Chapter 1126 Let go of everything  

Liam let out a sigh, deciding to first take a breather, adjust his mind, and then think about the various things.

When he had first arrived on the planet, he had been extremely cautious and alert just in case he ended up teleporting right in the middle of an elven city but from the looks of it, he was in a remote place with no signs of elves or anything strong around him.

He found himself nestled within a secluded glade, the towering ancient trees creating a natural canopy that filtered the golden sunlight. The air was rich with the scent of damp earth, and the distant melody of a flowing stream reached his ears.

After everything that happened, his body craved for a few simple joys. He silently walked over to the stream, observing everything around him.

The stream was more like a gentle brook, its waters clear and sparkling, winding its way through the verdant landscape.

Mossy rocks lined its banks, and Liam could see the delicate dance of fish beneath the surface. He reached down, allowing the cool water to flow over his hands, a simple sensation that grounded him in this new world.


The sound of the water was soothing, a gentle music that resonated with his weary soul. Here, he felt a connection with nature that he hadn't experienced in a long time. The energy of the forest seemed to wrap around him, welcoming and nurturing.

Nearby, a small grove of vibrant flowers caught his eye, their petals glowing with a soft luminescence. A divine fragrance emanated out of them calming his heart and mind, helping him think more clearly.

Liam undid his robes and dipped his bare body in the cool waters, letting go of all the worries and the fatigue. The water caressed his skin, washing away not just the physical dirt but also the turmoil and tension that had been building up within him. The worries of the past and the uncertainty of the future seemed to dissolve, leaving him in a state of pure, tranquil existence.

He no longer cared about revenge or his past or anything else. A relationship was just a burden. Instead, he wanted to be alone and free, bereft of everything that held him back.

All that was him was now gone. The woman he loved, his sister, his friends, his comrades, the people who trusted him and were dependent on him, everyone was drifting away and he was fine with it.

Liam snapped and flashed his eyes open. His thoughts were not his! What was happening? action


Unexpectedly, the moment he opened his eyes, he came face to face with a pair of rather big oily yellow eyes that were staring at him right in his face.

No, it was not just one pair of eyes. There were several pairs of eyes, at least a hundred staring right at him and Liam could feel a weird aura seeping out of them.

"I need to move." His instincts kicked in, and he quickly stood up, backing away from the eyes, his mind working in overdrive as he assessed the situation.

He was finally able to see the true reality around him which was not that much different when compared to the illusion except for the dozens of creatures that had surrounded him.

The eyes belonged to creatures that looked like mini-sized frogs, each one almost the size of a lemon, with glistening, slimy skin and a mix of earthy colors.

Their mouths were agape, revealing rows of tiny, sharp teeth, and their long, webbed fingers twitched seeing that they had been found out.

However, their size was deceiving because Liam could feel the probing sensation of their gaze, like tendrils reaching into his mind, trying to wrap around his thoughts and control them.

Their psychic power was potent. If Liam had slipped up even a little, he might have been completely swayed by their influence. He did not waste any further time as he immediately unsheathed the black dragon sword. Arcane Frost Slash!

A wave of chilling frost emanated from the blade, forming an arcing slash that radiated outwards towards the creatures.

The attack that contained the weight of the dao behind it emanated cold energy that froze the very air, and the ground was covered in a layer of frost as the slash approached the tiny frogs.

The creatures reacted with surprising agility, leaping and scattering in all directions. However, they were not fast enough.

Liam's attack cut through the whole lot of them, freezing and shattering the small creatures with an overwhelming force. The glade finally fell silent, save for the gentle sound of the stream and the rustling of the leaves. The croaking sounds that echoed everywhere stopped.

Liam let out a breath, finally inspecting the enemy, and was A group of Level 40 beasts joined together and unleashed such a potent attack which almost made him stumble.

shocked to see that the frogs were only Level 40.

<Level 40, Murky Mindfrogs>

A group of Level 40 beasts joined together and unleashed such a potent attack which almost made him stumble.

Liam couldn't shake off the chilling feeling that these creatures had almost manipulated his mind, leading him into a false sense of security and complacency. The very thought made him shiver.

He realized now that he had let his guard down, lulled by the beauty and serenity of the forest. In this unknown land, he couldn't afford such mistakes. The world might seem enchanting and welcoming, but hidden dangers lurked in every corner.

This was definitely not Earth. This was a B-ranked world. Even the weakest creatures could be dangerous.

Liam swallowed and eyed his surroundings. He then commanded the remaining soul energy of the dozens of frogs and directed them to enter the white marble.

If the frogs could somehow retain their mental attack ability, then this set of minions had the potential to form a powerful unit of his soul army. Individually their attack might be weak but together it was strong.

Considering everything this was not a bad start. But he needed more.

And what he needed the most at the moment was a system shop. Does this place even have one? He needed more information about this world and about everything. And he needed it now.