June 20th, 1803. At the Palazzo Reale di Milano Milan, Napoleon was having a conversation with the Vice President of the Republic of Italy, Francesco Melzi d'Eril.

"Your Excellency, the news about you becoming an Emperor of France is not new. It has been the talk in the Consulate of what would become of the Republic of Italy when you become Emperor of France. Would it stay as a republic or it become a kingdom?"

"The answer is obvious, Signor Melzi, The Republic of Italy will become the Kingdom of Italy," Napoleon announced.

"And who will become its King?" Melzi asked.

"Of course, it's going to be me," Napoleon declared. "The Italian people would accept that as they saw me as liberators. Not to mention the fact that I was of Italian descent."

"Your Excellency," Melzi began, "I have no doubt that the people of Italy hold you in high regard. Your Italian heritage and your role in liberating our land are well-known. But the people want assurances that you are going to rule them like how you rule France, not just a puppet state."


"Isn't that evident from the social, economic, and political reforms that I enacted? And the modernization programs that I initiated?" Napoleon replied, his tone confident. "I have no intention of treating Italy as a mere puppet state. My goal is to strengthen Italy, to modernize its institutions, and to ensure its prosperity. A united Italy under the Kingdom of Italy will be one of the formidable forces in Europe along with Spain and France, and I believe this is in the best interest of all Italians."

"Speaking of uniting Italy, do you perhaps mean uniting Italy as a whole? Including the South?"

Napoleon leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Melzi, recognizing the importance of the question.

"Indeed, Signor Melzi, when I speak of a united Italy, I envision the unification of all Italian territories, including the southern regions. My aim is to bring together the various states and principalities that make up the Italian peninsula into a single, cohesive nation under the Kingdom of Italy. This includes Papal States, Naples, Sicily, and any other Italian lands that may be under foreign rule or divided governance."

"But they are governed currently by the Bourbons," Melzi reminded. "I don't think the Bourbons are going to agree on such an idea of unification of Italy." "If he doesn't agree, we will simply kick them out. There was no reason for them to exist in the first place," Napoleon flippantly said. "Anyways, I forgot one important thing to tell you, Signor Melzi."

"What is it?" Melzi tilted his head to the side.


"When I said I will become the King of Italy, I didn't mean it in a way that I will rule Italy forever, I'm planning on appointing someone."

"And who might that be, Your Excellency?" Melzi asked curiously, though he already predicted it wouldn't be someone in Italy. He could tell because that is what he'd do if he was in Napoleon's position.

"My daughter, Aveline," Napoleon revealed. "Once I deem her worthy, I will abdicate the throne in her favor."

Melzi considered the revelation for a moment, before responding. "Your Excellency, I heard that your newborn son Tristan is the future King of Spain. If I may be candid, is this your way of solidifying your control in the territories you conquered?"

"If I said yes, would that change a thing?" Napoleon arched his brow.

Melzi leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. He chose his words carefully. "Your Excellency, the people of Italy, like all people, seek not only prosperity but also self-determination. The perception of foreign control, even if well-intentioned, can be met with resistance. If your goal is to create a lasting legacy of a united Italy, it is important to ensure that the Italian people feel a sense of ownership over their future."

"Oh, they will, just consider me ruling over the country like a father nurturing his children. Now, for an important question, Melzi, do you approve of my decision to become the King of Italy once the Empire of France is proclaimed?"

Melzi bowed his head slightly, acknowledging Napoleon's question with respect. "Your Excellency, your decision carries great weight, and it is not for me to approve or disapprove. My role is to offer counsel and support in the best interests of Italy and its people. I understand the reasons behind your choice, and I will do my utmost to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible and that Italy's interests are safeguarded."I think you should take a look at

"Let me repeat the question, do you support me or not?" Napoleon fixed his penetrating gaze on Melzi, awaiting a clear and unequivocal response. He was known for his decisive actions and sought the same decisiveness from those who served him.

Melzi, recognizing the importance of the moment, straightened in his chair. He met Napoleon's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Your Excellency, I support your vision for the Kingdom of Italy and your leadership in achieving this goal. I believe in the potential for a united Italy to thrive under your guidance. I pledge my loyalty to you and the future of Italy, for it is our shared destiny."

A subtle smile of approval played on Napoleon's lips. "That is the kind of dedication I value, Signor Melzi. Together, we shall shape the destiny of Italy and ensure its rightful place in the world, like it was once during the Roman times. But in our era, it is France that is the center of power."

As they were about to conclude their meeting, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Napoleon called out, and the door swung open to reveal Lucien Bonaparte, Napoleon's younger brother.

Lucien entered the room with an air of urgency, and his eyes darted between Napoleon and Melzi. "I apologize for the sudden visit, brother, am I interrupting something?"

Napoleon motioned for Lucien to enter fully. "No, Lucien, you're not interrupting. In fact, Signor Melzi and I were about to conclude our discussion. So, what's the matter?"

Lucien stepped forward and announced. "The Napoleonic code has been passed in the Senate, you have to sign this to ratify it."

Napoleon's attention shifted entirely to the document Lucien held in his hands. The Napoleonic Code, also known as the Civil Code of 1803, was a crucial legal reform that Napoleon had long envisioned and worked on.

He extended his hand to receive the document, his expression focused. "Hand it over, Lucien." He took the document and quickly scanned through it. "I have been waiting for this moment.

Napoleon grabbed his fountain pen and signed his name at the bottom of the document, affixing his seal as First Consul.

"Another thing, brother, I have something to show you," Lucien handed another document to Napoleon.

Napoleonic Code aside momentarily, his curiosity piqued by the additional document Lucien presented. He quickly glanced at it, recognizing it as an official report. His brow furrowed slightly as he read through the contents.

"What is this, Lucien?"

Lucien cleared his throat before responding. "In light of the diverse religious landscape within our colonies, it is imperative that we establish a framework for religious governance that ensures harmony and stability of the French Empire."

"It's thick, this must be so comprehensive," Napoleon nodded in acknowledgment of the report's significance. "This is indeed comprehensive proposal about religions. Though I already assured the people of a freedom of religion."

"But the leaders of those religious faiths shall be controlled and watched by us to ensure they won't act against our interest. This proposal would give us power on the appointment and oversight of religious leaders," Lucien explained.

"I see," Napoleon closed the file and set it down on his table. "We'll have a talk about this as I acknowledge its significance. Any other news?"

"Yes brother, the Pope has accepted your invitation to bless you as Emperor of France next year. He'll meet you next month."

A satisfied smile spread across Napoleon's face. "Good, let's prepare for a grand reception then."