While Liam headed further into the forbidden territory, he took out the spatial rings and items he had gathered from the dead elves to take a look. Most of them were filled with decent quality materials but they were nothing mind-blowing.

There were some herbs, some pills, potions, equipment, weapons, the normal items any person would have on them when coming to a place like this. While the average quality of the items was quite impressive, they still would only serve as replacements for Liam.

But seeing a certain item, Liam suddenly stopped in his tracks.

[Lightning Scroll] - Summons a localized storm when the scroll is activated with mana, generating bolts of lightning in a designated area for a short period. Suitable for causing massive damage to enemies or environments. Difficult to control, a potential risk to the user.

Now this was a consumable that he could use at the moment. Liam quickly placed this scroll separately into a new pile.

He went through the rest of the loot and found twenty such scrolls, each for different types of attacks. The fairy had also given him some scrolls like this but one could have enough of such items.


Liam continued searching until he finally came to the spatial ring worn by the princess. From what he knew the royal family should be quite prolific so he did not have much hope of finding something precious inside.

However, when he opened the spatial ring, he was taken aback.

He found scrolls inside the spatial ring of the princess as well but these were by no means ordinary spell scrolls.

[Ice Cataclysm] - Unleashes a devastating blizzard over a wide area, freezing everything within its radius. Capable of halting entire armies and freezing fortified structures.It was a Rank S skill!

While the fairy had given him a few of the more common skill scrolls, he had not given him anything of this caliber. Not that Liam complained. The fairy had already helped him a lot. The rest would have to be his own effort.

Liam put the scroll aside carefully as he checked out the next one. Shockingly, this one was a Rank S skill too!


[Solar Nova] - Creates a small sun that emits intense heat and light over a specific area, incinerating everything in its vicinity.

[Void Tear] - Opens a temporary rift in the fabric of space, banishing anything caught within its pull into a pocket dimension. Usage can lead to the destabilization of local spatial energies.

One after another, he found three powerful skill scrolls.

Liam was awestruck. This was a goldmine. While these skill scrolls were not all-powerful and could be easily blocked or evaded, they were still extremely potent tools to have in his arsenal.

Each one could be a game-changer in the right circumstances, allowing him to turn a desperate situation into an advantage.

Even more so, these Rank S scrolls were undoubtedly worth a fortune, sought after by the most powerful figures in the magical world. He could later exchange them in a system shop or hand them over to his guild, adding a trump card to their firepower.lightsnovel

Liam placed all of the three scrolls onto a different pile. Looking at all the loot he had amassed in such a short period of time, he couldn't help but think of the obvious.

There could potentially be so many elves wandering about in this very same forest right now, all headed in the same direction he was.

Sure, some of the elves could be monsters whom he would not be able to stand against. But some would surely be weaker.

The elf had told him that the real powerhouses would only arrive later because of the restrictions placed on the forbidden territory and that too if they were permitted at all.

lightsnοvεl The elves currently inside were most probably small fries such as the two groups he had faced earlier. There was no reason why he should let this chance slip by.

He might or might not receive the guardian's blessing but he could surely loot all of the resources from these small elven squads and search for valuable items.

Naturally, he couldn't just waltz in and take whatever he pleased. He needed to be careful and prepare several contingencies.

Liam contemplated the issue for a few minutes before he summoned his soul minions and sent them out in different directions just like he had done with his undead minions.

This was going to be a bit taxing on his mind but it would be worth it.

Besides, if Liam had learned anything in the past few months it was that his mind was capable of withstanding pain he had never even dreamt of.

"This needs to be done," Liam muttered and closed his eyes. As he focused his mind, he began to link his consciousness with the soul minions he had just dispatched.

Unlike simple undead, his soul minions possessed a fragment of his own awareness, granting them the ability to make more complex decisions and relay more detailed information back to him.

By now his proficiency in handling these minions had increased to such an extent that each one acted like an extension of his own senses if he focused on them.

More importantly, he would be able to trade places with them if needed. This was the crucial part.

While he was also able to sense some things from the undead minions he raised as all of them also possessed a lick of soul. But that small amount was not enough for him to trade places with the minion.

Liam cracked his neck. As his minions ventured forth, he sat down in a concealed area. Then, with a deep breath, he focused his mind to perceive the world through his minions, sifting through them one after the other.

Instantly, a kaleidoscope of sensory information flooded his consciousness. It was overwhelming at first, but then he started to compartmentalize the information, parsing it in real time.

His experiment was successful because, within a couple of hours, one of his soul minions discovered another elven squad.