"It's almost morning Lady Aella, I think I should head back to my room, if anyone come to look for you then you might end up in an awkward situation," Aira said as she was sleeping right next to Aella, both Aella and aira was naked as their beautiful bodies were drenching with sweat, Aella's thighs were between in aira's legs while aira's left thigh was resting on Aella's slim waist and their boobs are pressing to each other, both of them spended entire night In each other's arms feeling each other's body to every single extent.

Aella frowned hearing aira and she moved her lips closer to Aira's lips"no one is going to come inside this place and I already placed a barrier around this room,no one knows what we are doing here and either way no one is going to dare to take a peek inside this place knowing my background, why are you so worried about and moreover why do you want to leave when we are having fun with each other,"Aella muttered as she kissed on aira's lips and a moment later she moved her lips and nibbled aira's left ear, Aira chuckled as she moved her left palm over Aella's naked back.

"But still it's your sister's premises, what if she comes to know about this"Aira teased Aella.

"Who cares it's not like we are returning here once our business is done, even if anyone comes to know about this who is going to believe them, they are just insects outside this northern region," Aella exclaimed.

"Yeah you are right either way It's been a while since we got alone time to spend with each other's, who thought we would make love inside this place out of nowhere," Aira said caressing Aella's back and looking into her beautiful eyes, Aella took a deep breath and bittersweet smile appeared on her face. "You are already aware that we can't do this inside the Azazel clan, rumours spread quickly inside the eastern region and we have so many enemies over there, if anyone come to know about this it will become a piece of national news,and it will not take time when they are going to sack me and stripped me from all those rights that I have inside the eastern region, it's taboo to have this kind of relationship inside the clan"Aella responded as she took one of Aira's boobs,aira gasped and she looked Aella in a slightly different manner.

"I understand and that's the reason why I behave around you inside the eastern region, either way, there is something that I want to ask you, "Aira said as she looked at Aella, hearing her Aella nodded her head in response.

"Go ahead, why are you taking my permission,"she said while signalling to ask whatever she wants to ask her.


"My lady, I heard your father is looking for a partner for you, there are talks are going on in those prominent clans about this arrangement, what are you going to do if that happened?"Aira asked as she looked at Aella in a curious manner,Aella took a deep breath and a different smile appeared on her face and she gently touched Aira's cheek and looked into her eyes.

"Those are not rumours,that old man is indeed upto something, he just want to strengthen his position inside the Azazel clan so one day he can become the head of the Azazel clan using the support of one of those Big clans, and moreover he is not alone my others uncles are also doing the same thing,they are also forcing their children's too political marriage, its power struggle to lead the Azazel clan, I don't know the reason but something has changed in past few years and all of them are looking desperate to lead the clan, either way, I don't care, even if he hook me with someone my love for you is not going to disappear, I would love you no matter what, you are very precious to me and I am not going to push you away from me, "Aella said as she looked aira in a seductive manner, hearing those words from Aella's mouth Aira's face slightly turned red and a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"Do you want to do it one last time before we head to see Evelyn, I want to talk to her regarding the current situation" Aella said looking into Aira's eyes, hearing her a different smile appear on Aira's face.

"This time i am going to make the first move,"she said and with those words, she reached onto Aella's top looking into her eyes.

"I don't mind, go ahead and use your technique," Aella said as both of her hands reached to Aira's soft bouncy buttocks and she squeezed them.

"I am going to all out this time,"she said and with those words, she placed her lips on Aella's lips and started kissing her in a passionate manner and her bottom part started grinding against Aella's bottom part and soon the entire guest room started echoing with a mixed sound of moaning.





A different kind of feeling enveloped Yohan's body the moment he showed himself in front of the cave where he left that mysterious egg.

"Well there is no point in thinking and getting anxious, it's been already few months since I left that egg inside this place," Yohan muttered to himself and a moment later he made his way inside the cave to see the egg but after walking to the deeper part of the cave he noticed something unusual.

"Why am I feeling this cold after taking every single step in the direction of the inner part of the cave,it's unusual after all every single time previously I came here the place used to be warm and cozy and ideal to hatch the egg but this time..." Yohan pondered as he felt cold while moving into the deeper part of the cave, Yohan was heavenly soul realm cultivator and his body has gone through so many changed and it's very unusual for him to feel this cold, after walking few more moments the sight has changed completely, the inner part of the cave was fully covered with the layers of snow, Yohan was slightly taken aback by surprise seeing this sight.

"What is going on here, is this related to that egg" he muttered.