ask for a slot for Tasier too. Between those who have the real Spiritual Energy Meridians, the two of them are the ones who are lagging behind the most after all."

Of course, that is considering the ones who are part of the Divine Path Sect. Lakin, Ruik, Cassy, Dier, and the other couldn't take part in this without being real disciples.

Krune's communicator connected with his Master, and then he asked.

"Master, do you think it would be too hard to arrange two slots for Lofa and Tasier?"

Lucio's eyes narrowed.

"I told you before that intervening in their cultivation path might do more harm than good, didn't I?"

Krune nodded.

"I know, but I'm only asking for the slots. I have no intention of helping them unless extremely necessary during the time the program is going on. Once they get inside, they will still have to rely on themselves."

Lucio then rebuked.

"Those slots are very precious, and there is no lack of Core and Legacy Disciples fighting for them every year. Do you think it is right for me to bring them in when all the others fought for their right to enter?"

Krune dropped his head a little embarrassed. He had to admit that his Master had a point here. It is already going out of the protocols to let him enter, and that was only because his Master is also the Sect Master.

Lucio then noticed Krune's reaction and sighed.

"Alright, but it will only be this time that I'm doing such a thing."

Krune was taken aback.

"But won't the others complain?"

Lucio shook his head.

"Every time that the exchange program happens, we keep a few slots free just in case the other powers send more participants. So those slots would be without anyone to use anyway. In fact, you are also taking one of those slots now."

Krune's eyes lit up!

"Thank you, Master."

Lucio nodded and disconnected.

Just like that, Lofa and Tasier also got a slot to participate in the training program.